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Anon thinks about Google
  • They also bought Youtube and made it worse and bought Orkut and killed it.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • The only reason why your electricity is still so cheap is because your nuclear plants are so heavily subsidised by the state

    There's also the funny part about the undervalued uranium that comes from the African colonies

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • outside human intervention the casks won’t be breached

    Unless due to tectonic activity...

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • It's not completely unfunny because of the unintentional irony. Tough it definitely belongs to that specific category of "meme" commonly seen on r/politicalmemes or any of its variants on the feedverse: usually a frame from The Office with text written on a whiteboard, with the ubiquity of the complete absence of a joke.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • Deep level irony that you used a Simpsons meme, which takes place in a city that suffers from a Nuclear Power Plant that doesn't dispose of nuclear waste properly.

    Every form of energy generation is problematic in the hands of capital. Security measures can and are often considered unnecessary expense. And even assuming that they will respect all safety standards, we still have the problem of fuel: France, for example, was only able to supply its plants at a cheap cost because of colonialism in Africa. Therefore, nuclear energy potentially has the same geopolitical problems as oil, in addition to the particular ones: dual technology that can and is applied in the military, not necessarily but mainly atomic bombs.


    Also, I thought memes were supposed to be funny...

  • Hey there both good
  • Even though I love Minecraft, it's undeniable that Terraria actually has a lore, and the adventure part of it is much, much better than Minecraft's.

  • To those of you with nothing to hide: One day you might have. Because you don’t make the rules.
  • investigative journalists in authoritarian countries

    You mean like the US? Who achieved the feat of persecuting a foreign journalist as if he were an American citizen?

    EDIT: I know that Mullvad is also critical of american surveillance, but I find it very funny that when in the West they call a state democratic that does exactly the same (or worse) than a state in the East that they call "authoritarian". It really reveals how empty of meaning this word is. "Ah, but these Western states have 'democratic institutions'." News for you: the states you call "authoritarian" have them too. In both cases, they can be and de facto are dictatorships.

  • Girl, 15, speaks out after classmate made deepfake nudes of her and posted online
  • I don't think people's right to generate whatever image they want to jerk off to is fundamental or more important than avoiding "AI" scams and CSAM generation. There are other ways to jerk off: there's plenty of real people porn online and also lots, lots, lots of hentai, for literally every taste. "AI" porn only has two particularities that are not satisfied by these two options, one is to generate the scene you want, and for the very remote possibility that what you have imagined has never been produced before, you can pay an artist to To do so, another is Deep Fake porn, which should be a crime, it doesn't matter if you're not going to publish the image.

  • Anon dislikes reddit
  • That's something to appreciate about Lemmy. People can destroy you while you hold a position they think is wrong, but as soon as you change your mind they are friendly.

    EDIT: usually

  • Girl, 15, speaks out after classmate made deepfake nudes of her and posted online
  • No, and that's why I don't use Google or anything that isn't encrypted and sends any data that I consider private to some datacenter. And even when I know the data is encrypted, I am careful, as anyone should be, with data leaving your computer and going to someone else's.

    "AI" is not the same thing. Why would I want my prompt to be private if I don't want to use the result in some malicious way, be it generating CSAM or using it to cheat someone to write an article, or to generate a Deep Fake video of someone for an internet scam?

  • Girl, 15, speaks out after classmate made deepfake nudes of her and posted online
  • I don't see a problem with that, I think that this information should be public, both prompt and result, because:

    • a. The "AIs" companies already know that, why shouldn't anyone else?
    • b. They use public information to train their models, thus their results should also be public.
    • c. This would be the ultimate way to know that something was "AI" generated.

    This is a very different subject from giving acess for your DMs. The only ones who benefit from this information not being publicly available are those who use "AI" for malicious purposes, while everyone benefits from privacy of correspondence.

  • Girl, 15, speaks out after classmate made deepfake nudes of her and posted online
  • If they can plant AI CSAM in my computer they can also plant "real" CSAM in my computer. Your point doesn't make any sense.

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • This guy also have a account. I hope that it will be banned too.

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • Who your admin then defended in this very thread

    This is news to me. This is pretty bad, but if the guy ended up getting banned, it seems like the admin changed his mind, since bans in .ml must be unanimous between the admins. Your comment asking for defederation before the ban happened sounds pretty reasonable in this context tough.

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • ML admins should be fucking banned as well for associating with this pedophile.

    How does banning the guy count as associating?

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • I think the spoiler content is the admin's deleted post, is that right?

    Yeah, it's a comment from the moderator


    You know that instance admincommunity moderator, right? Because what you are doing is associating the crimes of a random person who has already been banned to an entire instance.

  • The white libs are at it again
  • People of colonial complexion apparently have a different definition of what is "rude". In any Latin American country I know, for example, "rude" is doing whatever you want in other people's homes. What to expect from a culture that normalizes staying in bed with shoes on. And if you're supposed to act like you're at home wherever you are, why leave your house?

  • Pity, really.
  • I agree that is a extreme example. That's precisely why I started with keyboard shortcuts. I don't think anyone is required to know LaTeX and Markdown, but it seems to me that fewer and fewer younger people know them. If there are fewer people who know the basics, there are proportionally fewer people who know the advanced ones.

  • Boo! Something exciting and interesting happened!!! Boo!!!!!
  • No? There is not how evidence works. Anecdotally evidence don't count as proper evidence precisely because it is not falsifiable, i.e. inevaluable. And lack of proper evidence of something is evidence that this something doesn't exist. Therefore, when there is insufficient evidence that X is true, we assume that X is false, until we have evidence to the contrary.. There's even a Latin expression for that in legal disputes. "semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit".

    But let’s ignore how logic works for now. What if I told you that I have anecdotal evidence to the contrary? That every single person offline that I’ve talked to about the subject thinks these protests are ridiculous? That I saw a tweet mocking the protesters that got a few thousand likes? See how you get nowhere if you start considering anecdotal evidence?

  • Museum of the British

    cross-posted from: >link >_____ >I hate these ecofascists. Funded by big oil, they go around vandalizing and causing trouble for working class people while claiming to be "fighting climate change". Compare that to serious people, like the Houthi: deep unserious people.

    At this point is really just reddit 2

    There's nothing more to say. It's literally the r/neoliberal post from a week ago, with some more edition because lemmy libs apparently are dumber and can't understand something unless it's spelled to them.


    AI is a Lie.

    Really surprised by this LTT video. They were direct on the points that lately, in the mainstream, there has only been rubbish.

    It seems more like keeping people voting is one of the many ways the status quo pretends to have some legitimacy.

    It is hilarious that liberals have actually appropriated the rhetoric that saying "actually, both sides are wrong" ends up favouring the "evil" side, but they continue to apply this maxim to the USSR and Nazi Germany. An inability to realize that what makes this maxim ridiculous, in the latter case, is that, in fact, it was the Soviet Union that ended fascist barbarism, while the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are two cogs in the same bellicose, anti-democratic, imperialist machine. As long as the choice is reduced to "blue vs. red" (a fake contradiction), the freedom of the human race will remain, at best, a distant dream.

    But perhaps what irritates me the most is the overly pedantic use of Jim and Pam memes.

    [META] I appeal to make this or anologous the new image for the community

    I don't know if you know, but the current Hammer and Sickle is from the Khrushchev era, which is considered revisionist for any communist who values Comrade Stalin's contributions. I think it is worth changing to maintain aesthetic cohesion, as it seems to be the general line of the instance and the community.

    whodoctor11 Call Me Mañana

    🇧🇷 Latino-Americano. Estudante de Física. Marxista.

    A propósito, eu uso Arch. __________ 🇻🇦 Latinus-Americanus. Discipulus Physicae. Marxista.

    Ipse Arch utor per viam.


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