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You gotta make sure.
  • is her first name virginia by any chance?

  • Right Hegelianism
  • idk but i’m still hoping for someone to explain freud in terms of big dick energy

  • ITT we share how we remember how to spell bourgeoisie
  • i just remember it’s french so if it looks too logical i’ll just add some vowels in between

  • Vote.
  • it’s honestly stupid how well this matches up, the us should sue us for plagiarizing their clown show

  • [AI Not the Onion] How many rocks should I eat a day?
  • i think by now we ought to call them pica pioneersfidel-salute

  • [Not the Onion Genocide News] Pentagon press secretary said that they do not believe any of the aid that's been delivered through the pier has actually gotten to Gazans.
  • is “the people of gaza” worse than “gazans”? if it was “the people in gaza” i could see how that could enable israeli propaganda on indigeneity, but “of” does suggest some link to their land

  • NSFW
    [CW: Blood] We are so back
  • this thinking never left honestly, but now its too little seratonin instead of too much black bile, people do be wanting external individual causes.

  • Has Zizek genuinely lost the plot?
  • i might also be talking out of my ass since i haven't read less than nothing either, but that is one of his recurring themes (afaik for the ljubljana school of psychoanalysis in general). to oversimplify it, reality in psychoanalysis is the meaning we ascribe to the world, but this meaning is never complete, there is the real which resists signification. material reality is the failure to adhere to this notional determination. of course, psychoanalysis being psychoanalysis, sex is determined as this constitutive lack, something which definitely is, but as to what it is? (which is why sex requires fantasy)

  • Has Zizek genuinely lost the plot?
  • yeah agree, he's also just plain bad with facts and will often just blurt some theory out at a strawman or something. i don't think it's just his old age, i remember a passage in soi where he dedicated quite a few pages to kgb activity in the 30s, which is quite impressive for an agency founded in the 50s. some of these mistakes are pretty benign, but they add up to him being seriously misinformed, especially when he rushes an op-ed out.

  • Has Zizek genuinely lost the plot?
  • i have to disagree, i don’t think it’s fair to dismiss his work as idealistic woo. i haven’t read that much by him, mostly sublime object, but there’s a coherent materialist line of thinking throughout it (especially in relation to the real) for someone who spends most of his time discussing lacan and hegel, i’m surprised by how clear it still is. back then he also had his silly moments of course, i’m not denying he has always been a bit of a contrarian lib.

    as for the vaguely science-coded language, are you referring to the mathemes? or did he do that thing philosophers sometimes do where they just take gödel and heisenberg to make vague claims about the incompleteness of reality?

  • Has Zizek genuinely lost the plot?
  • he should’ve retired years ago. like his work on lacan and ideology was very insightful especially with the connection to hegel, but now he could miss the point if it was right in front of him.

    no zizek, nobody is arguing that ukrainians chose between being nato cannon fodder or being free. that’s not the argument, you’re just an old man yelling at clouds.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 13th to May 19th, 2024 - The Blazing Furnace - COTW: Vietnam
  • don’t forget /ussr/lib{,64}, the party too must be purged of reactionary elements

  • Fuck the Poice
  • honestly, if u swapped this for a group of soviet soldiers unloading a comically large das kapital, it would’ve gotten a like out of me

  • NSFW
    [CW: Sinophobia, Islamophobia, Russophobia, Red Scare] Oh cool, a book store! I wonder if they have any good theory in the politics sectio-... oh ...
  • oo "where the rich own the truth" sounds like it could have some leftist messaging let’s see what the reviews are!

    In this book we also see the dangers for their work in the current world. Truth risks being bought, processed and distributed. In Mexico, Russia, China, India and soon in other places a journalist writing like Tom Burgis will be killed after the first investigations and propaganda will be called reality. It’s for us all to support this work and preserve the liberty that we still have. For how long? It’s on us all.


    'If Orwell were with us today, he'd be writing books like this' PATRICK RADDEN KEEFE

    'A true-life thriller' ANNE APPLEBAUM


    i honestly might prefer the anti-communist slob to these almost-leftist writers that take any spark of discontent with the status quo and encase it in a thick layer of ideology.

  • U.S. Senator just straight up revealed the real reason they are banning TikTok
  • from what I’ve heard side-loading will only be enabled in the EU.

    the fanboys have told me this is a good thing, uwu smol bean apple is just protecting kids from downloading Clash_of_Clans_Hack_2024_Working.ipa monke-beepboop

    wonder if a tiktok ban changes their mind

  • yuli yuli [she/her]
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