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We all know it's true
  • This ten forward? I see last post as 5 months ago...

  • We all know it's true
  • I understand that but none of the replacements came close to matching the level of content and quality, risa used to always be popping in recent and I've not found any of the replacements (I subscribed to them all) to be anywhere near that. Not saying the action wasn't warranted (it probably was) but still sad.

  • We all know it's true
  • I don't really know what drama caused it but when he stopped posting on c/ it was a sad sad day.

  • NSFW
    Anyone have experience severe alcoholism withdrawal? (CW Substance abuse, mental health)
  • Def sounds like the DTs and a hospital is definitely the best place for her. Alcohol and benzos are the only withdrawal that will outright kill you.

  • With GPL, you're programming Freedom. With MIT, you're programming for free.
  • All my own OSS stuff I always release MIT licensed because I want to be able to use the libraries in my closed source job.

  • They're doing Civ 7 already
  • I have 3 friends that I play Civ V with weekly, in person LAN parties maybe once or twice a year. Civ 6 never caught on and I'm the youngest in the group (at 39) so I just went with it. But going by the principle that odd number Civs are good we are excited for 2025.

  • Punch cards ftw
  • Can you explain more? Don't leave me hanging...

  • [discussion] This is what walkability means for me
  • I'm personally a big fan of finishing up work, looking through the cupboards, polling the kids and wife, and then walking 5 minutes to the grocery store to get a few things for dinner. Gets me out of the house, and since I work from home mostly I find it helps me make a nice mental and physical separation between work and the evening. Fresh baked sourdough from a local baker is an added plus.

    I realize there's an immense level of privilege I enjoy to be able to do this (namely living in a very metro area, and usually having no commute), but having also lived in Europe and India for periods of my life it's sad to see there this type of daily shopping is way more normal and commonplace.

  • Anon knows what he likes
  • One of the best parts of living in the SF bay area is literally anywhere you go isn't particularly expensive per what you are used to. My wife and I went out to a particularly fancy restaurant on Santorini and the bill was less than we've often paid in Berkeley.

  • Denmark’s Prime Minister Is Attacked in Copenhagen Square
  • Der kom en mand forbi i den modsatte retning, og han gav hende et hårdt skub på skulderen, så hun væltede til siden, fortæller henholdsvis 18- og 17-årige Marie Adrian og Anna Ravn til mediet.

    Thanks for the danish link. Definitely not "beaten". I haven't lived in Scandinavia in nearly 20 years and am way out of touch with politics there. What's the reasoning behind this?

  • Donald Trump's "foamy saliva" in campaign video raises questions
  • I appreciate your honesty here. I keenly remember the post 9/11 rhetoric being the big driver for my immigrant father to stop voting republican, unfortunately for many it takes something really hitting home in order to recognize what was there all along.

  • Donald Trump's "foamy saliva" in campaign video raises questions
  • You are white I take it? This was obvious to me (as a mixed race but not white passing person, with a very foreign sounding name) since before the GW years.

  • Missouri joins other red states in trying to stamp out ranked choice voting
  • How is an exhausted ballot any different from voting 3rd party today? 100% guaranteed for sure when I've voted Green my vote did not count towards anybody with a chance of winning. Is that any different if I could vote green and socialist and whatever else (but still not rank any major party candidates)?

  • The number of deaths in ICE custody is already more than double all of last year
  • Definitely nothing else that increased mortality happened in 2020 right?

  • Black scholars criticize white writer's 'dehumanizing' use of blackface to write book on U.S. race relations
  • I'm more amazed that angelfire is still around! I had so many blink tags and under construction gifs hosted there in the late 90s.

  • New Critical Stack: War over Taiwan would only benefit the United States of America
  • I'm in Taipei right now and how few fucks the locals give about any of this vs how people talked about it back home (Berkeley, California) is a bit striking.

  • will be down for ~30m today as we do some upgrades.
  • Thanks for all your hard work!

  • Hall of Famer Bill Walton, 71, dies of cancer
  • Actually talked at length with Bill at a Ratdog show in Chicago around 2007. And had him block my view at the Fox in Oakland a couple of times. Fare thee well Big Red ❤️

  • how to learn prolog?

    Any recommendations for learning (modern) prolog? Specifically looking at ishigo/prolog and trealla-go as a way to embed rules validation engines in a golang application. Am I insane? If not (or so) how do I best go about learning prolog?

    v_krishna v_krishna
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