First people push for mass abortions of disabled people (see Iceland), next they try to make living disabled people's lives horrible. Eugenics is making a comeback and nobody cares.
I brought this up on your instance and the mod deleted it and called me a slur
I'd say by the amount of comments on here that no one actually cares in Europe about the rise of Fascism, as whenever it gets brought up, people just deflect. Reddit was notorious for this
we really need to find a way to blunt the outside influence on our societies in Europe, a lot of the conservative-fascist push is coming from propaganda media of both the Russian state and rich conservatives like Murdoch (who, btw, is walking a fine line of not quite open neo-nazi at this point)
I'm more sympathetic to letting people choose to abort fetuses with clear genetic or physical problems.The world isn't made a better place by more people with down syndrome. Very early genetic testing is helpful here.
However, not letting these people who do exist, and to some extent will probably always exist, live full enriched lives to the extent that they are able is rather horrible.
A lot of younger people don't know who Hitler was or just assume he's a funny meme these days. It's not their fault, this stuff is simply not taught in schools and I fear we're destined to make the same mistakes all over again.