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Google is killing infinite scroll on search results
  • isn't this a good change though?

  • A video game in a font
  • Amazing: surprisingly simple, yet complex and fun! Also there's the added bonus that you get to vent, ha.

  • Search engines and privacy
  • Awesome. I tried to stick to the developer's instance, but the captcha works too well.

    Your recommendation is now my default, thanks! May you have a delightful meal.

  • The Tunnel
  • Disgusting. Do it again.

  • Recommendation Algorithms & Advertising - Where do you draw the line?
  • This is what made YouTube rabbit holes fun a few years ago. Now we're all in our own echo chambers.

  • Why it's #1
  • The last two are just objectively untrue.

  • What's the most basic thing you can't do?
  • It'll always be a mystery what Kenny says. Seriously, people understand him?

  • What's the most basic thing you can't do?
  • Alternatively, pressing 0 can be quite easy.

  • This is what stigma around autism sounds like to an autistic person (comedy sketch)
  • Thanks! Tired of removing the tracking "?si=" parameter from YT links

    ETA: Fun clip, nonetheless. "Smoothness over clarity", huh.

  • Search engines and privacy
  • Thanks! Failed like 7 times that IQ test with grainy pics, but the interface is good.

  • Search engines and privacy
  • The fact that much of the project is discussed over Discord should be damning enough...

    Don't you think is damning that someone's concern of privacy is handwaved because the data was "volunteered, not collected" ?

    And, as a user, many of the AI features are limited at best and factually incorrect at worst. I would only salvage FastGPT and Quick Answer; they summarize the first 4 or 5 relevant links and contrasting views (even if it bases the whole search on a single Reddit comment from 2017).

    Funnily enough the Universal Summarizer and Discuss Docs are the least reliable.

    All in all, I am conflicted because it seemed like a pristine service and it's getting clouded with time.

  • That's all it is.
  • For whatever it's worth, I'm on the same boat as you with the 1.5 smiles per smile: truly fantastic.

  • Getting older so I've decided I need to get into a routine of working out.
  • Hey there, happy 30 !!!

    For context, I'm on the other side of the scale: barely 25 and a skeletal build that only sweet, sweet depression can give you. Truly hoping that soon enough we'll accurately recreate this meme 🤝

    As I feel quite anxious going to a gym, not many pointers on that direction. For doing something at home... can you do squats?

    I bought a kit of stretch bands (Amazon 🇧🇷 link) to start building some resistance both for legs and arms. It included a little booklet of what exercises you could do with each item. As a starter, I cycle between any 4 of them, doing 10 reps each time.

    I find it natural that only oneself (let it be weight, resistance, etc.) can be used as their own measure; please assess and adapt this to you.

    Rather than a how-to input, I'd like to address why do it? And not just once but consistently (?!). Because at times, doing it just for the sake of it dries up the motivation. So, what fun goals do you want to achieve with movement?

    In my case, these are the ultimate goals fill me with determination (and goblin energy):

    Mainly, not only be done with the exercise sessions, but reap the benefits of that strength and flexibility in your day-to-day life.

    Be feral.

    Congrats on the beard, too! :)

  • Github Enshitification, This comment has been minimized. Sign in to view
  • Using the first entry for steal on the English wiktionary:

    To take illegally, or without the owner's permission, something owned by someone else without intending to return it.

    So, if you can't actually own stuff, you can't (by definition) steal it.

    I get your point, and this more of an AcKsHuALly type of argument, but it's an fun way of begging the question of what "I own this" means in today's society.

  • Got tracked down for my school reunion
  • Is it just a bare bones websites that has only your email? Do you host it?

  • NSFW Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • How is it equivalent?

  • NSFW Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • How is it equivalent?

  • WholeSomeMemes ElTacoEsMiPastor
    Compliment Camp


    Personal Finance ElTacoEsMiPastor
    DAE use GnuCash for personal finances?

    At the end of 2022, I discovered this software that I've been using all year. I'd like to hear your thoughts or experiences with GnuCash, or whatever system/program you use to track your personal finances!

    For the ones unfamiliar, it's based on a double-entry accounting system; every transaction always has at least two accounts involved. Example: if I spend 200 SEK on a restaurant, it goes from Assets:Cash to Expenses:Food.

    Starting by creating my own accounts, it helped me immensely to have an overview of my general financial situation.

    Around March, I found enlightening to re-define what expenses needed their own category from what I was unconsciously lumping into 'others'. Having it all already logged, made it quite easy . The caveat is that all the entries are manual, but my finances are not as complex, so with 30-45 minutes a week I have it updated.

    You can even create diagrams for your monthly expenses, or general balance, among other reports that come quite handy if you want to run a query.

    Cannot interact with posts unless logging in to every instance.

    Hello all ✌️

    I just downloaded the app and, must say, it's incredibly smooth; definitely a polished UI !

    The issue is, even after having logged in (on, I can't interact (upvote, comment, etc.) with content from any other instance. I get a "This thread was retrieved via inst.ance. You are not logged in there." message. Isn't the idea of the fediverse that I can interact with other instances even if I'm not registered in them? Is anyone else facing the same situation?

    I have no trouble doing the same in other apps. Actually, as this community is on, this post had to be written using Connect.

    How can this be fixed? Thanks in advance for your comments!

    toototabon ElTacoEsMiPastor
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    Comments 102