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The Dutchman who gets Nike and Lego into wartime Russia’s stores
  • Sanctions do not prevent or end wars.

    Here's a pretty good overview:

    Despite the title of the article this is the killer quote

    So if sanctions don't work most of the time, backfire often, and are increasingly easy to evade, why does the U.S. keep using them? Demarais says it's because they're easy to implement, they cost very little, and they are comparatively risk free.

    Basically they make you feel like you're doing something while achieving nothing (except potentially harming hundreds of thousands of people) because you don't feel like going through too much trouble. So no, selling a few Nikes won't extend the war.

  • I didn't know where else to ask rule
  • Plus it irritates the skin less cause you only really need 1-2 passes (shaving with those multi blade razors takes ages and 3-5 passes in my experience if the hair is anything beyond 1 mm long). Remember to rinse the blade every 1-2 passes too.

  • New Cybertruck Styled AI Robot Just Dropped
  • And there's almost no muscle on that chest. Even if there were, there's no muscle that can get that thick on the bottom ribs (the serratus for instance is quite flush with your rib cage)

  • Raspberry Pi is now a public company
  • No, shareholder interest, which - in the absence of the clear desire of the majority shareholder(s) - is assumed to be profit. So I think the question above is quite important actually

  • Strike On Russian Strategic Early Warning Radar Site Is A Big Deal
  • All sucks sites are legitimate military targets by definition - regardless of whether they have anything to do with conventional weapons. MAD is not about ethnics. MAD is about MAD. No one will give a damn whether there were also some pee shooters in the missle silo the destruction of which caused Armageddon. You don't need sympathy. This brings you one step closer to disaster too.

  • Twitter/X Comment About Baltimore Mayor Shows How Racists Now Use 'DEI' Instead Of The N-Word
  • Maybe I'm being overly generous here, to me the user just sounded frustrated with the boundaries of civil discourse masking but not solving a problem. I assumed the problem was self-evident/they weren't denying it.

    To me that feels like a call for more action, not less. It's all too easy to pretend something isn't happening when the verbiage around it becomes more palatable (exactly what dog whistles are for).

    But again, maybe I'm being too generous.

  • Removed
    with regards to and in connection with the rule
  • You my friend have a desecration kink, closely related, but not necessarily paired with a degradation kink. Easy litmus test in a less religious context - does the fact that you're doing that to someone's daughter/son actually kinda turn you on?

  • Removed
    Hypocrisy and gaslighting rule.
  • No one's doing anything about it now and everyone knows it's happening (no one's meaningfully denying it, some people are just secretly fine with it). Why would an expose spelling it out after the fact change anything? We've done this dance before unfortunately.

  • Everytime
  • The man's talking about class differences in general though. Pretty sure those predate us apes even knowing there were other different colored troops.

    Either way it kind of feels like a bit of a chicken and egg discussion. Were we hierarchical animals first, then leveraged arbitrary and irrelevant traits to enforce that hierarchy, or vice versa.

    To me it's really simple. You adress class issues -> you adress "culture war" issues (those disproportionally impacted get disproportionately addressed, as they should be). You address "culture war" issues -> shitshow ensues.

    I know what I'm gonna focus on.

  • "But my friend runs a PinePhone as a daily driver"
  • It's not about the protocols. It's about business. We can have all the tech we want but until someone is willing to establish relationships with and pay the 3-4 middlemen involved in every single card payment it ain't happening.

  • People, please, it's "ex-twitter"

    I still don't get how - with such a perfect tee-up - we settled on "X, the platform formerly known as Twitter".

    Besides, imagining Musks reaction to this tickles me slightly.

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