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Wanting to move out of the US?
  • Immigration-specific groups. Not in a major way like completely shutting down immigration or install a per-country cap or something. Since Australia does skill-based immigration, my understanding is that they are limiting the types of ppl they allow in. I'd love to be proven wrong though, if I'm not right plz correct me

  • Wanting to move out of the US?
  • Maybe try looking up info from governmental websites first? A lot of countries (not US, cough cough) seem to have fairly straightforward immigration guidelines, so they'd probably write up what types of person they are looking for & the standard procedures

    Old Reddit posts could be second

    And... depending on the country, for some places it may be better to just DIY, some places having a lawyer might be extra helpful

  • Wanting to move out of the US?
  • I'm sorry OP I couldn't answer your questions directly since I am in a same boat, so I can only share my experience trying to get there... Maybe some of this would be useful

    Where did you decide to move to, and what were the things you looked at when deciding to move there?

    So the only immigration-friendly countries I can find are Canada, Australia, and Germany. Not a big list to begin with, but for US citizens there might be more options with other EU countries. Canada has... issues, someone else in the thread mentioned about their experiences. Australia apparently is closing its doors. Sweden used to be fine but I heard things went really South for them a few months ago.

    And if you're a lurker on Reddit you probably know r/IWantOut? Country-specific wise I know r/Germany has a phenomenal wiki for their stuff, and Canada has r/immigrationcanada. Unfortunately a lot of good information is still on Reddit so yeah

    Other countries... I don't think Asian countries do much immigration at all, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Maybe some EU countries are fine depending on heritage and/or where you are from. I have no idea what's going on in Africa, if anyone knows something plz let me know.

    Where can I start? How can I realistically make it happen?

    For your privacy plz don't answer in this thread, but 1) how old are you, 2) what type of education do you have, and 3) what type of work do you do? Having a college education and an in-demand career goes a long way, although this is also country-dependent. And yeah under many circumstances your employer could help you with the process. Certain parts of Canada and Germany obviously have language requirements, but a lot of other countries accept English. I heard some places allow investment-based immigration, but 1) it's expensive AF and 2) not sure if countries that allow this plan are remotely desirable for US citizens...

    Also side note: please DO NOT give up US citizenship unless you have a really good reason to / already have something in your bag. I'm not a citizen here, and most US citizens have no idea how excruciating it is to immigrate to this country

  • Is America Really That Bad?
  • Interesting question...

    As an overall answer: humans are incredibly adaptable, so as a person living in the US, it almost never subjectively feels bad. For goodness' sake, I knew people who lived in Chicago's Hyde Park (one of the most dangerous neighborhoods) and happily biked to work. I personally lived in what people would describe as a "hood" and a "third-world country" for a good year and a half, and honestly felt really safe over there. Because of this, I honestly don't think anyone can give an objective answer solely from their living experiences.

    Objectively, the US is a developed country and is not terrible, but regarding your specific points:

    1. Yes, the government passed shitty laws, and chose to not pass a lot of not-shitty laws.
    2. Yes, there are more mass shootings than the country should have. I'm not going to say why.
    3. Insured healthcare isn't expensive (correction: some stuff are still too expensive even after insurance). However, uninsured healthcare is incredibly expensive, and unfortunately people without employment/self-employed have to purchase their own insurance... which is also stupidly expensive. Also, a lot of things that should be insured aren't.
    4. The different states are certainly different. US politics is very polarized, so heavy-blue and heavy-red states are quite different in their approaches to... many things in life. Whether they are good or bad is up to you.

    I mean, people living in Switzerland complain about their countries all the time, even though almost everyone else in the world envy the way they live... so it is possible that some might be a bit overblown.

  • China developer's (Soho China) profit falls 93% in fresh blow to property market
  • ELI5 about the Chinese real estate market in general? This is how they got to where they are today:

    • Investing in China sucks. The stock market is extremely volatile and there seem to be a lot of shady activities, banks get bank runs so you couldn't even put too much money in banks, etc
    • In contrast, real estate is heavily subsidized by China's state capitalistic approach, so it became a really "stable" investment... because government subsidized it
    • Because of this, everyone buys or want to buy real estate in China. In fact, people are willing to buy places that would almost never be lived in, because of possibility of appreciation... so we're approaching NFT-level bullshit here
    • Additional point: because of the above point, Chinese investors would buy real estate even when abroad & the RE market is not nearly as favorable. Obviously this causes some frictions... like a good chunk of Canadian citizen blaming Chinese ppl on raising home prices
    • Chinese economy is now facing hardship, so the real estate bubble is finally showing signs of leakage in the past few years

    I am not an economist and cannot offer insight as to whether this would turn into an 2008 moment... Nevertheless, I am aware that Soho is an extremely well-known developer, and that the Chinese economy is to a large extent built on top of real estate. And despite how much I dislike China, it is one of the world's largest economies, and large economies don't just go belly-up without inflicting heavy damage on the whole world... So this is not good news by any means.

  • Would it make sense for a person in a "privileged class" to move from a red state?
  • Hey OP, I am similar to you in most aspects but I'm a lot younger, so please take it with a grain of salt...

    I also live in Texas, and honestly I thought a lot of less privileged folks or ppl with family ties would love to be in your situation and just leave? It's not just about politics. Even if tomorrow Texas becomes a liberal stronghold, it will still take possibly at least a decade to fix ERCOT, the climate issue, and flooding issues (if you live in Houston)... This clusterfrick alone was enough to prompt me to never live in Texas again once I'm done with grad school

    Besides, my understanding is that there are a few left-leaning metro areas which have suburbs (or live in the city!) that don't cost that much more to live in compared to mid-/upper-mid-class TX suburbs, so there's probably no financial disincentive to move either

  • For all that is holy, DO NOT use TurboTax!!
  • Second this. Also link to relevant Cory Doctorow article for those interested:

    Personally, last year my taxes were somewhat complex, but I filed my taxes using the fillable electronic forms alone anyways; IRS actually nicely corrected mistakes I made on the tax form and sent me back a check... For most ppl you can probably just go to a random free provider as suggested by the IRS.

    No need to use TurboTax for anything unless tax situation is super complex & you can't/don't want to read the IRS instructions

  • Removed
    “Fountain of Youth” pill may reverse aging
  • Oh boy it's my time to shine!

    I'm working in aging right now. Heard of Dr. David Sinclair since he was the corresponding author on a paper I was curious about... So this is what his lab is doing.

    Two important disclaimers:

    • Success in cellular research rarely translates to something viable in the clinic. A lot of chemicals don't behave the same way in cells as in actual animals or humans. Heck, a good number of phase 2 drugs even fail, and these haven't even made it into phase 1... so I wouldn't be too optimistic about them.
    • The journal Aging is not the most prestigious journal especially for someone working at Harvard Medical School (HMS) to be honest. I'd be more excited if this was published in Nature Aging or Nature Communications or something. If this ever gets published in New England Journal of Medicine (a very prestigious journal only for clinical studies) then we have some news.

    The link between cell senescence and aging is something actively being studied tho.

    And, if anyone is curious about this topic: I'm also very actively following Dr. Vadim Gladyshev who is also from HMS and is working in aging, I believe he is doing some wet lab-biology on a similar area as well. Feels like his research is sometimes a bit ahead of his time but I think his work has great potential.

  • False Claims that Heatwave is Bogus Spread Online
  • For god's sake temperatures above 40 Celsius are dangerous and claims like this will literally kill some people... But again, after everything happening in the last 3-4 years it's hard to imagine conservatives putting other folks' health and safety as a priority

  • Does anyone actually make money from stuff like this?
  • I wouldn't be surprised if someone does. I mean banks also just shuffle money around and guess who has a bunch of cash lying on hand so... Goes back to the gold rush era, but there are folks who mine the gold and folks who mine the miners

    Also some tech companies can be at a loss for years but run on VC money

    So... I don't know, but again I wouldn't be surprised if they are making something to keep this nonsense going

  • Does anyone actually make money from stuff like this?
  • Ah... so you're specifically mentioning about the news article in question?

    If you repay the loan, [your NFT token] comes back home. If not, [the token] gets a new owner. Simple as that!

    I guess this explains everything... Probably just ppl hustling each other lol. And I assume given what types of shady characters are into NFTs, there are probably a lot of them who want to hustle another person out of some cash

  • google maps alt?
  • I daily-drive Organic Maps, works very well, uses pre-downloaded maps, & allows OSM contribution. Ofc it's reliant on OSM so may not work perfectly depending on the location

  • Why is youtube suggesting aggressive actions against protestors?
  • Tried it myself with hardened Firefox, can confirm that's the case. It's even worse, my first search is "getting run over"...

    Probably says more about the type of ppl frequenting YouTube than YT doing some shady stuff. Which honestly sounds more dystopian to me

    P.S. Just realized blocks Tor Browser, not cool Ytb.

  • Looking for a email-provider where i can host my own domain
  • and skiff are „too expensive“ with 3€/month.

    Ah... I do use and I've self-hosted with docker-mailserver before.

    I agree, selfhosting mail is a really big pain, and at least where I live most ISPs don't open the ports necessary for mailservers, so I had to spin up my own server & it was more expensive than just using a mail provider. Could potentially be the cheapest option if I could host it from home & just use a RasPi or something

    I'm happy with; the Standard Tier price is 2.50 Euro/mo if paid in full if that helps. Probably not the cheapest option especially since it's not unlimited, but they do allow domain matches at Standard tier or above, and there are other goodies like calendar/video conferencing/cloud storage & stuff.

  • Plant based rice
  • Ohhh so that's why... So the rice actually does do something? But I think the marketer who designed this needs to be sent back to high school to retake biology or sth

  • Vegan diet massively cuts environmental damage, study shows
  • Thanks! Wowzers I've never heard of Nature Food, didn't realize this journal had such a high impact factor. A few things of interest to me from the article...

    • Vegans are one standard deviation younger than heavy-meat-eaters and eat fewer calories... although they should have adjusted for the difference
    • This didn't show on the fancy Monte Carlo simulation they did, but vegans emit much, MUCH less methane than any other group
    • Literally any group is significantly better than heavy meat-eaters, especially low meat-eaters or below

    The questionnaire they used to determine categories:

    • Do you eat any meat (including bacon, ham, poultry, game, meat pies, sausages)? (Vegans, vegetarians and fish-eaters respond ‘No’.)
    • Do you eat any fish? (Vegans and vegetarians respond ‘No’.)
    • Do you eat any eggs (including eggs in cakes or other baked goods)? (Vegans respond ‘No’.)
    • Do you eat any dairy products (including milk, cheese, butter, yoghurt)? (Vegans respond ‘No’.)
      And meat-eaters are divided by grams of meat eaten per day: <50 g/d, 50-100 g/d, >100 g/d. Apparently one patty from McDonald's (Big Mac has two) is like 45 grams of beef so...

    I mean the conclusions aren't anything surprising, cows are literally one of the major sources of environmental damage... But it does provide some way moving forward I suppose. I suspect banning steakhouses would have a much better impact than forcing everyone to be vegan lol

  • [The Conversation] - Blame capitalism? Why hundreds of decades-old yet vital drugs are nearly impossible to find
  • Great article... Pharmaceuticals is interesting since the needs of corporations functioning under capitalism and their customers disconnect a lot

    • Making effective drugs is mad expensive (billions of USD), so companies are strongly incentivized to squeeze as much profit as possible everywhere on top of the already bad enough corporate greed levels
    • Thanks to patents, new drugs are almost always monopolies, so the pharma who makes the drug can charge (almost) as much as they want and make a lot
    • Whereas making drugs without patents is not profitable as the article suggested... so these are done mostly by factories based in India and other not fully developed countries
    • Funnily enough most ppl need cheaper generic drugs, not the ones most pharma companies are innovating and will make mad profits from
    • And for the people mentioned above, pharmaceuticals are basically a need not a luxury, but somehow it's dependent on the ebbs and flows of free market capitalism

    My unhinged opinion is... Most of the pharmaceuticals research are done by (mostly) publicly-funded research labs anyways... so might as well just let the government do something about this? I wouldn't be surprised if some folks in academia wouldn't mind moonlighting as CEO at a nonprofit drug manufacturer or sth

  • Calckey rebranded as Firefish, versions 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 released
  • I don't know all the differences since I didn't write code for the project so... here are the contributors' own words:

  • Calckey rebranded as Firefish, versions 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 released
  • Calckey is a Misskey ( fork, hence the name. Misskey is an extremely popular fediverse microblogging service from Japan with a lot of functionalities that Mastodon doesn't have (quote toot, emoji react, ...), in fact if you follow any Japanese accounts on Mastodon there is a good chance they are using Misskey instead

    Basically Calckey diverged enough from Misskey (and I suspect Kainoa didn't like the name) that they agreed to rebrand. Kind of a big deal tbh

  • Calckey rebranded as Firefish, versions 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 released
  • I hope so too! I'm self-hosting Calckey via docker right now, and having one ready-to-go docker was something I found quite nice with Calckey. I hope this continues to be the case with Firefish

  • Calckey rebranded as Firefish, versions 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 released

    Calckey has been one of the more popular Fediverse apps for a while now, and just of today they did a major rebranding.

    Firefish's official account is now live at @firefish. Official announcement post from 4 hours ago.

    Currently has fully migrated over to Firebird 1.0.0; is still in the process of migrating.

    As of this thread, the most up-to-date version is hosted on the Codeberg repository. A new docker will be supported at once Kainoa finishes sorting out everything (hopefully).

    Twitter threatens to sue Meta over Threads Twitter threatens Threads lawsuit against Meta

    Twitter has threatened to sue Meta Platforms over its new Threads platform in a letter sent to the Facebook parent's CEO Mark Zuckerberg by Twitter's lawyer Alex Spiro.

    Twitter threatens Threads lawsuit against Meta

    Twitter has threatened to sue Meta Platforms over its new Threads platform, Semafor reported on Thursday, citing a letter sent to the Facebook parent's CEO Mark Zuckerberg by Twitter's lawyer Alex Spiro.

    Anti-ageing protein injection boosts monkeys’ memories (news article & attached research article) Anti-ageing protein injection boosts monkeys’ memories

    First primate studies to show cognitive benefits of the protein klotho could be a step towards clinical applications.

    Anti-ageing protein injection boosts monkeys’ memories

    TL;DR UCSF researchers injected monkeys with a protein named "klotho" that has links to aging but its function is unknown. The group already did this in mice, this time they did it in monkeys; low-dose injection caused monkeys to do better on cognitive tasks.

    I don't know what klotho is or why only low-dose injection worked but... I have never seen a study like this that actually worked before, so this is new and interesting to me. Interestingly this article has like one experiment but went into Nature Aging which is... quite surprising to me.

    Research article (open access):

    YSK: a few ways to watch YouTube videos without using
    • Invidious: an alternative front-end that is open-source and privacy-respecting. Here are a list of open instances. If you are reasonably familiar with docker/self-hosting you can also host it yourself, but be aware it's somewhat resource- and maintenance-heavy.

    • yt-dlp: this is a nice command-line program that allows you to download YouTube videos by link; also works with Peertube links. For Windows/Mac users apparently the program is available as well, but please follow their instructions. If you also have mpv installed, you can call mpv <> to directly stream a video.

    • NewPipe: this app on allows you to watch YouTube videos (and Soundcloud/Bandcamp but somewhat glitchy) with an experience very much akin to the YouTube app itself.

    • (edit) As suggested, things that I missed: Piped, LibreTube (Android)

    Please feel free to share other alternatives.

    zlatiah zlatiah

    Honestly I don't know who I am either. I'm also on Firefish: @zlatiah

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