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Hearing is be-leafing: Students invent quieter leaf blower
  • So I promise I'm not trying to be a dick here. While what you're saying is essentially reasonable, it's actually not true.

    The amount of emissions in these small, wildly inefficient engines is considerably worse than even a large pickup truck. The reason is because emissions standards, including the introduction of catalytic converters, etc. don't apply to lawn equipment. The result is that these don't actually burn fuel correctly, and spew out lots of harmful pollutants in a way that even large ICE vehicles don't. the above results%2C the,than the crew cab pickup.

    Like sure, there are larger sources of emissions, but I'm kinda in favor of making changes that would offer a large benefit proportionate to the amount of lifestyle change needed to make the switch. As in, making this switch would be easier than not. These emissions produce no benefit to us, and they cost us a weird amount of money to produce.

  • Hearing is be-leafing: Students invent quieter leaf blower
  • Fuck leaf blowers. I don't care if they're quieter. The term here is "polishing a turd." They don't really solve any problems. They're not good at removing debris, but just blowing it to a place where someone else will deal with it.

    Also... removing debris on its own is a dubious pursuit, since "debris" could also be termed "stuff that holds moisture longer and slows the effect of drying soil during drought conditions."

  • Addiction is a scary thing.
  • It is an unfortunate thing, because tankies are actually a problem. And I do mean the real term, as in the folks who identify with dictatorships that are so-called communist.

    The reason it's a problem is that the folks who are left-leaning but uneducated sometimes get swept up in pro-authoritarian rhetoric that happens to oppose the west. I'm anticapitalist, leftist, etc. I see tankies and fascists having a lot in common. That seems dangerous in the sense that fascism is a real threat. Also, then, our ranks are being thinned out and co-opted by specific bad-faith actors. At the same time, when people buy into tankie (pro-Russia, pro-China, pro-North Korea) propaganda, this more or less consolidates some of the power that opposes actual leftists (as in, people who support human rights, equitable societies, environmental protection, etc).

    Not really any argument against what you're saying. Just kind of adding that the term tankie is actually useful to describe a specific viewpoint, but obviously not in the way that the previous commenter used it.

  • Myth of 'superhuman strength' in Black people persists in deadly encounters with police
  • So this is a horrific stereotype, and it has an even more sinister historical precedent.

    Back in the era of slavery (that is specifically in the US, the slavery of Africans abducted from their home countries), there were specifically slave "breeding farms" where slavers would commit massive amounts of sexual assault of captive slaves in order to produce slaves they selected by their own arbitrary metric for specific physical qualities... and to save on what can, again horrifically, be referred to as "import costs."

    I'm not saying this "worked" or produced the results that slavers wanted. What I am saying is that this specific way of subjugating and dehumanizing people has had lasting effects in both perception of black folks and in the ways that systemic racism works.

  • Pronouns
  • This isn't actually a real issue. Your language preference isn't the same as someone pushing you to change your own pronouns.

    Thanks for being receptive to treating people with decency (I mean that), but this conflict you are perceiving isn't actually a thing. Unisex and gender neutral in this context mean the same thing -- this is just the more commonly used term in this era, but that's just because patterns of language usage have changed.

  • Uncommitted voters are not apathetic. The Democratic party is
  • OK no. "From the river to the sea" is most likely a slogan originating from Hamas' own charter, calling for the extermination of non-muslims:

    Fuck Zionism and fuck Hamas. It is idiotic and wrongheaded to support either of these causes. We can just be against war, plain and simple. That catchphrase is not a neutral one and it's weird that people are acting like it is. If you think that taking votes away from the dems is somehow helpful in this pursuit, then you're just not paying attention.

  • No-so-silent Spring
  • Mowing lawns is killing pollinators.

    People put so much energy into growing grass. Seeding, liming, fertilising, watering... so they can create endless, mindless busywork and destroy biodiversity.

    Lawns were originally a status symbol. A "hey lol look at me I have enough land I don't have to grow food." Shameful that it took off as a defacto standard.

  • Generative AI could soon decimate the call center industry, says CEO
  • The fact that generative AI is being used as a means of large corporations consolidating even more wealth rather than attempting to free the working class from shitty, menial jobs shows that we're way the fuck off with how we conceptualize of "work".

    This should be a good thing, but for lots of people this will suck.

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