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How's your week been?
  • Good luck with your transition and we hope you find some way to cool down, is fans accessible where you are? As in the UK they are pretty much common place instead of getting AC and could take the edge off

  • Tell us one of your of your most Gender Affirming Experiences you've had :3
  • Thank you we will start using that community to post in :3

  • Tell us one of your of your most Gender Affirming Experiences you've had :3
  • Awww those are quite nice stories, glad you were able to share them and love that the bathroom that we are meant to use seems to be backfiring on them as it makes the men feel uncomfortable.

    Glad you got to feel yourself several times, stay safe out there.

  • Tell us one of your of your most Gender Affirming Experiences you've had :3
  • I think it should be fine as it's a wonderful experience. Also if you have any general trans communities would love to join.

    Awwww so sweet of your husband :3

  • Tell us one of your of your most Gender Affirming Experiences you've had :3
  • Awww, that's so cute, it's always great when you get accepted by people. Even more so when they were someone you knew before coming out.

  • Tell us one of your of your most Gender Affirming Experiences you've had :3
  • Awww that's so nice, yes it is relevant. Hope you two have wonderful times talking as she seems like a nice person that most likely loved that you done that

  • Trans Pride Southampton 2024

    @mtf Trans Pride Southampton 2024

    We are running our 3rd Annual Trans Pride Event here in Southampton, UK. You are welcome to come along to it if you can attend.

    29th June 2024

    transpride Trans Pride Southampton :v_tg:

    Welcome to the Official Trans Pride Southampton Mastodon / Fediverse account.

    Trans Pride Southampton 2024 -- 29th June Southampton Pride 2024 - 24th / 25th August

    Posts 2
    Comments 8