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turns out when capitalists said "buy American" they meant buy Americans
  • Ah, I never meant to imply that “all slaves are equally treated just as bad”, thereby minimizing the suffering of others.

    Of course some forms are far worse than others. And of course we want to help those suffering the most first and foremost.

    I meant my comment as a solidarity statement. Not the straw man you crafted, apologies for the misunderstanding.

  • turns out when capitalists said "buy American" they meant buy Americans
  • I mean yeah I can leave whenever I want…I can “choose” my master so to speak, but unless I want to starve to death I’m forced to choose a master.

    It’s literally just a nicer form of slavery. If you have a gun pointed to your head with the option “choose a master or I pull the trigger”, is that really a choice? I’d argue not.

  • Threw a wrestling watch party, made special food, and was very disappointed in the outcome.
  • Yeah we also have friends in our group that have special diet restrictions/health issues they don’t want the while world knowing about where they can’t eat certain foods.

    It’s one thing to ask someone to make certain food, then showing up and not eating any. But it’s likely OP’s guests never asked for all of this. So I don’t really see how OP can be upset that his guests didn’t stuff their faces?

    Sometimes people aren’t hungry. Or they’re on diets. Or have legitimate medical reasons for not eating certain foods. It really doesn’t matter. I never understood this logic of getting personally offended because people didn’t eat something I made. I don’t give a shit, more for me! Or I can donate it/save it for later!

  • Threw a wrestling watch party, made special food, and was very disappointed in the outcome.
  • I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but is there a reason none of them showed up?? I feel like there has got to be some fault on you (whether it was properly communicating, expecting people who’ve given a ‘maybe’ to show, were they acquaintances you’ve only met once, was it snowing outside, etc. ).

    Either you’re truly the righteous one here and all the other 15 people are shitty, or there’s something you’re not telling us.

  • Threw a wrestling watch party, made special food, and was very disappointed in the outcome.
  • So I have a friend that sounds a bit like OP.

    He plans some event and invites a few people (including myself). I said I already had plans, but would try and make it if my other plans ended early.

    Weekend comes around and he prepares a preposterous amount of food for everyone. Like enough to feed a family for an entire month.

    My other plans don’t end up ending early, so I wasn’t able to make it. He then sends me pics of all the food that hadn’t been eaten and does this little guilt trippy dance he always does: “my friends and I were really excited to have you join us, guess I gotta throw all this away now”

    Like bro…I never said I could go in the first place! And even if I was there, there is no WAY I’d be eating all that food lmao.

    I really don’t understand this behavior. It’s like they get a pleasure out of playing the victim constantly.

    Not saying this is you, OP. Just wanted to vent a little bit haha

  • What are your first principles (rules you've developed) in your life?
  • There exists a problem. Problem requires a solution. Solution requires diagnosing problem and using reasoning to solve craft solution.

    Assigning blame (root cause analysis) can wait. First, fix problem. Then analyze how/why problem happened and implement corrective and preventative actions.

    A company I used to work for actually had a policy of never to assign root cause as “Human error”. Individuals actually never got blamed. Instead, it was perhaps that there wasn’t enough training, or certain procedures were lacking which could’ve prevented the problem, etc.

    One time someone had accidentally broke an $8 million dollar piece of equipment. They were never fired, or reprimanded at all. Instead, the investigation assigned root cause to lack of adequate safety procedures, or something like that. Therefore actions are taken to help prevent recurrence instead of just saying “They did it! Fire them!!”

    They were a great company to work for because of this.

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  • I’m not familiar with the typical procedure for determining repeat missions either, but if I know anything about management and people in a position of power, it was likely a tantrum they threw after they realized they got bested by someone “beneath” them, and it was their way of coming out on top (at least in their minds) in the end.

    “Oh yeah? Well, we’re not gonna allow you to fly into space again! 😤”

    Like the time management “punished” me by moving my desk away from my coworkers when I stood up for a coworker’s opinion during a meeting that went against management opinion.

    Oh no, you’re moving me somewhere where I’m not gonna be harassed and distracted by my coworkers 24/7?? I’ll get peace and quiet to focus on my work? What ever will I do!

    It’s just something to get the upper hand to make them feel more in control. I’ve never seen more immaturity and sensitivity in people than I have with those in management and positions of authority (of course there are certainly exceptions, and there have been instances where I’ve had wonderful managers…but they are a rare breed indeed).

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