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IMO The Best Thing about the Fediverse is...
  • con lo sencilla que es la vida pero fijate como nos la complicamos

    with how simple life is but see how we complicate it

  • which platform for a more complete personal social media feed?
  • Ahhh tweetdeck te refieres, eso es nada, ¿has probado sengi? si, la app sengi que te trae maravillas de columnas en tu escritorio sin navegador...

    Ahhh tweetdeck you mean, that's nothing, have you tried sengi? yes, the sengi app that brings you column wonders on your browserless desktop...

  • which platform for a more complete personal social media feed?
  • Could you define what advanced options you refer to, or show an example? thank you

    ¿podrias definir a que opciones de avanzadas refieres, o mostrar un ejemplo? gracias

  • Removed
    The impact the reddit migration has on the fediverse!
  • no creo que se molesten en registrarse con bots en un sitio que ni mercado ni beneficio hay...

    I don't think they bother registering with bots on a site that there is neither market nor profit...

  • xikufrancesc xikufrancesc

    "Escribo, luego pienso." I write, then i think...

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