It's one last-minute international business class ticket, Michael. What could it cost, $50?
It's one last-minute international business class ticket, Michael. What could it cost, $50?
It's one last-minute international business class ticket, Michael. What could it cost, $50?
Of all the shit to charge Adams with, of course it's bribery by scary foreigners instead of any of the significantly worse shit he's done as mayor.
The feds have an astronomical conviction rate, they only pursue charges if they're almost entirely certain they'll get a conviction.
Partially true, but they also use that astronomical conviction rate to take more pleas than normal. If you're going up against a 98 percent conviction rate, does it make sense (even if you're innocent) to take on that 2 percent chance? If you never make it to trial and just plea, you don't contribute to the conviction percentage. They use this to convince most people getting federal charges to take a plea deal.
Not defending Adams, wanna make that clear. I just see people mention the 98 percent conviction rate when it isn't an accurate depiction of the situation. This is carefully picked information to make people feel okay forgoing a trial they have a right to
The NY Slimes is reporting that he took "over $100,000" in bribes and that seems SO incredibly cheap. You're the mayor of New York City and all you can manage is some free flights and hotels in Turkey? Come on, shake down some Wall Street perverts for seven figures at least
"he accepted over $200,000 in bribes when the local college gave him an honorary degree in law"
"he proceeded to accept another 6 figure bribe after a bout of food poisoning brought him to a hospital where he stayed overnight free of charge"
I don't know my point but I'm smiling at the idea that the mayor is a cheap date.
The dumbass who suggested $50 is probablly making upwards of 6 figures and has government insurance and retirement.
Airline managers make 6 figures?
Airline manager
If you mean upper management for an international airline, like a C suite suit at American Airlines, maybe.
Most shift managers at regional airports make like $22-$25/hr though
Is it about this guy?
How much should I charge? :)
This is so fucking funny to me I love it
A succulent Turkish meal?
When you get caught bribing the waiter at the table of success smdh