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What is a website everyone should know about?

    Waste your time seeing custom Famicom cases that people designed.

    Seriously, this website is a great place for finding inspiration, if you are like me.

  • this is an actual wikihow page btw

    link to the page:


    not my meme obviously (you can see the watermark)

    Question: People who still frequent Reddit, has it gone back to business as usual or are the protests still having effect?
  • I am someone who posts art somewhat regularly on Reddit, and I cansay that all of the subreddits that I posted art to has been un-private, so it's business as usual for me

  • Censorship
  • Man even ships get censored nowadays!?

    We truly live in a society.


  • 1% rule: 1% of users actively create new content, while the other 99% only lurk.
  • I am a big part a lurker, but I also create content sometimes

  • Who else has been here for a whole month?
  • I think I'm kinda close to a whole month

  • what.
  • I think it's "bread you" buy I don't even know what that's supposed to mean

  • what.
  • I don't know honestly

  • Just trying out Threads today.

    It's so funny seeing a large group (almost all) of the people in my feed being so excited about this new social media thing that they managed to get in through invitation on Instagram.

    A bunch of naives, honestly.

    (Don't wanna do this but sigh)

    What app is everyone using for Lemmy
  • Trying out Connect after using Liftoff for a while. The experience is well so far!

  • Locked
    Reddit slowly became filled with hate
  • To be honest, you can say the same about Twitter

  • Nice try Google
  • Using LibreWolf right now! The experience is smooth most of the time, although you do need to switch to Firefox when you need to view DRM-controlled content (like when participating an online course, for example).

  • Do you use adblock? Why? Why not?

    I posted this question because I once saw a tweet that said something like:

    "If you use adblock, you don't care about creator's point blank"

    What is your opinion on this? Do you agree with them?

  • You are =

    I am ==

    We are !=

  • tsukii Tsuki

    Pixel artist and low-poly modeller

    Posts 5
    Comments 12