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Here’s what we’re working on in Firefox | The Mozilla Blog
  • I think there is only one thing worth answering in your reply:

    Why not make an extension for people who need or want it?

    For web page translation, it is considered a very basic feature that should be there by default in all mainstream browsers (e.g. Chrome), but Firefox hadn't provided this feature for a very long time.

    For any AI-assisted accessibility feature such as image tagging, my opinion is that it is even more important to make it easily turn on, rather than requiring user to search and download some extensions, which might be a too hard task for a disabled person.

  • Here’s what we’re working on in Firefox | The Mozilla Blog
  • I don’t want AI in my Firefox. If Mozilla really adds AI, I will consider switching my main browser

    Don't know why you anti-AI so much. An on-device AI is absolutely fine to me, and it's not like Mozilla will force you to use it. Remember the world is not about only you but also people having disabilities.

  • Here’s what we’re working on in Firefox | The Mozilla Blog
  • Hopefully I don't get many downvotes for this, but it isns't necessary to deny anything related to AI and bombard Mozilla for this. Sure, Copilot is a disaster, because it is a service and will call home to M$ and collect your data. But all of what Mozilla offers us is on-device AI, which is exceptional. I've been waiting so long for on-device AI-based webpage translation, so people don't need to rely on external services like Google or Bing to translate any more.

  • ChatGPT Answers Programming Questions Incorrectly 52% of the Time: Study
  • If you don't know what you are doing, and you give it a vague request hoping it will automatically solve your problem, then you will just have to spend even more time to debug its given code.

    However, if you know exactly what needs do do, and give it a good prompt, then it will reward you with a very well written code, clean implementation and comments. Consider it an intern or junior developer.

    Example of bad prompt: My code won't work [paste the code], I keep having this error [paste the error log], please help me

    Example of (reasonably) good prompt: This code introduces deep recursion and can sometimes cause a "maximum stack size exceeded" error in certain cases. Please help me convert it to use a while loop instead.

  • Why FOSS projects are using proprietary, privacy invasive infrastructure?
  • And not to forget that sketchy AI training on every line of your code.

    I don't mind AI learning from my open-source code that much. However, my concern is that open-source projects on GitHub are not as easily accessible to AIs other than Copilot and OpenAI, which does not allow for fair competition.

    That said, I do have a good impression of Codeberg. When they become federated, I might finally jump ship from GitHub.

  • Proton Mail Discloses User Data Leading to Arrest in Spain
  • Proton did nothing wrong here; in fact, it is working as intended.

    No email content or attachment was provided in this case because they (Proton) have nothing to give. Now, imagine if this user were using Gmail instead of Proton.

    The article title is clickbait and is trying to incite outrage from the crowd. Don't fall for it.

  • I'm giving up — on open source - Blog
  • Yes, I've just reread it, and while I completely disagree with the issue creator's attitude, he does have a point:

    you also removed all the old versions that were released under an open source license so that others couldn't continue to use out-of-support versions

    I haven't verify if this is true of not, but this is just not necessary. If the author stops providing pre-built binary for newer release versions, so be it. But I think it is a little too much aggressive from the author to delete old release versions as well.

  • I'm giving up — on open source - Blog
  • As an open source software maintainer myself, I don't quite agree with some of the points.

    I also always believed that if you ever started a project that is valuable for companies, they would support you in return

    For me, I do ask for donations, of course, because life is hard and who doesn't want money? Especially when you deserve it. But I never expect anyone to make a donation. It's only when someone actually does it that I feel so much happiness. Some leave a thank you comment and stated that they cannot support me financially, and I'm also perfectly happy with that.

    All I got was complaints.

    I see it as feature requests and bug reports, and are another kind of contribution. Note that some of the people may seem rude, it could be because they are simply bad at English (as am I) and try their best to write a short sentence. Some may not familiar to GitHub and talk about their problems in an unrelated issue. In that case I simply try my best to understand and kindly answer them, and guide them to the right direction.

    It may seem to you that open source is great because it's free to use. Truth is, it certainly is not free.

    I use open source software for free, and I want to pay it back by contributing more to open source. I don't forget that my own open source projects also have a lot of other open source components in them, all for free. I don't like to force people to pay for my softwares in order to use it.

    Of course, my open source projects will forever be hobby projects, I can never make them into a serious business nor work on them full-time, but I'm fine with that.

  • If you're developing a FOSS project, be aware of cryptobros trying to PR a tea.yml into it.
  • It's sad that a lot of the username come from Vietnam (my country). I remember when the Stellar airdrop announced there were people trying to buy GitHub account for 3-5$ for "their company's project". Many people do the thing that called "MMO" like that here, that doesn't realistically provide any value. They just want to get rich as fast as possible with only simple jobs such as copy and paste.

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