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CW: suicide" Several arrested after woman dies in 'suicide pod'
  • It’s not just conservative media:

    Canada did genuinely really fuck this one up. There is a lot written about it from left wing sources. These types of things should always cause some concern for the discerning leftist when happening in capitalist hell holes

  • Are there any occupations you uniquely oppose the existence of?
  • Landlord is an occupation? Not familiar with any labor they do

  • chat is this real??
  • Federating was a mistake

  • “Learn to Code” goes bust.
  • Yeah this anecdotally checks out. We had lay offs at my company and like 80% of people affected were management of some type. They specifically didn’t cut people “that contribute” so kinda just admitting how bullshit many of these jobs are. Some junior level devs were affected too though and that was sad of course

  • Title
  • I just watched it last month and it was well worth it. Each season gets better. It’s all on YouTube