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Anon thinks about Google
  • Googles call screening works kind of good if the other person doesn't think they have the wrong number because a robot answers.

  • Explaining software development methods by flying to Mars
  • Lean is also short for putting your inventory in an open top dumpster.

  • I put my number in a secure form for a trusted bank and immediately got spammed
  • Go to your DMV with your birth certificate, social security card, and a utility bill with your name and proof of address for a replacement id.

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • Do what a normal person does. Let it fill up and you won't have to worry about it anymore.

  • Having to go to a meeting really messes with your flow for the whole day, doesn't it?
  • This isn't adhd it is the legit flow from after a bullshit meeting. Then by the time you get ramped back up again it's the next meeting.

    My only gripe to the chart is there should be some flat lining down near the bottom on the productivity side as a buffer pre and post. You spend time doing nothing wondering why you need to attend during pre-meeting time then during post-meeting time, doing nothing thinking about how you weren't necessary at that meeting. Then you begin the accel ramping.

  • Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined
  • “substantial harm to television program copyright owners,”

    Give me a fucking break

  • Grocery store prices are changing faster than ever before — literally. This month, Walmart became the latest retailer to announce it’s replacing the price stickers in its aisles with electronic shelf.
  • The next town over from me, if you wash a white shirt in the washing machine it comes out with a tint of brown. We drink bottled water.

  • "Valve is being sued in the UK for $843 million for 'overcharging 14 million PC gamers and abusing its dominant position' with Steam"
  • "The lawsuit, filed on behalf of children's digital rights campaigner Vicki Shotbolt by law firm Milberg London (via the BBC),"

  • "Valve is being sued in the UK for $843 million for 'overcharging 14 million PC gamers and abusing its dominant position' with Steam"
  • Even going against their own policy and still refunding after the elapsed time has been met

  • Gaming woodenskewer
    "Valve is being sued in the UK for $843 million for 'overcharging 14 million PC gamers and abusing its dominant position' with Steam"

    Being the most favorable game market does not mean "there is no competition". It's just the competition is doing it wrong so everyone flocks to what they like or have stuck with.

    Screw you guys. I cast what I want.
  • False cure from onslaught block, instant, 2 black, until end of turn lose 2 life for every one you gain.

    There's always another card lol

  • Facts

  • Many such cases
  • Here I thought burn in died with CRTs

  • everything actually important is already metric
  • I got 40-90 C down pretty well monitoring my PC temps in that I know more of what it should read in C compared to F.

  • Microsoft stoops to new low with ads in Windows 11, as PC Manager tool suggests your system needs ‘repairing’ if you don’t use Bing
  • I use edge at work and Firefox at home. Using edge every work day for 3 years and don't really have many complaints about it. I used to actively avoid it, but after trying it, it doesn't really seem all that bad.

    My only gripe is I infrequently have trouble logging into an Ethernet device locally.

  • US prisoners are being assigned dangerous jobs. But what happens if they are hurt or killed?
  • Hickman’s Family Farms: our workers may not be cage free, but the chickens are.

  • Education
  • If your bucket does not have an internet connection, it has no bottom. It is merely a tube.

  • Education
  • Additionally, if your bucket handle breaks, you need third party software and hardware to create a matching digital signature to replace the handle.

  • Americans are choking on surging fast-food prices. "I can't justify the expense," one customer says
  • The CEO and now chairman of McDonald’s was paid $19.2 million last year in salary, bonuses and stock, according to federal securities filings.

    He was paid a base salary of $1.4 million

    Being friendly and just going on his base salary and not all the other piles of money tossed his way, in plebe terms, he makes $673/hour.

  • U.S. company fined $650,000 for illegally hiring children to clean meat processing plants
  • No fine for Perdue or Seaboard Triumph Foods though even though the kids were even allowed in the plants. How could we possibly hold them liable for vetting outside contractors.

  • Deleted
    Spotify quietly moves lyrics behind a paywall.
  • My experience got noticably worse that time they tried to make their UI look like tictok. I cancelled and deleted my account and have been on tidal ever since.

  • We heard you like toggles so we put a toggle in your toggle.

    This toggle is annoying because what was once 1 press to turn on BT is now 2. It gets me every day.

    The Google messaging update looks bad. It reminded me I purchased textra a while ago.

    They really didn't have to redesign a text box. Please stop reinventing the wheel. I don't need another pop up in my life.

    woodenskewer woodenskewer
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