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seriously.... there aren't that many of them
  • And when the sniper gets paid off?

  • Decision time
  • That's what I do. Anytime I need to sign up for something with an email I do:

  • Shoe Penis rule.
  • Brian Disease seems like a winner

  • Everything means everything
  • I'll listen to otherwise insufferable genres if there's a good story involved.

  • What are things considered romantic, to be avoided in a relationship?
  • I think I get what you're saying but it's very nuanced. The same things I've surprised friends with are suddenly romantic when I surprise my partner with them.

  • I just saw a Youtube ad for penis enlargement
  • They still haven't found out about mine.

  • Temperatur
  • Ah, I did a little research and realized you are actually correct. Please accept my humble apology!

  • Temperatur
  • Um, actually they are both far hotter than the sun's surface. The whole meme should have melted.

  • Removed
    But how would they be able to live on that?
  • Has he been paying taxes already?

  • I hate that guy
  • Truly well rounded.

  • lactose intole-rule
  • Lactose fuels the universe.

  • me♾️irl
  • I just realized that's how my wife sees me after my son was explaining how a sink works for the 73rd time. My takeaway is I need to be more invested in what he's talking about no matter how boring, cause getting ignored when you're excited about something doesn't feel great.

    The other takeaway is my wife isn't mean, I just talk a lot.

  • You can have anything you wan...
  • I'm already a loner but omniscience would seal the deal.

  • It prevents the sentence from continuing which makes everyone want to either leave the conversation or try to "help out". Same principle.

  • I'm usually right about 60% of the time with strangers, though I'm intentionally not finishing the sentence aloud.
    With friends and coworkers it's usually that we've forgotten a common word somehow and just appreciate the other person remembering it for us.

  • Impo(rule)tant
  • Worhy

  • There's simply no going back
  • I made an awful mistake of getting a 1440p OLED instead of the 540 and now a TN panel is going to be very difficult to get used to.

  • TIL Bologna in Italy had dozens of towers built in the middle ages
  • the frumunda is what really makes the difference.

  • We live in a society
  • Meth is more dangerous than caffeine

    shoots away

  • We live in a society
  • Oh fuck yeah, I would absolutely love to die that way if they didn't have so much sugar.

  • xintrik XIN
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