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Biden’s $30m weekend fundraising blitz breaks Democratic Party records.
  • Where does all this money go? Naively, I would think ad campaigns and campaign tours.

  • Proton is transitioning towards a non-profit structure
  • Proton requires an account, which gives them some of your info, while Mullvad does not, giving you an anonymous account number instead.

    If Proton really doesn't log VPN traffic, then it doesn't really matter. But since Mullvad does not have that same personal info, they would be unable to provide law enforcement or 3rd party data brokers any hard data aside from your IP if they wanted to.

  • Happens all the time
  • Lol, it took me a while to realize it's the compiler essentially saying "how high".

  • What I thought some abbreviations/emoticons meant vs what they actually meant
  • I always internalize SMH as suck my head

  • Verification badge prices are too damn high
  • To be fair, they are providing several services with it, along with the data hosting. Being verified also means you get boosted in search results, with comes with more downloads. So at least the cost can be somewhat justified. Whether it's too much is valid for debate.

  • let's see what is documented for the proxy...
  • Did you mean Sozu instead of "Suzu"? I can't find anything in "Suzu"

  • Donald Trump Says He'll Stop All Electric Car Sales (Update: He Was Talking About Made-In-Mexico Chinese EVs)
  • The article updated it's headline to clarify that it wasn't all EV sales. You can edit your post title to reflect that.

  • Linux Inventor Says He Doesn’t Believe in Crypto
  • That's definitely true. I've always liked the concept, but never bought into this hype around the speculation, which really gives it a bad name.

    That's why I think Monero is really the way forward to a good cryptocurrency. It's price is fairly stable and makes more sense than Bitcoin in many ways. I'd use it more if there were more vendors using it. The most I've done with it is buy a Mullvad subscription.

  • Linux Inventor Says He Doesn’t Believe in Crypto
  • I think there was a potential future where cryptocurrency could've actually been useful, but it was ruined by scammers, rug pullers, and of course, speculators.

    I'll still hold a little bit of Monero, since it holds the most potential for being a real currency in my opinion. But otherwise, I fully agree with the sentiment.

  • TIL that there are two types of earwax: wet and dry
  • The trick with Q-tips is to not go far. I mainly use it to clean the initial part of my ear and only rubbing it in a circular manner to prevent cramming anything in there. If I find myself the need to go deeper, I will use eardrops.

  • iPad rule
  • I did not use one, but now I'm jealous

  • Existential trolley problem
  • Instead, let's aim for double the end location. Then all he has to do is travel half that distance

  • ZHA or Zigbee2mqtt
  • Never had any issues with Zigbee2Mqtt. Works fantastically

  • The easiest problem
  • To the person who decided I and l should look the same in fonts, I wish you a pleasant eternity in hell.

  • Obviously needed
  • Mississississippi

    Did it get it right?

  • Lauren Boebert has a smart thing to say.
  • This should go in the dictionary as an example of a strawman argument

  • Happy 5th of May!
  • Alright, I'll admit. Who is May?

  • Added Bugs to Keep my job
  • I wrote a brief manifesto on my hatred of Python because some refactoring ended up having a comma at the end of a line, which screwed me over for about an hour until I happened to noticed it.

  • MattKC announces plans to develop an open source DIY WiiU gampead

    Since the only way to obtain a WiiU gamepad is to take one from an existing system, this development will help revive old systems without taking from the limited WiiU gamepad market.

    Skip to 2:28 if you just want the development info and not the context and history.

    xlash123 xlash123

    I'll be honest, I'm just here for the memes.

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