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[Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?
  • no one hates veganism, we just hate the vegans

  • Black student suspended over his hairstyle to be sent to an alternative education program
  • Each place has its rules, follow them or gtfo. I don't see a problem here. Schools are not fashion halls. When I was in school, we weren't allowed long hair, any alt hair style, using gels or other materials to style our hair etc ...

  • Smoking decreases IQ by 120.
  • Smoke pipe. No ash, no butts

  • 10-Year-Old Ukrainian Boy Thrown Off Bridge in Germany for Not Speaking Russian
  • Germans are even racist to white people. edit: lol the pressed germans

  • unholy software..
  • You guys search for drivers? I use artix btw

  • SystemD
  • devuan is a work of art. Artix and Devuan are both the only distros I'd turn to for stability and not having to deal with systemdoom's mess

  • Shirley you cant be serious!
  • I fucking hate those! They spend so much money on the decoration and ads, but can't be bothered to print 10 menus? What a BS! If a café or a restaurant is still stuck in covid times and wants to use QR codes, they should provide free Wi-Fi otherwise I'm walking out (as I have done many times) because fuck you and your barcode and your shitty management cause if i'm picking from an app I should be able to order through and pay through the same web app, there is no reason for a waiter or reception and cashier its just half assing technocracy.

  • A terminal metronome Woland Azel (

    Attached: 1 video So today I sat down to practice guitar and I realized that I left both my metronomes at my sister's room. Obviously I wasn't going to get up to go and fetch one, so I picked up a bash spell tome (man SoX) and with a little bash magic, made a basic metronome. Here is the actual co...

    Woland Azel (

    So today I sat down to practice guitar and I realized that I left both my metronomes at my sister's room. Obviously I wasn't going to get up to go and fetch one, so I picked up a bash spell tome (man SoX) and with a little bash magic, made a basic metronome.

    Here is the actual code: tempo () { play -n -c1 synth 0.001 sine 1000 pad $(awk "BEGIN { print 60/$1 -.001 }") repeat 999999 }

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I guess I'm the only one doesn't give a flying rats backside about linus and ltt

  • Removed
    13-Year-Old Rape Victim Forced to Give Birth Due to Mississippi’s Abortion Ban
  • Well of course the victim is to blame. Just don't get raped guys, how hard can it be?! /s

  • What is Tom Bombadil?
  • I always thought tom is the embodiment of nature itself. Basically if nature was a man.

  • Whatchu got
  • What is your easy to prepare go to meal to cook when you want to impress someone?
  • Put some meat on the grill. Never disappoints.

  • Why you shouldn't use Brave Browser
  • How I love seeing people talk the big talk about 'democracy' and 'freedom' but also do their best to remind everyone that "your'e free as long as you agree with them", else they attack with pitchforks and torches. Lovely. (Yes I'm talking to you).

  • vscodium, vscode without spyware
  • So you're telling me vscodium has spyware as well?

  • Opinions: What is a movie you genuinely like, that is rated below 60% on rotten tomatoes?
  • Yea I get that, specially with the last one they had to put him right back into the pitch black cenario, but still enjoyable to watch, probably because how good vin diesel portrays this character. I've seen several posts on his Instagram about an upcoming Riddick film, but when? I guess after another FF.

  • wolandark wolandark

    Linux lover ~ Web Dev ~ Musician

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