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A TV reporter was doing a live hurricane report when he rescued a woman from a submerged car
  • Look, I absolutely hate to do the reading comprehension thing but you've misread both the article and my comment on it. The reporter who performed the rescue was Fox's Bob Van Dillen. The person quoted, however, is Subramaniam Vincent, director of journalism and media ethics at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University. The writer of this AP article quoted Vincent who recounted the situation. The writer also added some additional context to Vincent's remarks which serve to explain the concept of rescuing a person who is crying out for help.

    So ... sorry ... no. I'm not asking that.

  • Titan implosion testimony paints a picture of reckless greed and explorer passion
  • I dunno, it seems pretty safe to me. I've ridden the same carbon fiber bicycle for years and it has never imploded.

  • A TV reporter was doing a live hurricane report when he rescued a woman from a submerged car
  • This article is weird. For one thing, the last sentence quoted is just confusing:

    Van Dillen is then seen wading through the water with the woman on her back, carrying her to safety.

    Who's the "her" in that sentence? Anyway, the really confusing part is that they then consulted with an expert on journalistic ethics:

    It’s clear that while he had a professional obligation to report the news, “there’s also someone whose potential life is at risk,” Vincent said. “So I think the call he made is a human call.”

    Considering the rising waters and the woman’s cries for help, along with not knowing when help would arrive, “it’s a straightforward case of jumping in — a fellow citizen actually helping another,” Vincent said.

    Why is the writer explaining this basic concept like I'm an alien? Sometimes, people stop doing their job for a few moments to save somebody's life even though that's not what their job entails. That's interesting. Are the humans then punished for their dereliction of duty?

  • Movie(s) with best soundtrack?
  • The adjective for this type of music is "diegetic". That's sound which is occurring and audible in-universe, not just to the audience.

  • Removed
    I guess some browsers are "building a better Internet" more than others.
  • Wow, Vivaldi really is about restoring the old school web, everyone else stopped supporting .swf years ago.

  • vaguerant vaguerant
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