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Games where an emulated console version outclasses the PC port?
  • I bought Rayman 2 on GOG a few years ago, and it had a hard time recognizing controllers. I even tried launching it through Steam, which usually fixes all controller problems, but it still didn't work. The Dreamcast version still looks good enough, and your controller will definitely work.

    Due to licensing issues, Crazy Taxi 2 has a different soundtrack on the PC from the original Dreamcast version. The Dreamcast version is the one with The Offspring.

    Sonic 3 has also had music licensing issues, so the version included in Sonic Origins has a different soundtrack. Sonic Origins was also buggy at launch, but I hear that's fixed now. Sonic Origins also adds a bunch of new features though, so this one may be a tossup.

    Question for y'all: did anyone buy the recent PC port of Metal Gear Solid 2? It seems to have both a lot of praise and a lot of complaints.

  • Poor Sega just didn't get the timing right.
  • Me too; in fact I have two games for it on the way right now! Games made in the last few years! Intrepid Izzy and Postal.

  • Poor Sega just didn't get the timing right.
  • Seaman is one of those games that I'm intentionally not replaying, because it absolutely blew my mind when I was ten years old, and I just want to leave it that way. I'm guessing the tricks they used to mimic conversation would be very obvious to me now, but back then it seemed completely real. That game turned your CRT TV into a fish tank with an honest to god talking fish inside of it... and Spock gave you updates about how he was doing when you checked on him after school.

  • What are your plans for when the Milky Way galaxy collides with Andromeda?
  • I'm more than happy to jump over to whichever side is winning. Got my Andromeda flag ready to fly as soon as things start leaning in their favor.

  • HORI announced a special gamepad for Steam / Steam Deck [classic "Xbox layout"]
  • Yeah, it definitely needs trackpads that are easy to reach in order to be a Steam Deck controller. (And I'm saying "easy to each" because the awkwardly placed Playstation touchpad doesn't count.)

    I'm curious about this part, though:

    Gyro in the "Steam mode". With the sticks having a touch sensor too.

    That sounds like an advantage over a Playstation or Switch controller. I'm guessing that means you could enable the gyro just by touching the analog stick, without having to press a button. That's like what most people did on the Steam controller, where the gyro would enable when you touched the trackpad.

  • Play Your Way – enjoy your GOG games with Luna cloud streaming
  • I'm guessing GP was referring to the fact that the DRM-free download store is partnering with a "you don't actually own this" streaming service. As long as it's optional, I don't have an issue with it, and the word ironic doesn't necessarily imply that its a negative.

  • Blumenkrantz "Massively Improves" Mesa's glReadPixels Performance With 7 Lines Of Code
  • Very cool. I'm also really curious about how the author ended up looking at Blazblue when working on this, haha.

  • GOG Summer Sale has arrived
  • copy-pasting what I posted on !pcgaming for some that are $5 or less:

    A few super cheap, not-new games I've played that aren't on the main promo banner:

    • Aragami - $3 - Pretty challenging stealth game. The sequel is also on sale, but I hear it's more action-oriented, less stealth-oriented than the original.
    • Anomaly: Warzone Earth - $2 - Strategy game.
    • Bastion - $3 - Same developer that made Hades.
    • Mount & Blade: Warband - $5 - Sid Meier's Pirates, but with horses. (This is not the newest game, Bannerlord)
    • Sid Meier's Pirates - $2.50 - Mount & Blade, but with ships.
    • X3: Reunion - $2 - Sid Meier's Mount & Blade, but in spaaaaaaace. (I've only played the sequel, X4. But this one looks kind of similar, and is two dollars.)
    • Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six - $2.50 - Tactical FPS. Been a while since I've played it. Was definitely cool when it came out.
    • Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon - $3 - Ditto. This one probably holds up better.
    • Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - $2.50 - Who do you think would win in a fight, Tom Clancy or Sid Meier? I think Sid Meier.
    • BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger - $1.50 - Fighting game. Combos are not as timing-sensitive as games like Street Fighter or Tekken.
    • Rayman 2 - $1.50 - 3D platformer.
  • GOG Summer Sale has arrived
  • And if you do run into any problems, the Steam overlay should solve any compatibility problems, if you're OK with launching your games through Steam. I end up doing that with all of my games (including the ones I didn't buy on Steam) since I think its controller mapping UI is the best.

  • GOG summer sale
  • A few super cheap, not-new games I've played that aren't on the main promo banner:

    • Aragami - $3 - Pretty challenging stealth game. The sequel is also on sale, but I hear it's more action-oriented, less stealth-oriented than the original.
    • Anomaly: Warzone Earth - $2 - Strategy game.
    • Bastion - $3 - Same developer that made Hades.
    • Mount & Blade: Warband - $5 - Sid Meier's Pirates, but with horses. (This is not the newest game, Bannerlord)
    • Sid Meier's Pirates - $2.50 - Mount & Blade, but with ships.
    • X3: Reunion - $2 - Sid Meier's Mount & Blade, but in spaaaaaaace. (I've only played the sequel, X4. But this one looks kind of similar, and is two dollars.)
    • Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six - $2.50 - Tactical FPS. Been a while since I've played it. Was definitely cool when it came out.
    • Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon - $3 - Ditto. This one probably holds up better.
    • Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - $2.50 - Who do you think would win in a fight, Tom Clancy or Sid Meier? I think Sid Meier.
    • BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger - $1.50 - Fighting game. Combos are not as timing-sensitive as games like Street Fighter or Tekken.
    • Rayman 2 - $1.50 - 3D platformer.
  • GOG summer sale
  • Might finally be time to get Cyberpunk 2077. But looking at my unplayed Steam library... I don't need it. I don't need it. I definitely don't need it.

  • YouTube is dedicated to making itself worse; destroys SponsorBlock with ad injection changes
  • This may not work out the way I want it to, but I'm actually a little excited about these tech companies making a bunch of anti-consumer decisions all at once. So many mainstream users will be looking for alternatives, and it's going to provide a great opportunity for non-profit open source projects. It's already happening with the fediverse suddenly becoming a viable place for discussion in the last 1.5 years. After Windows Recall was announced, I've seen more people talking about switching to Linux than ever before. Part of me can't wait for unskippable Youtube ads.

  • METAL GEAR SOLID Δ: SNAKE EATER - Official Trailer #1
  • That's Metal Gear Solid Y for those who are more familiar with the Xbox layout.

  • Anyone notice the PS1 and Dreamcast are designed similarly in a way?
  • This post made me realize just how few consoles had a CD flap. Is it just the Playstation, Dreamcast, Saturn, and Gamecube? Kind of weird how that was the default for CD players pretty much forever, but not many consoles went with that. PS2, Xbox, and everything after those had some kind of tray or slot. Maybe it was because they could visually stand apart from their competitors more that way.

  • What was announced at Summer Games Fest that you are most excited for?
  • I've never been excited for DLC before, but Street Fighter 6 adding Terry and Mai, from King of Fighters, was very unexpected. I think that was my favorite.

    I've been playing Capcom vs. SNK 2 whenver I have a few minutes to spare these days:

  • Half-Life Was 95% Ready for Dreamcast
  • Come to think of it, there are probably still people playing CS 1.6 today.

    Whoa, turns out to be a lot of them. 14,400 as of a few minutes ago!

    That's as many as the two most recent Battlefield games have combined right now. Battlefield 2042 currently around 8,000 and Battlefield V at 6,000. I'm sure console players would boost the Battlefield numbers quite a bit, but still. That's pretty cool.

  • Google accidentally published internal Search documentation to GitHub
  • Bleh, yeah I really hate to side with Google, especially when releasing this documentation benefits users and hiding it benefits Google.

    It seems weird for this new license to be legally binding. If someone committed this to the wrong repo, and that person didn't have legal authority over the original content, then how can they have legally relicensed it? I would think that it would be necessary for them to have ownership of the content in the first place.

  • Half-Life Was 95% Ready for Dreamcast
  • I downloaded an ISO of it a while ago and played through maybe third of the game. I found it to be very playable. People always mention the long load times, but it's worth mentioning that long load times were much more common back then. (Although Half-Life on DC was even longer than usual.)

    Also, I hate to be nit picky, but the blog post linked here manages to be weirdly wrong about two things and it's barely one paragraph long, lol.

    Half-Life is one of the most successful video games of the early 2000s.

    Ahhh, 1998. One of the best years of the early 2000s.

    Half-Life was everywhere... except one notable place: Sega's Dreamcast. It has been a mystery as to what happened with a game destined to have a port on every possible platform.

    Half-Life was a PC exclusive until the PS2 port in November 2001, ten months after the Dreamcast was discontinued. The PC and PS2 versions are still the only official versions to this day. Half-Life is not known for being on every platform. Was the author thinking of Doom, one of the best games of the mid 70s?

  • God of War Ragnarök will require a PSN account to play on PC
  • Aw, I was looking forward to this one. But also, meh, my unplayed backlog is huge.

    I'm gonna put on my casual-observer-business-analyst hat real quick: it seems weird that Sony is making so many decisions that they know will piss off customers with their brand lately. Microsoft has been striking out hard with underwhelming exclusives, whereas at least Sony has had a few hits. Sony could take advantage of that and use this generation to crush the Xbox brand pretty hard. The payoff would be huge later on.

    Business execs always fancy themselves as military generals; I'm sure they've heard that Napoleon quote, "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." Instead, they seem to be taking advantage of Microsoft's blunders to just knowingly make their own blunders.

    Like, even from a cutthroat business exec mindset, there is a profit-motivated reason to just chill out with the anti-consumer stuff right now. Your biggest competitor has been absolutely unloading a clip into their own foot for like two years. Quit drawing attention to yourself.

  • As the Internet Gets Scarier, More Parents Keep Their Kids’ Photos Offline As the Internet Gets Scarier, More Parents Keep Their Kids’ Photos Offline

    Parents are increasingly rethinking what it means to create an online footprint their child can’t actively consent to.

    As the Internet Gets Scarier, More Parents Keep Their Kids’ Photos Offline

    Here's a non-paywalled link to an article published in the Washington Post a few days ago. It's great to see this kind of thing getting some mainstream attention. Young children have not made an informed decision about whether they want their photos posted online.

    [x-post] Do you run anything on a RISC-V processor? Do you run anything on a RISC-V processor? - Lemmy

    Lately I’ve been really liking the idea of having something hosted on a RISC-V machine. RISC-V is a non-proprietary instruction set that is a competitor to ARM. The idea of having a something running on an open source operating system, running on an open standard CPU, served from my house, gives me ...

    (also posted on @selfhost)

    RISC-V is a non-proprietary instruction set that is an alternative to ARM. I had thought that we were still waiting for a stable Linux distribution on RISC-V devices, but it turns out many RISC-V machines can run Debian already.

    Does anyone have a RISC-V device that they use regularly? How has it been working?

    Do you run anything on a RISC-V processor?

    Lately I've been really liking the idea of having something hosted on a RISC-V machine. RISC-V is a non-proprietary instruction set that is a competitor to ARM. The idea of having a something running on an open source operating system, running on an open standard CPU, served from my house, gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.

    I was under the impression that most Linux distributions were unstable on RISC-V. Turns out, I'm wrong about that. From a quick search, the following have official Debian images:

    and the Pine64 Star64 has a community-maintained Armbian image.

    Does anyone here have a RISC-V single-board computer doing anything practical for you?

    8bitdo made a Commodore 64 variant of their keyboard 8BitDo Retro Mechanical Keyboard (C64 edition, ships on Sep. 28th, 202

    NOTES: We are NOT liable for ANY extra import taxes so please learn about local customs policy before purchasing. After ordering, please pay attention to the tracking update and deal with clearance timely. We will deduct 70% of the paid amount if the packages are returned due to overdue customs clea...

    8BitDo Retro Mechanical Keyboard (C64 edition, ships on Sep. 28th, 202

    The 8bitdo keyboard has been pretty well-received as a \~$100 wireless keyboard with ABS keycaps. I love the way this C64 color scheme looks.

    I have an 8bitdo arcade stick, which looks like it uses the same knob as this keyboard for selecting the wireless mode. I love the way it feels every time I turn it on.

    Unfortunately, the keyboard doesn't use QMK -- it uses their own mapping software, which is Windows only. This makes it a non-starter for me, since I rarely use a Windows computer these days. But I just might have to copy that color scheme for my next build.

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