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Why? There is enough space on the parking lot
  • es una simple pero evidente prueba si saben manejar, y que tipo carro están manejando

    It is a simple but obvious test if they know how to drive, and what type car they are driving

  • true comparison
  • como chiste esta genial

    as a joke it's great

  • Lemmy is popular nowadays, yet is losing its active users
  • ¿Se consideran como activos los que solo entran para leer y votar? Pues no comentan pero rien y no paran de reir. No hay que fiarse tanto de los números sino mas bien de la naturalidad, neutralidad y originalidad de respuestas.

    Are those who only enter to read and vote considered as assets? Well, they don't comment but laugh and they don't stop laughing. You should not trust the numbers so much but rather the naturalness, neutrality and originality of responses.

  • What would you do if you won the lottery?
  • no importa lo que hagas ni pienses, vas a morir igualmente

    no matter what you do or think, you will die anyway

  • What is your favorite open source software?
  • Mi favorito que uso todos los días y no entiendo que no lo use todo el mundo es : thunderbird

    My favorite that I use every day and I don't understand why not everyone uses it is: thunderbird

  • updated to 0.18.1-rc
  • How beautiful and cute the new lemmy world looks. thanks boss.

    Que bonito y lindo se ve el nuevo lemmy world. gracias jefe.

  • xikufrancesc xikufrancesc

    Escribo, luego pienso.

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