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  • Did you look it up on Google?

  • Car free cities should be the future.
  • Apart from snow I don't see a problem with that kind of weather. And if it's really cold you just need to swipe the snow once, as it's not really snowing when there is a negative temperature.

  • What happens to my domain, website and email when I die?
  • There was an article around here yesterday that confirm your thoughts.

    They did got access to old email and services via those email

  • French Tiktok ban makes VPN usage soar in New Caledonia
  • it's just banned in new Caledonia?! I just tried and could access. They think it would stop the revolt?

  • Politicians think a lot about their own interests and care little about the public
  • why? 100% disagree

    (50+25×2/3)% n/a

    and (50+25×1/3)% agree


  • Nazi flag-bearing man who crashed a truck into barriers near the White House pleads guilty to felony
  • I have some doubt that he'll be included in the Nazis clubs if he goes to prison, or maybe they are more open-minded than I think?

  • Firefox community things [HELP]
  • It's weird for me that an application should have profiles for different user, shouldn't we use profiles on OS side, it's also less problematic in my mind

  • I'm being crushed by a big blue whale
  • I...... don't understand?

  • Why people don't talk about Google Maps' privacy issues
  • Like there's no open source project with commercial paid licence ?

  • Guest bathroom decoration inspiration
  • I will never be the same now

  • A YouTuber let the Cybertruck close on his finger to test the new sensor update. It didn't go well.
  • yeah but look like at all the space you have in the trunk! almost two bags

  • Another Gluetun appreciation post
  • I might not be the only one not knowing what gluetun was so here's the repo:

    VPN client in a thin Docker container for multiple VPN providers, written in Go, and using OpenVPN or Wireguard, DNS over TLS, with a few proxy servers built-in.

  • Guest bathroom decoration inspiration
  • How do you use those?

  • Employee Quietly Sneaks His Own Painting Onto the Walls of a German Museum
  • up to 2 years, I really doubt the judge will actually give any jailtime

  • Employee Quietly Sneaks His Own Painting Onto the Walls of a German Museum
  • like it's not usual to remodel rooms in museum

    but I guess they have to discourage people from doing it before it becomes a trend

  • Scraping scraping scraping.
  • Yes, that's what I had in mind

  • Scraping scraping scraping.
  • make me think of this guy that transformed his iron pan into a mirror

  • Iran's Revolutionary Guard seizes a container ship near Strait of Hormuz amid tensions with West
  • it means I have to open the post and read the description, what's next, read the source article and think by myself?! That looks incredibly tiring

  • EML5: Wifi "Mesh" technology

    Hello everyone!

    I'm trying to figure out what is wifi mesh exactly and can't really find answers.

    I'm wondering if it's a real tech or just a nomination, example: if I'm setting up multiple old wifi routers on the same local network with DHCP turned off (except on the main of course) and just put the same SSID and passphrase on all of them: could we call it a mesh wifi or does the technology really add something to it?

    I made my parents buy some TP-LINK Deco wifi mesh routers for their property ^(which I regret now because openwrt is not compatible but that's a other story) and I don't really see any difference from them and the basic wifi repeater(cable) I've put in a last dead zone.


    Here's what android sees

    Looking for a keyboard with dictionary (definitions, not just corrector)

    quick question for the community:

    As a non English native I wonder if there is a keyboard on Android with a build-in dictionary (definitions of words) to check if the word I'm using is the good one without having to stop writing and checking on my browser

    I would prefer this rather than a translator as it's seams to be a better way to improve my learning than just translating words from my native language

    Solarized theme?

    Does someone have a solarized thème on Sync for Lemmy to share?

    If somebody did it already that would spare me the time to figure out theming here

    Thanks :)

    Feature: Mark a post as read to hide it from the main page?

    I wonder if there is a way to mark a post as read so it doesn't appear anymore in the main thread just like when you upvote/downvote it? (with the hide read posts option enabled)

    Sometimes I just don't want to vote because I don't have much opinion on the quality of the post or if it's the same post just another @instance

    Lemmy post with a minus number of downvote

    If I downvote it the counter fall back to 0 and the total (sumup) loose one vote:

