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That escalated quickly 😬

Late night message...angry face emoji...might be time to think about a restraining order.


Huffpost got me with this one. 🤔

4-Year-Old Fatally Shot By Woman Who Was Teaching Her 'Firearm Safety,' Authorities Say
  • Exactly. It was murder and its pissing me off the news is making it about firearm safety gone wrong. And the poor kids sound like they were abused in this foster care setting.. This girl was shot point blank in the chest. Hope there is some justice.This poor child.

  • Cougar on Haystack Rock 😲 Cannon Beach reopens after cougar tracks seen leaving Haystack Rock

    The beach at Haystack Rock in Cannon Beach is closed due to a cougar sighting Sunday morning, police said.

    Favorite Local-ish Roaster?
  • We also drink our coffee sideways up here in the upper left. The 45th parallel is crazy.

  • Favorite Local-ish Roaster?
  • Same. Stumptown

  • Locked
    Coffee lovers, this community wants you!
  • You had me at ...wants you...I mean coffee, I meant coffee, I love coffee.

  • meirl
  • You can't go wrong with either.

  • meirl
  • Didn't even leave the page after my comment and got this 🤣

  • meirl
  • I'm so thankful for ,, its so smooth. I have been hanging onto my .world account but it gets harder everyday with all the glitches.

  • meirl
  • Dude I'm cross-eyed from all the sign in refreshes.

  • Uh, did get hacked?
  • Yes. You seeing this

  • Ahh Freedom...
  • Being his true self

  • It's so much easier to comment on Lemmy because it isn't a toxic cesspool waiting to tear you apart
  • He is my spirit animal and reddit origin story. A friendly lemmy user suggested I turn him into a meme. He is so worthy of being seen. I parked next to this dog 12 years ago, took this pic, best day ever.

  • Ahh Freedom...
  • It's more the feeling of cruising and browsing all the instances and having the freedom to choose and look around the fediverse

  • Red Tail Golf Course an Option for PDX MLB?

    Without a rail system? In the burbs? Destroying wildlife habitat and green space. Llyod center is the better option IMO. What are your thoughts?

    Community on another instance

    I am unable to find or see a community that I started on here @ .world. When I joined both instances I created the same community on each not knowing much about the fediverse.

    What is this?

    So I went to desktop site on my android phone and there was a ‘community’ with my r/user name listed as u/user?!? I am not logged in nor have I been able to since RIF said goodbye. Anyone see this too?

    useralreadyexists useralreadyexists
    Posts 12
    Comments 29