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  • Of all the shit to charge Adams with, of course it's bribery by scary foreigners instead of any of the significantly worse shit he's done as mayor.

    • On one hand, true.

      On the other hand, getting Al Capone on tax fraud.

      • On the other hand, they don't see the rest of the shit he's done as bad.

        • Depends. The police state shit and attacking immigrants? No, they don’t have an issue with that.

          The nepotism/spoils stuff? That they probably don’t like, but for the most part can’t do anything about it.

    • The feds have an astronomical conviction rate, they only pursue charges if they're almost entirely certain they'll get a conviction.

      • Partially true, but they also use that astronomical conviction rate to take more pleas than normal. If you're going up against a 98 percent conviction rate, does it make sense (even if you're innocent) to take on that 2 percent chance? If you never make it to trial and just plea, you don't contribute to the conviction percentage. They use this to convince most people getting federal charges to take a plea deal.

        Not defending Adams, wanna make that clear. I just see people mention the 98 percent conviction rate when it isn't an accurate depiction of the situation. This is carefully picked information to make people feel okay forgoing a trial they have a right to