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  • Yes. “That isn’t exactly free” indeed.

    We give power to greed and it has corrupt our institutions. We differentiate far to little between personal ownership (to maintain and survive) and private ownership (to profit and expand) when it comes to taxes.

    Any system where people will die from lack of resources should be abolished.

  • cable rule
  • You mean analog cables like those shown in the picture?

    Only (consumer) digital audio cable i own is a usb headset and apparently gold plated usb is so stupid there not even trying to sell those.

    I am not convinced that the meme author didn’t know what they where doing and this is ragebait though.

  • I use Arch by the way Edit: ❤️
  • Posts must be relevant to operating systems running the Linux kernel. GNU/Linux or otherwise. No misinformation No NSFW content No hate speech, bigotry, etc

    In my defence i did check the rules if Memes where allowed!

    Posts must be relevant to operating systems running the Linux kernel. GNU/Linux or otherwise.
    No misinformation
    No NSFW content
    No hate speech, bigotry, etc
  • I use Arch by the way Edit: ❤️
  • I am really sorry i pissed you all of, i just recently switched on a whim while i was gething super into being a windows poweruser and i swear i have nothing but love <3 i saw a really cool hyper-land interface, it was fast, beuatifull. i dig that. I installed it and i except for work i only used windows as a virtual dekstop 3 times in the month i am doing it.

  • I use Arch by the way Edit: ❤️
  • Ok, Guys i am sorry. I actually was looking for a different meme witch more a hech yeah attidyde but then i stumbled onto this template i thought it be hillarious. I sort of made the switch recently and i learned a lot. I don't wanna go back.

    I also thought we where doing old memes today or something?

  • I use Arch by the way Edit: ❤️

    Edit > Ok, Guys i am sorry. I actually was looking for a different meme witch more a hech yeah attitude but then i stumbled onto this template i thought it be hillarious. I sort of made the switch recently and i learned a lot. I don’t wanna go back.

    Does 'cigar-shaped' UFO just mean a disc viewed from the side, or shaped like an actual cigar?
  • “I have seen”

    I am sorry to be a sceptic kind internet stranger but may i also ask what you mean with “studied them a long time?l

    Are these conclusions from cross referencing reports or would you say you involved with official studies of the phenomenon?

  • This is not the place for support questions.
  • Why not both?

    “IT enthusiasts of Lemmy, how would you tackle x or y problem?”

    Could lead to some interesting answers but i agree that follow up questions and expectations to actually get the problem fixed should be somewhere else.

  • The "Kids can't use Computers" thread posted yesterday hit home today as my stepson brought me his iPhone because it wouldn't charge, only to find out that his Chrome Book's CPU was running 73% loaded
  • Sure but the ratio of required neurologist and psychologist for a certain population is rather low, lower then IT specialist. The majority of people are fine socializing, memorizing without fully understanding the underlying mechanics. Its only when a complex problem arises that we need them.

    I find there is a different between unnecessary and not required. For the most part, running and maintaining the day to day operations and code, humans wont be required, but in order to progress human society as a whole (a goal wich is not required but we will set regardless) we will find it necessary to have expert human overheersers. Aided by ai themselves we will really only need a few smart and dedicated people to help make a few rare decisions. The massas are free to do, play, learn or be blissful as they like

    Provided with enough freedom to dedicate yourself to any possible education there will always be people who will be interested enough to become these experts. With personalized Ai teaching aids more people will also be able to become high level experts quicker. If not only because I myself have greatly own expertise because i recognize gpt4 as the forever patient and personal teacher i never had.

    With ai polling and transparancy in who the experts are we can guarantee democratic trust.

  • The "Kids can't use Computers" thread posted yesterday hit home today as my stepson brought me his iPhone because it wouldn't charge, only to find out that his Chrome Book's CPU was running 73% loaded
  • I agree but you seem to miss one major thing.

    Adult Power users cant imagine not owning a proper computer but we are more and more living in a time where this is no longer required. They used to be a niche thing for nerds. They are becoming so again.

    You don’t need a computer to have a fully useable mail client, file storage, text or image editor.

    You dont even need a computer anymore to code!

    Apple is investing massively in making the ipad into a developer friendly environment, people have tried it and while its clearly not perfect it does work. Many schools nowadays do teach coding logic with puzzles pieces as a side course and its likely that the ability to program will appear to become infantilized for us but it will be in an environment where things are easy and useable by everyone. The need for dedicated coders will disappear.

    Disclaimer: i am very optimistic about this next part

    This is neglecting the potential for AI to in a few years become better and faster at coding then a whole team is right now.

    Its not unlikely technology will evolve to exist only out of 4 things: A database, an Ai genie, sensors, and output deviceslike a screen, speaker or vr set.

    You will simply say “Het ai, connect me to our minecraft world” the ai will do the rest to understand your talking about the one you started last week with some friends, retrieve the data it saved about it and output it on your gaming device of choice.

    You wont need to understand it anymore then you understand a human mind when you ask it to remember something or tell a story.

  • GPT for All: Hacked! No signups, logging in.
  • Well there are 2 things.

    First there is speed for which they do indeed rely on multiple thousands of super high end industrial Nvidia gpus. And since the 10Billion investment from microsoft they likely expanded that capacity. I’ve read somewhere that chatgpt costs about 700,000 a day to keep running.

    There are a few others tricks and caveats here though. Like decreasing the quality of the output when there is high load.

    For that quality of output they do deserve a lot of credit cause they train the models really well and continuously manage to improve their systems to create even higher qualitive and creative outputs.

    I dont think gpt4 is the biggest model that is out there but it does appear to be the best that is available.

    I can run a small llm at home that is much much faster then chatgpt.. that is if i want to generate some unintelligent nonsense.

    Likewise there might be a way to redesign gpt-4 to run on consumer graphics card with high quality output… if you don’t mind waiting a week for a single character to be generated.

    I actually think some of the open sourced local runnable llms like llama, vicuna and orca are much more impressive if you judge them on quality vs power requirement.

  • GPT for All: Hacked! No signups, logging in.
  • Kobald is a program to run local llms, some seem on par with gpt3 but normaly youre gonna need a very beefy system to slowly run them.

    The benefit is rather clear, less centralized and free from strict policies but Gpt3 is also miles away from gpt3.5. Exponential growth ftw. I have yet to see something as good and fast as chatgpt

  • Ultrawide monitor users, convince me to become one of you by answering these 3 simple questions.

    Q1: What is the model/type of your monitor and would you recommend it?

    Q2: Does your monitor support native PIP/PBP (and convenient on the fly switching) without software?

    Q3: Does The PIP/PBP function of your monitor require 2 sources? Can this be the same source?

    Q+: For the advanced users, can i control PIP/PBP with tools like these? linux tool / Windows tool

    Context: I have been a dual monitor enthusiast ever since i found an old unused CRT monitor on my parents attic. This has since been a core part of how i use computers. Currently i am rocking a standard 1440p main monitor and a vertical (16:10 FTW) 1050p one. My reliance on needing more screen space then my peers goes as far as my job having to purchase me an extra monitor as part of my disability package.

    I have seen ultra wide monitors IRL and i absolutely love them, but for a matter of fact buying one means no more space for any others. That's why i am so interested on the PIP feature but stores rarely ever mention them.

    I know that for 90% i wont even need to use that feature, but if i play a video full-screen, or a game (some really do not like windowed mode) and i cant use my virtual buttons/display features/something completely different on the side i am gonna regret my decision big time.

    Thanks in advance for your answers.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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