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Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • If it was set in Western Germany in land taken from Nazis it would have been fine.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • I guess theoretically in the days of very very early Zionism before they decided on a location it could at least be argued for, since I believe some of them did want to pick locations in Europe or the USSR

  • China installed four times as much green energy as the entire G7 combined, in 2023.
  • they also have extremely high energy demands due to all the manufacturing that occurs in China, which then gets exported as goods to the West

    Tons of the pollution and energy consumption in China is actually the West's consumption, just offset geographically

  • China installed four times as much green energy as the entire G7 combined, in 2023.
  • Remember Warren not only refused to drop out, but made up some lie about Bernie being sexist to her. Such a fucking warren-snake-green, I can't believe I know "progressives" who still like her

  • China installed four times as much green energy as the entire G7 combined, in 2023.
  • it's the only thing keeping me going at this point, that there still exists places in the world where good things are possible

  • And in the I-Have-No-Mouth-And-I-Must-Scream Dept. | Scientists Connect 16 Mini Brains Made of Human Tissue to Create a "Living Computer"
  • Every computer on earth isn’t made out of human brain cells. We don’t know that computers can be sentient, we know for a fact that human brains are

  • "Meat spill" forces 4-hour closure of I-880 northbound lanes in Oakland
  • 12 million chickens just burned alive in a fire at a “free range” factory farm

  • Brain worms have spread through the entire anglosphere
  • it's truly remarkable how stupid everything has become

  • Nice to see us all agreeing for once - Lemmy.World
  • 'i'm as left as it gets but we need to nuke the houthis and show them why we don't have free healthcare!'

  • Nice to see us all agreeing for once - Lemmy.World
  • center left turbolibs had to be crushed, and we will do it again

  • Nice to see us all agreeing for once - Lemmy.World
  • it's legitimately hilarious how clueless and naive these people are, and how smart they think they are.

    They are a walking stereotype of Liberals. We know exactly how they think and the exact narratives they parrot.

    They don't know anything about us, saying we are 'zionists' when we are practically the Hamas fan club over here. They don't understand jack shit about anything.

  • A Proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month, 2024 | The White House
  • The one “good” founding father, Paine, was an idealist who’s words were co-opted to further their bourgeois revolt. He died penniless and reviled because he actually believed the equality shit

  • A Proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month, 2024 | The White House
  • These fake Christian’s need to reread Jesus’s commands. Remove the beam from thine own eye before attempting to help anyone else. The US cannot spread social progress abroad while regressing at home.

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • Reliance on Russian energy would have been fine if the west didn’t start a war with Russia. It was a smart move for Germany to cozy up with Russia and increase trade. Their economy is collapsing because they cucked themselves, declared war on Russia and became US vassals

  • The World Bank updated GDP PPP data for the world's economies on Thursday. Russia is now fourth largest (ahead of Japan and Germany), while China is first.
  • Overall size of the economy is relevant. More people means a bigger economy, why would you discount that?

  • The greatest food item to ever exist.
  • Bourbon goes with basically anything

  • The Wiki for Forward Observation Group (FOG) has been edited to make them appear as a clothing brand instead of a mercenary company

    I've rarely seen Wikipedia lie as overtly as this, usually it's more subtle and done by omission. They are straight up erasing history and making shit up. I remember for a fact these mercenary group was present in Syria and they were getting killed by Russian mercenaries, I saw a video of one getting sledgehammered in the knee. Now they are just pretending it's a radical clothing brand that travels to Syria and Ukraine.

    >Forward Observations Group, (nicknamed FOG), is a military lifestyle brand[1][2] founded by former U.S. Army infantryman Derrick Bales, that sells tactical gear and branded accessories and operates "popular military lifestyle social media channels" on Instagram[3] and YouTube.[4] The group has traveled to Ukraine, Iraq, and Syria to make connections with local fighters there and to shoot photo and video from the Russian invasion and Syrian civil war.

    Military lifestyle "brand"? It's a mercenary company that you pay to do violence. It's thugs for hire. They go to warzones to "make connections with local fighters" like Azov and ISIS huh?

    Literally nothing about Syria or Iraq, that section is completely omitted.

    They mention in Ukraine sometimes they were seen with guns in backs of cars going to conflict areas in the Donbas. Weird huh, that a "lifestyle brand" would do that?

    Then they say the Wagner sledgehammering FOG patch comes from an unrelated case of a treasonous Russian prisoner Yevgeny Nuzhin. They fail to mention what it actually is a reference to, Russians in Syria sledgehammering these FOG fucks to death because they fight alongside ISIS. I witnessed one such video, which I won't link here (don't even know where to find this) you will have to take my word for it. Good riddance scum. Owned so hard that they dissolved as a mercenary company and went underground to pretend they are a fucking clothing brand, scrubbing their entire portfolio from the internet.

    Oh yeah and they're fighting on behalf of Israel doing genocide in Gaza too. Weird for a fucking CLOTHING BRAND.




    Reddit discusses the Portland State University protests successfully getting PSU to pause their relationship with Boeing

    For context, the PSU student council and elected body has had a resolution calling for PSU to divest from Boeing and cut all relationships since 2021, which the administration has ignored. It is the ‘democratic’ will of the student to cut ties with Boeing but you wouldn’t know that by all the kvetching and moaning in these threads and on the PSU subreddit

    Nathan J. Robinson Calls DPRK Red Fascist and admiringly quotes a contributor of The Atlantic who was schooled in Apartheid South Africa + West Germany

    You nerds trying to rehab this social imperialist need to read what he actually says. He's a chauvinist of the highest degree. Keep in mind NJR lives in a country that is at war currently with DPRK, has killed millions of Koreans & is an imperialist superpower.

    >Myers says that the DPRK’s governing ideology has been misunderstood by the United States. We think of it as “authoritarian communist,” thanks to its all-powerful state and various Stalinist trappings. But Myers says this is misleading: The regime is closer in character to fascism, because of its racism and nationalism (Stalinists have many unappealing qualities, but they do not build their ideology around race and nation). The communist elements, Myers says, are window dressing. Even Kim Il-Sung himself knew little about Marxism, and he dismayed the Russians when they quizzed him on it. And strictly speaking, the regime operates as a monarchy. Myers says that “socialism” is not the right term, because it doesn’t describe the self-image we see in the state’s propaganda, which heavily emphasizes the purity of North Koreans and their need for a protective parent-leader. Demick acknowledges that Kim Il-Sung “rejected traditional Communist teachings about universalism” and “was a Korean nationalist in the extreme” who treated Koreans almost as a “chosen people.”

    >For example, personally, I find Myers’ explanation appealing. If I’m being honest, though, that’s probably partly because it lumps Kim Jong Un in with right-wing fascists, and distances him from the left. I’ve always felt that “socialists” have no more responsibility for dictatorships that call themselves socialist than democratic republicans have for, well, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Since I oppose dictatorships universally, pointing out that there have been “leftist” dictatorships poses no actual challenge to my politics. Instinctively, though, I confess that I’d feel relieved if Kim Jong Un was lumped in with the right rather than the left.

    He is quoting Brian Reynolds Meyers and agreeing with him on the DPRK, even after admitting to knowing basically nothing about the country earlier in the article. Thousands of social imperialist nerds are reading this and nodding along, cementing their ridiculous chauvinist worldviews and failing their revolutionary duties.

    >Brian Reynolds Myers (born 1963), usually cited as B. R. Myers, is an American professor of international studies at Dongseo University in Busan, South Korea, best known for his writings on North Korean propaganda. He is a contributing editor for The Atlantic and an opinion columnist for The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. Myers is the author of Han Sǒrya and North Korean Literature (Cornell, 1994), A Reader's Manifesto (Melville House, 2002), The Cleanest Race (Melville House, 2010), and North Korea's Juche Myth (Sthele Press, 2015).

    >Myers was born in New Jersey, near Fort Dix. His mother is British, and his father was a U.S. Army officer from Pennsylvania who served in South Korea as a military chaplain, often helping out local orphans.

    >Myers spent his childhood in Bermuda and his high school youth in apartheid-era South Africa, and received graduate education in West Berlin during the early 1980s, occasionally visiting East Germany. He earned an MA degree in Soviet studies at Ruhr University (1989) and a PhD degree in Korean studies with a focus on North Korean literature at the University of Tübingen (1992). Myers subsequently taught German in Japan and worked for a Mercedes-Benz liaison office in Beijing during the mid-1990s.

    This guy is a Liberal. Stop trying to make NJR cool, he's never going to be cool

    You've heard of Parentiwave, but have you heard Parenti rap? RIP Lux - Yellow Parenti

    Beat: Spaghetti West Lyrics: Greetings and salutations we want the earth we got the most modest of aspirations they tried to kill a nation tryina hit us with that yellow cake shit level my building to the basement on every station inventing reality Yall battle at the ballot we clap em and take ...

    RIP Lux - Yellow Parenti