- Typing lists and tuples in Elixirelixir-lang.org Typing lists and tuples in Elixir
This article explores the design decisions of typing lists and tuples in Elixir within a sound gradual type system
- Announcing the official Elixir Language Server teamelixir-lang.org Announcing the official Elixir Language Server team
Announcing the official Elixir Language Server team to work on the code intelligence infrastructure to be used across tools and editors
Announcing the official Elixir Language Server team to work on the code intelligence infrastructure to be used across tools and editors
- Why Elixir is one of the hottest programming languages to learnleaddev.com Why Elixir is one of the hottest programming languages to learn
The 2024 Stack Overflow survey highlighted little-known Elixir as the second-most desired programming language to learn – but why?
- Elixir v1.17 released: set-theoretic types in patterns, calendar durations, and Erlang/OTP 27 supportelixir-lang.org Elixir v1.17 released: set-theoretic types in patterns, calendar durations, and Erlang/OTP 27 support
Elixir v1.17 released: set-theoretic types in patterns, calendar durations, and Erlang/OTP 27 support
- Bonfire, the modular Fediverse platform, is looking for five Elixir developers to act as test subjects to improve the developer onboarding experience. Participants can receive a €50 stipend for theirbonfirenetworks.org Bonfire Expeditions - Collaborating to Release Version 1.0
Releasing the stable 1.0 version of the Bonfire federated social network requires collaboration with the communities, hackers, tinkerers, and sysadmins who plan to use it.
> > > Bonfire Expeditions - Collaborating to Release Version 1.0 > >
> > > Releasing the stable 1.0 version of the Bonfire federated social network requires collaboration with the communities, hackers, tinkerers, and sysadmins who plan to use it. > >
- Phoenix LiveView 1.0-rc is here! - Phoenix Blogphoenixframework.org Phoenix LiveView 1.0-rc is here! - Phoenix Blog
The first released candidate of LiveView 1.0 is out!
The first released candidate of LiveView 1.0 is out!
- 📘📘📘 New post: 10 gotchas!
📘📘📘 New post: 10 @elixir gotchas!
It's a great language, but some behavior can be unintuitive, confusing and in the worst case lead to bugs. In this post I wanna help clear some of them up!
- You can read his book, but you can also join his talks and trainings!
You can read his book, but you can also join his talks and trainings! Saša Jurić is our speaker and trainer at Code BEAM America in San Francisco in March and at ElixirConf EU in Lisbon in April.
See you there! Tickets: 🔥 codebeamamerica.com 🔥 elixirconf.eu
\#myelixirstatus #elixirinaction #elixirlang #codebeam #elixirconf #elixirconfeu #codebeamamerica @ManningPublications @elixir @sasajuric
RE: https://hachyderm.io/users/sasajuric/statuses/111896306303158921
- Elixir v1.16 releasedelixir-lang.org Elixir v1.16 released
Elixir v1.16 released with compiler diagnostics and extensive documentation
- The Design Principles of the Elixir Type Systemprogramming-journal.org The Design Principles of the Elixir Type System
Elixir is a dynamically-typed functional language running on the Erlang Virtual Machine, designed for building scalable and maintainable ...
Elixir is a dynamically-typed functional language running on the Erlang Virtual Machine, designed for building scalable and maintainable ...
- Published: Tail-Recursive & Body-Recursive Function Performance Across Elixir & BEAM versions – what’s the impact of the JIT?
Published: Tail-Recursive & Body-Recursive Function Performance Across Elixir & BEAM versions – what’s the impact of the JIT?
Watch me go through @elixir and erlang versions from 1.6 @ OTP 21 up to 1.16 @ OTP 26 and marvel at our performance gains.
- 40% off all Pragmatic Studio courses!pragmaticstudio.com The Pragmatic Studio
Premium video courses for software developers. Real apps. Real code. Really good stuff!
This only comes around once a year and is a great time to pick up some of their great courses using promo code 2023THANKS.
- Elixir & OTP
$149down to $89 - Phoenix LiveView
$129down to $77 - Full-Stack GraphQL with Phoenix
$99down to $59
- Elixir & OTP
- Single module User for both Ecto and Open API Specs?
at https://hexdocs.pm/open_api_spex/3.2.0/readme.html there's a definition of a module User
defmodule MyApp.Schemas do alias OpenApiSpex.Schema
defmodule User do @behaviour OpenApiSpex.Schema @derive [Jason.Encoder] @schema %Schema{ title: "User", description: "A user of the app", type: :object, properties: %{ id: %Schema{type: :integer, description: "User ID"}, name: %Schema{type: :string, description: "User name"}, email: %Schema{type: :string, description: "Email address", format: :email}, inserted_at: %Schema{type: :string, description: "Creation timestamp", format: :datetime}, updated_at: %Schema{type: :string, description: "Update timestamp", format: :datetime} }, required: [:name, :email], example: %{ "id" => 123, "name" => "Joe", "email" => "joe@gmail.com" } "x-struct": MODULE } def schema, do: @schema defstruct Map.keys(@schema.properties) end
In order to avoid re-describing it like that for Open API Specs whilst having already done so for Ecto, is it possible to combine the two definitions in a single module somehow? That is, my Ecto schema User would serve its purpose for Open API Specs too. With some required tweaks.
And if I do combine them, won't this mess up with the methods of the 2 modules and other things?
- I made a Djot (markdown alternative) parser for Elixirgithub.com GitHub - paradox460/djot: A fast Djot parser for Elixir
A fast Djot parser for Elixir. Contribute to paradox460/djot development by creating an account on GitHub.
Djot is a markdown alternative, created by John MacFarlane, creator of Pandoc and spec author of CommonMark. It aims to fix many of the little issues Markdown has, and does a pretty good job of it, imo.
- Default argument which is the 1st one and not the only one. How?
In a third-party project, in the models, I've encountered functions like this:
``` def changeset(model \\ %MODULE{}, params) do model |> cast(params, @required_fields ++ @optional_fields) |> validate_required(@required_fields) end
How can a function have a default argument which is both a) first and b) followed by a mandatory one?
What's interesting, they work properly.
- [@axelson](https://fosstodon.org/@axelson) demoing a 7-color e-ink display powered by [@elixir](https://programming.dev/c/elixir) and [@NervesProject](https://fosstodon.org/@NervesProject). Super cool
@axelson demoing a 7-color e-ink display powered by @elixir and @NervesProject. Super cool!
- Why the dot when calling anonymous functions?dashbit.co Why the dot (when calling anonymous functions)? - Dashbit Blog
A detailed explanation of why Elixir uses a dot when invoking anonymous functions
- BDD/TDD projects
I was wondering if there were any BDD/TDD projects or tutorials that anyone could recommend?
I'm currently learning elixir and when I was learning rust, I really enjoyed a tutorial called pngme. It has test cases and a specification but left you to implement everything else. Link to pngme: https://picklenerd.github.io/pngme\_book/introduction.html
Does anyone know of any similar projects but for elixir?
Thanks in advance
- Building a BitTorrent client in Elixirkochika.me Building a BitTorrent client in Elixir
In this post, we delve headfirst into the BitTorrent protocol, understanding the process of downloading a torrent by building a minimal torrent client from scratch.
- Making live GIFs with Elixirkochika.me Streaming GIFs with Elixir
The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) was initially developed in 1987 as a solution for efficiently compressing and transmitting images over slow internet connections, which were prevalent during that era. Over time, the GIF89a specification has become an established standard within the World Wide W...
- A Breakdown of HTTP Clients in Elixirandrealeopardi.com A Breakdown of HTTP Clients in Elixir
This is an overview of the HTTP clients we have available in Elixir, as well as when to use each one.
- Introducing EXGBoost: Gradient Boosting in Elixirdockyard.com Introducing EXGBoost: Gradient Boosting in Elixir
The latest machine learning addition to the Elixir ecosystem gives you the ability to use gradient boosting without leaving the Elixir ecosystem.
- Against the Grain: tricky situations and how to get ourselves out of them by making some atypical choices: learn from
Against the Grain: tricky situations and how to get ourselves out of them by making some atypical choices: learn from @sasajuric at #CodeBEAMEurope 2023 🙌https://codebeameurope.com
\#codebeam #myelixirstatus #elixirinaction #elixirlang @elixir
- What's new in Livebook 0.10 - Introducing Multi-Session Livebook Apps - Livebook.dev The Livebook Blognews.livebook.dev What's new in Livebook 0.10 - Introducing Multi-Session Livebook Apps - Livebook.dev The Livebook Blog
This major update brings many exciting features, with the spotlight being the introduction of multi-session Livebook apps. We’ve also added a presenta
- Boruta: Lightweight Identity and Access Management servergithub.com GitHub - malach-it/boruta-server: Lightweight Identity and Access Management server
Lightweight Identity and Access Management server. Contribute to malach-it/boruta-server development by creating an account on GitHub.
- What are your current Elixir Projects?
I'm currently working on a Dashboard for all my self-hosted web applications. What are you guys up to?
- Elixir for Fediverse applications?
Does anyone else think that Elixir could be really well-suited to writing fediverse applications? I'm really tempted to try my hand at writing an alternative Lemmy backend. If anyone is feeling the same way, I'd be more than happy to host a project on my GitHub and give y'all access and we can see what we can do.
- The many states of Elixir
A post on mutability and state in Elixir. Functional yes. Immutable? Eeh..
- Adding Dialyzer without the Painfly.io Adding Dialyzer without the Pain
This post is about how to add Dialyzer to an existing Elixir project to get the benefits today without being overwhelmed fixing all the legacy problems.
We couldn't get Dialyzer to work well until I found this, hope it's helpful for others!