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Begging for all the Lemmy Audiophiles recommendations on computer speakers!
  • Short Summary:

    Open back: 125$ AKG K-702 i personally used these before and can recommend them.

    Closed Back: 133$ AKG K-371 Im an AKG fan so although i havent personally tested these ones, they have a good rating so i would recommend these.

    These two are studio headphones, so they are not super bass heavy but try to be close to recording/true frequency distribution instead.

    In ears can often be much better value (eg cheaper) but i dont really know enough to recommend something (check the following list, there are some very well rated ones in the 20-30$ range.)


    Exhaustive Lists:

    Crinacle is a dude that ranks headphones and has not led me astray so far.

    The following are big ranked list that start at S Tier meaning the list starts at 5-6 digit prices... Just scroll down until you find something in your price range that you like and has a decent rating. The prices might be different from whats listed there tho, because they change all the time.

    If you want in ears:

    If you want over ears:

    With over ears, be aware of the difference between closed/open backs. Open backs give you better surround and more natural sound in my experience, while being able to hear things around you. If your surroundings are loud, you might want closed backs instead.

  • Check this shit out

    Saw this beauty in a shitpost community and had to share.

    Begging for all the Lemmy Audiophiles recommendations on computer speakers!
  • I mean for gaming, headphones are always better imo, but if you want speakers then personally i would go for used ones at that price range.

    You will just get much more value for you money, but you will need to have a bit of patience to get a good deal.

    Honestly even a mini amp with some random passive speakers will be a better experience than whatever active speakers you can get for 100$.

    I once installed this type of thing for someone that found some passive speakers in the trash and was really strapped on money.

    26€ Stereo Amp Board (Amazon)

    30€ Stereo + Sub Amp Board (Amazon)

  • New German Citizenship Law Requires Applicants to Declare Israel's 'Right to Exist'
  • There is a good level of resistence in germany but its all grassroots and academics. Very few politicians dare to speak out against the genocide. And the news pipeline is directly connected to the political parties, so you will only see the headlines about the assholes.

  • Begging for all the Lemmy Audiophiles recommendations on computer speakers!
  • The most important parts are missing from your question.

    How much money are you willing to spend? Do you just want small 2 way speakers or small + subwoofer or 3 way speakers?

    As someone else mentioned, KRK can be pretty good value but decent active studio monitors start around the 200$ area at the minimum. This site is my go to for audio stuff

    I have been happily using a pair of Fostex PM0.4C that i got on sale for 250€ but i dont know how availability is wherever you are.

    This Focusrite Scarlett Solo is THE standard audio interface you will find in many budget or mobile audio studios, but this is not really needed for most people.

  • India to mandate USB-C connectors on smartphones and laptops by 2026
  • With 7 years of active use, USB-C is already 25% of the way there then.

    Once you actually start using devices that fully utilize all that USB-C has to offer, there is no going back. Getting lots of Power Delivery, Display, Networking and enough bandwidth for other USB devices all over one cable is just so good. At work i just walk up to any monitor, which will have all the necessary stuff attached, plug in one cable to my laptop and im good to go.

  • 180° Rainbow with secondary rainbow

    Took this some time ago in northern Spain on the Mediterranean coast. I also really liked the contrast of sunlit to shadowed landscape.

    Aperture Laboratories Van owned by a previous client of mine

    ! !

    Love me some Portal 2 references <3 Seems to be an old German ambulance that was repurposed.

    Colorful wall art in abandoned house

    Saw this cool wall art people were doing in an abandoned house a while ago and never posted it anywhere. So this will be my first lemmy post :)

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    beep boop

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