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When Zionists redefine ‘antisemitism’ into a political cudgel
  • So your position (besides implying that I'm a cheerleader for Netanyahu) is that a good working definition of antisemitism is bad because people misuse it? What's your take on how to counter the very real antisemitism that exists in parts of the anti-Israel movement? Also, I'm sorry, but your quotation is obviously bullshit:

    applying double standards by requiring of [Israel] a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation

    China is a democratic nation now? Saudi Arabia is a democratic nation? Come on. It's obvious what that means, and it should be obvious why holding Israel to a uniquely high standard among democratic nations, as the definition says, is antisemitic.

  • When Zionists redefine ‘antisemitism’ into a political cudgel
  • Yeah, I thought that was it. The definition is clear that criticism of the Israeli government that's comparable to criticisms aimed at other governments isn't antisemitism. You should be able to criticise Israel in the same terms you criticise (e.g.) Russia and China, or for that matter America and the UK. But if you exclusively criticise Israel in virulent terms, or say that Israel is some sort of uniquely evil entity comparable to the Nazis, or imply that all Jews worldwide are agents of the Israeli state, or say Israel as a nation state should be wiped off the map—that's antisemitic.

    This should all be pretty uncontroversial.

  • thoughts on ereaders/kindles?
  • Always amuses me a bit when people say Kindles don't support EPUB, since I've been stripping DRM from my books and storing them in Calibre (enabling transparent conversion between EPUB and Amazon's formats) for thirteen years without a hitch. You should be doing this on any platform if you want to keep your books.

    It's beyond me why anyone who so much as knows what FOSS stands for wouldn't do the same.

  • Martin Scorsese urges filmmakers to fight comic book movie culture: ‘We’ve got to save cinema’
  • Let me put it in words of one syllable for you, since you're desperately reaching for any goalpost you can find to shift: I don't know who you think you're talking to, but it isn't anyone who's replied to you on this thread.

  • Martin Scorsese urges filmmakers to fight comic book movie culture: ‘We’ve got to save cinema’
  • Heavens, it's lucky we have people as smart as you to put the rest of us in our place. That guy has told you repeatedly, for instance, that he's not American and views "Trump voter" as an insult. And yet you persist in accusing him of being an American Trump voter, while jerking it to the sound of your own voice - surely the act of someone a cut above the common herd, who's not a self-important asswipe at all.

  • 'Scandalous': Anger as BBC 'refuse to cover' anti-Brexit rally in London
  • Honestly, the BBC never report on protests, and the people behind the protests always get mad about it. They just aren't newsworthy unless something happens besides the fact of a protest.

    Essentially, this story is free advertising for the protest.

  • Tensions are escalating
  • It's the colours.

    When I was five, my mum tied red, white and blue ribbons in my hair for the royal wedding. Obviously my hair ribbons didn't resemble the Union Jack. But everyone knew what they represented, nonetheless.

  • Human trials of artificial wombs could start soon. Here’s what you need to know.
  • ... Have you honestly, genuinely never heard of test tube babies? Do you not realise we've had them since the 70s?

    Think about that, then realise we had all this shit about "but the poor children" back then, for that, and none of it ever materialised because nobody gives a shit or ever knows the difference or cares at all.

    It's no different than giving birth by c-section, or indeed vaginally. There is no difference.

  • An "airport neighbourhood" where people can store their planes in their yard and taxi directly to the runway
  • I've got to ask, though—how is breathing CO2 pollution? Aren't we just taking in air, removing the oxygen, and exhaling the waste gases? Isn't there the same net CO2 afterwards?

    Have I misunderstood something as simple as breathing? Please say no.

  • Climate change: Thousands of penguins die in Antarctic ice breakup Climate change: Thousands of penguins die in Antarctic ice breakup

    Vast numbers of emperor penguin chicks drown as sea-ice melts and collapses underneath them.

    Climate change: Thousands of penguins die in Antarctic ice breakup

    Well, this is the saddest thing I've seen for a while.

    P3RE second trailer released

    Looking good. Am I remembering right there were no evokers in the first trailer?

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