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You're at the local bar and it's karaoke night! What are you singing first?
  • If you want a fun karaoke night, first song(s) need to be something that will get most everyone singing. Younger crowds: something like Tayor Swift "Shake It Off". Middle age crowds, something like Nirvana or Aerosmith. Older crowds any Beatles #1.

    I personally like Cyprus Hill "Jump Around" if you're willing to learn it well enough beforehand as to not butcher the lyrics. I've seen Vanilla "Ice Ice Baby" also get a similar reaction of everyone knowing the song and enjoying it enough to give you kudos for choosing it.

    After everyone's over the initial hesitation, go belt all your love songs and power ballads; but get the party started first.

  • Turkey's inflation passes 75% in what economists believe is peak
  • For those not keeping up: this is the fallout from Erdogan ignoring economics and keeping interest rates low for years; only in the past year or so having conceding to reality and finally letting rates rise. They'll likely continue suffering fallout from his prior stance on interest rates for the remainder of the decade.

    From last summer:


  • In case you missed it: Bank info-stealing malware found in 90+ Android apps with 5.5M installs
  • Since the other reply was unhelpful: apps are supposed to have limited privileges and isolation from each other, yes... But the whole point of malware like this is that they figure out ways to break those restrictions and get escalated privileged.

    You can get more technical detail from reading the report, in this case it looks like the app does not contain malware, but instead requests an update after install that contains the bad code and then breaks the app limitations and scans for the target banking applications and copies the security certificates.

  • Economics whyrat
    Consumer Price Index Summary - 2024 M04 Results

    May CPI release

    What are legitimate arguments for legalization of gambling?
  • The answer to regulatory capture isn't prohibition though, because prohibition essentially means unregulated.

    Prohibition is effectively the same as a tax on gambling from the point of view of gamblers, but the tax is just the additional effort people have to spend to not get caught or fines when they do. The difference is there's no tax revenue for the governing authority to redistribute, fines go almost exclusively to pay for enforcement.

  • What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? 04 March
  • A prior thread on Lemmy linked me to so I started reading that a few months ago... and it's a ton of content to work through so it'll be another few weeks at least for me to finish the first 9 books. Fun story, the writing is improving as the books progress. World building is 9/10; writing quality is 7/10. Worth giving the first chapter or two a try!

  • Any love for Kubernetes here?
  • I'd suggest Podman over docker if someone is starting fresh. I like Podman running as rootless, but moving an existing docker to Podman was a pain. Since the initial docker setup was also a pain, I'd rather have only done it once :/

    For me the use case of K8s only makes sense with large use cases (in terms of volume of traffic and users). Docker / Podman is sufficient to self-host something small.

  • why am I so bad at running?
  • Maybe it's your fast twitch vs slow twitch muscles composition?

    Hard to say since you state you do other activities that would usually indicate a balanced ratio, but form of those activities can influence whether one type or the other is preferred in muscle growth... You did say sprinting short distances isn't an issue, when you do weight training is it burst lift or slow reps?

    Genetics is a big component because you most likely developed a form complimentary to your physique, meaning you do faster lifts and fewer sets because you have more type II, which then encourages growth of type II. Nothing wrong with this form or exercise approach, but it means you're adapted to bursts of activity instead of longer duration activity. So it'd take a longer timeframe to try to retrain your muscles (if you'd even want to).

    Hard to diagnose over an internet forum, a qualified trainer should be able to advise better

    Edit: actually looking into it more, baseball is a sport that heavily prioritizes fast-twitch. If you trained for that in your formative growth years you likely do have an imbalance favoring type II over type I. Again: Check with a trainer over an internet stranger. But adjusting your strength training to favor typeI development could yield benefits to your distance running... That would require a multi-week period to see changes though :(

  • why am I so bad at running?
  • High heart rate and "struggling" makes me think this is a likely underlying cause.

    Does "struggling" mean burning lungs and side stitches? If so it's certainly this. If it's just muscle fatigue it might also be hydration or electrolyte shortage.

    Quick links on how to improve breathing while running:

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