Huge pay raises usually make me think about how much they must have been underpaying them before it. It's like 50% off coupons. If you can sell something at 50% off and still feel like you're going to make money overall (either directly or as a loss-leader), we know your regular prices are inflated enough to just give up half sometimes.
If the company can give a 31% pay increase (granted, over 3 years), they were definitely underpaying them before and the strike threat was well-warranted.
“The “biggest wage increases ever” for Disneyland resort employees will raise hourly pay more than $6 over three years from the current $19.90 to $24 in 2024 and $26 in 2026, according to the unions.”
Have to assume that educational bullshit name and medical bullshit name are in there twice to hide how bad it is, and that "other" hides more of both of those.