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New Covid wave has begun and masks should be worn again, scientists warn
  • IMO people should wear masks if they have to go out with any cold/flu type illness. Stops them spreading their germs to other people.

  • Join the Artemis TestFlight
  • I can't register on The confirmation email has an expiry. It went into my spam folder and I didn't notice it until I woke up this morning and there doesn't seem to be a way to resend the confirmation email.

  • Tab Groups like Chrome
  • There are no extensions that do it exactly like Chrome does with the collapsible groups in the tab bar, Firefox doesn’t support it.

    There are a few extension for grouping tabs that other people have mentioned though.

  • Kapowarr (Comarr) So Far, Love it
  • I tried it a month or so back when it was first released. Seemed really basic, which I guess is fine for an initial release.

    My issue with it at the time was there wasn't any way to import any existing comics I already had.

    I'll need to spin it up again and see what has changed since I last looked at it.

  • will twitter last or will it die?
  • It won't die, it will just become irrelevant for the majority of people.

  • Why do I keep getting logged out?
  • I thought it was just me or my browser.

  • Kbin Enhancement Suite (KES) now working on iOS
  • How do you get it working on iOS?

  • Loot boxes: Games companies agree to restrict access in UK
  • They shouldn’t be allowed in games full stop

  • A week in, Threads has lost half of its active users
  • I signed up/in once and haven’t used it again.

  • How do you deal with endless cookies dialogues?
  • Someone forked the last version from before it was bought. I think it’s called “I still don’t care about cookies”

  • What's the first dream you remember having?
  • I’m 42. I’ve never remembered a dream in my life.

  • Spain: 6 injured in Pamplona bull run
  • Good. Pity it wasn't more.

  • Can I block posts about Reddit?
  • I don't really have a preference between either of them. Reddit is only better because that is where most people are.

  • As Reddit Crushes Protests, Its User Traffic Returns to Normal
  • When Apollo stops working, I will only be accessing Reddit via

    I refuse to use that shitshow of an ad riddled official app.

  • DeArrow - A Browser Extension that removes clickbait titles and thumbnails
  • Awesome, it's like Clickbate Remover +.

    If it works half as well as SponsorBlock I'll be a happy man.

  • unabatedshagie unabatedshagie
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