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Discourse: Playersexual romance options vs set sexuality
  • I’m not advocating for an authority to apply rules to media. I am explaining how romance options in games are pornographic.

    If certain things weren’t pornographic then there wouldn’t be a classification of pornography.

    Romance options in games portray an absurd and fantastical version of human interaction. If used as an empowering fantasy they can help people fulfill their unmet needs safely. If normalized they degrade people’s understanding of normal social interaction and romantic relationships. One of those is porn, the other is non porn.

  • Discourse: Playersexual romance options vs set sexuality
  • No, I’m sorry. Art is not any creative expression. We can both recognize that neither of us is talking about such a generalized use of the word. We’re not talking about art class, we’re talking about art. Art represents a different qualitative class of expression. Quality is literally how you understand its unquantifiable nature.

    Even if you were right, and art were just any creative expression ever, and I was able to gain the sublime transcendence and understanding of a visit to the lourve by recognizing a well balanced composition in my pre-flush =|dookie logs|=, games have another impossible to clear hurdle in their lack of elevation.

    We can’t simply say that the Pepsi logo is art. For pop artists to do so required them to define and establish a context for that work to exist in. Pop art was also a cia funded psyop and absolutely not art but that’s neither here nor there for my purpose of taking the most obviously non art thing and establishing that games cannot rise to meet even its made up fake standard of artworthiness.

    Games are not art and that’s okay. Not everything has to be art.

  • Discourse: Playersexual romance options vs set sexuality
  • Rather than tease out a point by establishing a shared understanding of the sacred and profane and building off it I’ll just cut to the chase: The mechanical or fantastical relationship is pornographic. It has no place outside of pornography. As I said, there should be no romance options outside of porn games. The pornographic mechanical or fantastical relationship needs to be confined to the medium of pornography so that its destructive, maladaptive influence can be applied judiciously instead of expanded to everyday consumption.

  • Discourse: Playersexual romance options vs set sexuality
  • We should talk about how the sims isn’t a game in a different thread. Why not make a post about it? There’s a lot of material to draw from.

    Do you think people are learning the same things from say a pornographic movie and a non pornographic movie? What about a centerfold and a landscape? A steamy woodcut and a family photo?

    If all those are a big resounding nope, then how come porn games and regular games are the same?

  • Discourse: Playersexual romance options vs set sexuality
  • If that is so then why are all examples of art as taught (reproduction of the institution has its own problems but even if you were to go with the vernacular understanding the results are the same) in school represent the most communicative, moving works that express a culture and why are they always determined to be so many years after the fact? Why are even the works that use unconventional techniques judged using qualitative language is art has nothing to do with quality?

    To put it more simply: why is Etruscan boar vessel art and disco elysium not?

  • Discourse: Playersexual romance options vs set sexuality
  • Games aren’t art. Not everything has to be art. Things don’t start off as art and get dragged down to some other classification. Things are elevated to the status of art over time as people recognize their importance. Disco Elysium is literally too new to be art even if it weren’t made in a non-art medium.

  • Discourse: Playersexual romance options vs set sexuality
  • Because the “romance” shouldnt be part of the mechanics in non porn games and it shouldn’t be part of the fantastical conceit in non porn games.

    Which of these is cool and okay outside of porn:

    I was able to make someone love me because i manipulated them according to the rules.

    this game is different from real life not because I’m able to chop through three sentient beings heads in a row or conjure mystical fire, but because I’m lovable.

    Neither is acceptable.

  • NSFW
    Just reading this touching tribute to one of the hostages the IOF executed and wait, what's this?
  • Anselmo is a white supremacist for sure, but idk about the rest of the band. After Darryl and the other brother kicked him out for being a big fuckup in a lot of ways someone shot Darryl ostensibly over it.

    Idk. Pantera isn’t burzum, at best the band is an expression of party hick shit and all that comes with it.

  • Elon Musk: "Windows is WOKE!"
  • A second is around the equator about seven and a half times. A tenth of a second is three quarters of the equator. The moon is about one and a quarter seconds away from earth, you know, if you ever wanna use it for something.

    E: this is all half remembered from radio operation and radio astronomy. I could be wrong.

  • Thanks for being so tough on antinatalism, hexbear. You can’t even pay people to have more kids -

    These countries tried everything from cash to patriotic calls to duty to reverse drastically declining birth rates. It didn’t work. … If history is any guide, none of this will work: No matter what governments do to convince them to procreate, people around the world are having fewer and fewer kids....

    You can’t even pay people to have more kids -

    The comments section absurd. Just everything from ethnonationalism to personal grievance politics. Not an optimistic take to be seen.

    They added instance blocking to lemmy but it’s not the way libs want. Is it good?

    Is this useful to anyone? Would it win over enough libs to federate with

    The actual text:

    > This week @nutomic finished implementing the block instance feature for users. It allows users to block entire instances, so that all communities from those instances will be hidden on the frontpage. Posts or comments from users of blocked instances in other communities are unaffected.

    I think that would let smaller instances that don’t wanna be overwhelmed by our posts avoid that but still let them see our comments on their posts.

    hexbear xXthrowawayXx [none/use name]
    Make new comms for fediverse drama and meta and quarantine it there.

    Lots of ppl in the “stay with .ee/hook up with shit” thread said everything is fedi drama. They’re not wrong.

    There’s a new kind of posting in the air and it’s suffused everything. It must be given space to grow without interfering with the other posts.

    If we had a lemmydrama and/or a lemmydunks comm and quarantined that stuff there it would allow for avoidance of fediverse stuff and give space for lemmy drama and dunking culture to develop.

    Thedunktank is for non-fediverse shit. Twitter, Facebook, etc. it should stay how it is.

    It wouldn’t stop the problem of federation stealing our posting energy but it’s a start to help people who don’t want to see the new hotness lib of the week.

    Pic unrelated.

    The stupidest question

    Is birds nest soup vegan?

    Would it be vegan if instead of swiftlet saliva it was just a nest made of twigs and pine straw and stuff like a robin makes?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    xXthrowawayXx [none/use name]
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