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Nextcloud 30 share via mail link broken?

I am using Nextcloud for several years now without any issues but with update to Nextcloud 30 a few issues were introduced:

Most importantly file sharing via mail link is broken, bug was listed but no workaround or fix is known for now.

Also: Installing Enabling Apps via web client is broken if you are behind a reverse proxy. Workaround is to use the occ cli client to install, enable/disable addons.

And: RuntimeException image not found: image:apps/whiteboard.svg error that quickly fills your log if you do not have the whiteboard app installed. Workaround is to install the app.

Anyone else with similar experience since NC30? It seems to me that NC30 release was not very well tested?

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  • ich🐧iel
  • Nutze es seit drei Monaten ausschließlich und bin sehr zu Frieden. Ich nutze es zum Zocken mit Steam und Lutris - selbst GPU Undervolting war kein Problem.

    Setup war wie zu erwarten ein Hasenloch und eine Lernkurve und es gibt ein paar Besonderheiten wie zB Appimages, Firefox PWAs die man beachten muss.

    Das Gute ist das ich mein System jederzeit auf anderen Geräten identisch installieren kann - je nachdem wie viel du vorkonfigurierst.

  • hmmmmmmmmmmm
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    I fear that this will plunge Germany in a depression.

  • ich🏥🤧🍝iel
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  • guess I'll die
  • I guess it is about proving that you can provide for yourself otherwise you won't be allowed to permanently stay. But this doesn't really have anything to do with the healthcare system. Just a guess.

  • Standard rule
  • What's is this with the teeth? Are they all wearing fake teeth? Don't tell me everyone has such a great mouth hygiene and dental care with sugar in everything you eat in US?

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    Konnte Demogeld nicht mehr bezahlen: Antifa nach Massendemos pleite

    Weil fast überall viel mehr Menschen zu den Protesten kamen als erwartet, musste die Antifa, die wie gewohnt allen Teilnehmern Demogeld zahlt, jetzt Insolvenz anmelden.

    20 update breaks Wine/Proton compatibility

    New update Version 14542 breaks Linux compatibility with Wine/Proton via Lutris or Steam and will only display a gray screen.

    Workaround is to delete the update folder under $wine_root$/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/ and then start the client again.

    Update workaround: Set WINE_SIMULATE_WRITECOPY=1 environment variable in Lutris

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