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Flyback design for smart home 5v devices
  • I feelings confident I'm building devices that are connected to main. I have extensive training und practice for this, but yes, in general for most hobbyists, I would not recommend this

  • Alarm as German climate activists charged with ‘forming a criminal organisation’ | Action against Letzte Generation could have ‘immense chilling effect’ on climate protest, campaigners say
  • Yes I do talk about what is lega, because for some fucking reason, i have to explain why I was not surprised. I also talk about the fact that this does not mean that I agree with law ans prosecution.

    I layed out where I draw the line: hypocrisy. If you are willing to risk life's , be consequent in your actions.

    Also, I tried to show how the general public, again not my views, sees the last generation because of what they do.

    The assumption seems to be: if we just so such stunts, something will change. But we reached a point where the protest actions alienate politicians and the general public. And without support for the idea itself we are fucked. Or more, the generations after us are fucked

  • Alarm as German climate activists charged with ‘forming a criminal organisation’ | Action against Letzte Generation could have ‘immense chilling effect’ on climate protest, campaigners say
  • I don't compare your footprint to anything. Also I am not arguing that our debate here is a risk to the planet.

    I am just saying that without airplanes, many things would be not possible. And that includes solar and Wind energy btw.

    I am well aware how large the co2 footprint of an airplane is. But if I have the choice between banning all airplanes and green energy, my choice is clear.

    And here is the core of the issue, and this is btw a very generell issue:

    We are such dependent on things like airplanes, trucks and cars, thar we can not force a complete ban without risking other important stuff.

    I work in IT. I am fighting constantly to reduce power consumption, for self sufficient data centers and advocate against large scale AI, because the power consumption is massiv and the raw resources for GPU damage the environment from gathering through production.

    And one of the most paradox things I encountered is a customer that does climate change research and tries to find more ways to combat it. And they asked for an offer with over 200 GPU's.

    And based on this experience, my rough calculations for an average lemmy instance gives me about 2 metric tons co2/year. But is this bad? We are using this to discuss topics like these, organize protest, and if course for fun.

    I know the following is a stupid argument, but stick with me for a second.

    Based on your criteria we could shut down 90% of all instances. That would save us around 40 tons co2 per year.

    So, if we isolate this it looks good, right?

    But: a flight from Frankfurt to Heathrow wit a 747 alone produces around 70 tons of co2.

    So, it is all a question of perspective. And I am completely with you >70% of all flights should be just forbidden. Nobody, I repeat, nobody needs to fly from Germany to Italy. Use the fucking train.

    But how about USA? There is no train in this direction. So, while I am all for reducing flights as much as we can, we still have to keep some passenger planes.

    And for fright, we may be dependent for stuff that must be delivered quickly and is sensible to environmental conditions. Like parts for solar panels.

  • Alarm as German climate activists charged with ‘forming a criminal organisation’ | Action against Letzte Generation could have ‘immense chilling effect’ on climate protest, campaigners say
  • Says the one writing on a device some text, and sending it to a server. And both pieces of hardware are send around the world multiple times. Their raw resources, assembled parts and the whole systems.

    But: we need alternatives to fossils fuel for planes. And, of course, short range flights or flying to Mallorcavjust to drink,puke and piss, should be forbidden.

    We can't remove planes without removing a huge part of the stuff that we are dependent on every single day.

    To find compromises, we have to start at the extremes. But there is no seek for compromise. And after all, we are to late for compromises.

    And btw, if you read my comments, I also don't assume that anybody was in danger. But imagine someone disturbs air traffic vor 4-8 hours? I just explained why there is a law against such things.

  • Alarm as German climate activists charged with ‘forming a criminal organisation’ | Action against Letzte Generation could have ‘immense chilling effect’ on climate protest, campaigners say
  • Ah yes, the famous airport blockades od those events. Oh, wait ....

    Yeah absolutely comparable!!!!

    No! Those activits crossed a line where they were willing to risk life's. And this is the point where I refuse to keep my personal feelings out of this discussion.

    If you block an airport, you are willing to risk other people's life. And your mindset shows that we are very close to terrorism.

    And, most of all, this pisses me of because nearly every idiot involved in this has a China made phone in his pocket that would not exist without air traffic.

    You want environmental terrorism? Fine! But be consequentl. Don't buy electronics, don't buy or use stuff that needs rare earth's, oil, or other polluting stuff.

    Running over an air field to protest against climate change while recording ourself with your iPhone! Nice!

    But! Still I don't have the opinion that the last generation itself is a criminal organization. Still, some members do everything they can to prove the police and critics correct

  • Alarm as German climate activists charged with ‘forming a criminal organisation’ | Action against Letzte Generation could have ‘immense chilling effect’ on climate protest, campaigners say
  • I am not talking about a road. Interrupting air traffic is a crime with up to 10 years of prison. There is a difference between people in cars and people's in flying cans that at some point run out of fuel. At least this is the reasoning behind this. Not saying that was the case for this incident. Just why this law exists.

  • Alarm as German climate activists charged with ‘forming a criminal organisation’ | Action against Letzte Generation could have ‘immense chilling effect’ on climate protest, campaigners say
  • I am just stating facts. There is no personal emotion involved. Fact is, this move was not surprising. And I am expecting to see actual climate theorists soon. Yes. Because we reached a dead end.

    But if we can't even state facts here without triggering many of us, we have an issue.

    Anyhow, that said, there are rules for protesting. And, once again, braking into an airport violates multiple laws, with punishment up to 10 fucking years in prison.

    Was it that dangerous for passengers as some of the media says? I don't think so.

    Did it change somebody's state of mind? No. Did it shed a bad light on the movement? Fucking yes.

    Terrorism works because of fear. This does not spark fear. This results in anger of the wider population.

    My opinion: If we want to make sure the next generations have a livable planet we must change the mindset of the general population. And we can not do this this way.

  • Alarm as German climate activists charged with ‘forming a criminal organisation’ | Action against Letzte Generation could have ‘immense chilling effect’ on climate protest, campaigners say
  • We are talking about:

    • Disruption of public services (5 years in prison)
    • dangerous interference with air traffic (up to 10 years in prison)

    Only for the airport actions. The law is targeted at every organization where the primary goal is to commit crimes. We can argue about that part, but that does not mean that this was an expected step by the prosecution. (The government is not involved in criminal prosecution btw ...)

    Just to be clear, I am not defending the prosecutors here. Or the last generation.

  • Alarm as German climate activists charged with ‘forming a criminal organisation’ | Action against Letzte Generation could have ‘immense chilling effect’ on climate protest, campaigners say
  • I am with you on that point. And I didn't mention stuff like road blocks, because I see them related to the issue and they may yield some results.

    But a large part of the population oposses the last generation and in extension what they are trying to do.

    Not that I have a good solution.

    I am nearly 40 now, and fighting in this fight since I am 16. I know how much was done and that nothing happened on a political layer.

    But giving politicians such a large attack surface by committing serious crimes (and braking onto the airfield of an airport is a serious crime) is not very smart

  • Lemmy users looking at stock photos

    Am i to late for the stock photo memes?

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