I just returned from the Berlin Wall memorial and the GDR museum and all I can say to that is 'fuck that noise'. Communism always led to an authoritarian murderous regime with no regard for the needs of their people. Yes capitalism fucking sucks but living under communism sucks even harder.
At least 140 people where shot at the berlin wall by GDR troops for the crime of trying to flee the country.
The GDR was executing prisoners by guillotine and firing squad, at least 52 where killed for political reasons.
When people protested against the SED in June 1953 the protest was brutally beaten down using soviet tanks. At least 50 people lost their lifes and over 1500 people received long prison sentences. The whole protest was later declared to be an attempted 'fascist coup'.
You wanna start counting bodies? That doesn't end well for the economic system that birthed the trans Atlantic slave trade, and currently provides the economic incentives for slavery systems to continue in 3rd world countries. But go off about 1500 prison sentences. Meanwhile I'll Google the current American prison population, all of which are subject to slavery.