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Out of Office
  • Last job, they fired the boss I liked but let him hang out on the payroll for 3 months. Since he was also cool with me, I put in 3 weeks vacation and he approved it immediately. (Apparently I'm not the only one who did this.)

    Came back, told my new boss this is my last week, basically did nothing the entire week.

  • Supreme court declines to take up case alleging voter discrimination in Georgia: Public service commission, which regulates & sets rates for utilities, accused of disenfranchising Black voters
  • If you're going to report on a Supreme Court's failure to consider a case, I'm begging you, tell us in the headline what the appellate decision was. Don't make us dig 10 paragraphs down to find out whether the case was decided for or against.

    (Since I don't want to do the exact same thing: The appellate decision held that the commission could continue to be elected by a statewide, rather than a region-by-region vote. This is equivalent to letting voters in Texas have a say in who California's senators should be.)

  • Whose idea was it to broadcast this?
  • So they overturned the students' vote and probably pissed off every high school student, undermined everyone's trust, so they could veto... Bulldogs? What was so bad about Bulldogs?

  • What's the movie genre called that mixes historical settings and modern comedy?
  • Examples:

    • Black Knight (2001)
    • arguably, A Knight's Tale (2001) if you consider it sufficiently funny (big year for anachronistic knights)
    • All of the Ice Age films I guess
    • Year One (2009)

    there's actually tons of these.

  • Pineapple Chilli, The New Pineapple On Pizza
  • This doesn't look good but in concept, pineapple chili sounds amazing.

    IDK why people get so offended about pineapple. It's sweet and sour. Lots of things benefit from the addition of sweet and sour.

  • What do you with physical light switches connected to automations?

    I'm setting up with HA and zigbee smart bulbs. I've got a few automations already set up, such as turning on a bunch of lights in the morning and turning most of them off again at night.

    All these lights still have physical switches. I don't want to take those switches out for lots of reasons, and putting smart switches there seems like overkill when the bulbs are already smart. What are people doing with their physical light switches to ensure that they don't get flipped?

    Ideas I've had:

    • some kind of physical plastic covering that fits snugly around it. I'd probably do this if I had a 3d printer, but I don't. Maybe someone sells a thing like this? More just a reminder not to touch them.
    • Carefully paint the switches a different color (perhaps the HA color scheme?). Again, basically just a reminder. This especially makes sense with a few multi-switch plates where some of the connected lights are automated and some are intentionally left manual.
    • Entirely replace the plate with a smart switch? Besides incurring a nontrivial cost and being a bunch of work to install, this won't even help me with the aforementioned multiswitch plates. I don't want all my lights automated.

    Other ideas?

    Connect A Song xantoxis
    Far Away - Red Dead Redemption Soundtrack

    This song plays in RDR (the first one) when you enter the nation of Mexico.

    Connect A Song xantoxis
    The Doors - Break on Through to the Other Side

    Seems self-explanatory

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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