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πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ Turns out the Feds and other Governments have been spying on all push notifications the whole time and using it to even de-anonymise users on anonymous messenger apps. And they placed a gag order on #Apple so they don't tell users.

These evil tyrants can't give us a break πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

I doubt @ntfy and @unifiedpush is any safer​

\#cia #nsa #fbi #privacy #snowden #google #digitalprivacy #unifiedpush

tournel tournel

Proud Male supremacist (because fuck it, foids are whores anyway)

I'll end trannies if it were legal

I use Arch BTW (actually, it's an arch-based distro, but I like to boast LOL)

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