So.....What's up?
Finally, I measured my heart palpitations!
I just woke up from a silly dream and feel the need to share
Sutliff "Dark Decadence"
an argument about when you should handle problems and in what batch size seems really relevant to my own brain problems
Watch this if you feel useless
I think this blog post might have been written with machine learning and I'm fascinated
Timeout - Let’s become the best in constructive dialogue!
Who wants to play tic-tac-toe?
anyone tried using photo upscaling APIs on their old pictures?
I miss the r/birding and r/whatsthisbug.
suggestion: nice medical supplies as stock photo article headers are too calming, so all COVID articles should start with this
Anybody used Nanoloop to make anything?
jellyfin has syncplay now!
Looking for the name of a founder of a company who suffered from a degenerative neurological disease
How has your country/state handled COVID19 so far?
Does your workplace have a union?
What do you miss most about the before times?
Does anybody know of bluetooth headphones which don't make that annoying low battery noise?
What are your favorite books? What book are you currently reading?