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Brandenburg - Landwirtschaftsminister Vogel für schnelleren Abschuss von Wölfen nach Angriffen auf Schafherden
  • @Takios vielleicht besser gleich alles zubetonieren. dann kann jeder dumme vogel parken. /s

  • Junk websites filled with AI-generated text are pulling in money from programmatic ads
  • @L4s I’m still - and always have - wondering who clicks on all this shit. No ad makes money without a “conversion” into some sort of sale. I believe it’s all a circlejerking of various add companies scamming each other. At some point this useless well of crap must dry out. And now even the content is complete and utter nonsense… so nobody is going to even look at it. how’s that supposed to hold up

  • I do not wish to live in the Gummy Universe.
  • @Akasazh @_stranger_ "How big is your wiener" would have a whole new meaning. Or would it... hm.

  • waldschnecke Schneckbert

    Have no fear, Schneckbert is here!

    Und plötzlich sieht man überall Leute die sich ein Leberwurstbrot an die Stirn kleben.


    \- Hacker \- Repair-almost-anything "Hacker" \- Nerd \- Linux geek \- Gamer \- Cyclist and Outdoor fan \- Privacy and security enthusiast \- Avoiding paywalls like the plaque \- If you need my PGP key, you already have my PGP key \- moved here from

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