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Hearing-impaired Russian woman killed after hearing aid mistaken for espionage device
  • Next thing they'll start rounding up people who wear glasses, like some African dictator a few decades ago.

  • 'Don’t report that I was desperate!' Trump ridiculed for early morning Fox News rant
  • Elon Musk reminds me of a demented Elon Musk. :)

  • Trump Goes off the Deep End During Kamala Harris’s DNC Speech
  • After leaving him, she can just make money by having someone ghost-write a "My Life With an Orange" book for her and selling that.

  • Ukrainian Intelligence hacks Russian TV channels to show truth about war
  • Can humans even have a real communist society? I suspect it would take a species without any individual self-preservation instinct, or individual greed, so that each member can fully serve the collective.

  • Ukrainian Intelligence hacks Russian TV channels to show truth about war
  • Well, at least we got something.

  • Ukraine attacks Moscow in one of largest ever drone strikes on Russian capital
  • And even that is debatable. Japanese surrender came shortly after a quick succession of several events - the first bomb at Hiroshima, Soviet Union declaring war and invading continental Japanese land, the second bomb at Nagasaki, allies completely obliterating Japanese navy, and preparing to invade their home islands, etc.

    Many argue that Japan would surrender even without the two nuclear bombs.

  • YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers
  • Yep, most of my non-tech friends just say "Ads? Oh yeah, I don't even notice them anymore, I got so used to them." whenever that topic pops up in a conversation.

  • YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers
  • Enshittification actually does work, but only up to a point. Unfortunately, all the corporations have all the subtlety of a Sherman tank, so they always go all in on it.

  • YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers
  • There is which works like that, but it lacks content. I am a subscriber, but I'm running out of interesting content to watch there.

    OBviously there is network effect in play here. If Youtube switched to subs-only model tomorrow, they would have much wider content offer from the get-go.

  • Donald Trump says Kamala Harris' nomination "not fair"
  • Sure you can - the response was "let it spread, it hits blue states more than red states".

  • Alex Jones and his fans are intrigued by Putin offer of sanctuary to conservatives
  • I really don't know, it's just something that I scrolled past on social media, perhaps it was just a joke/troll post. I'm kind of sorry I even brought it up here.

    EDIT: I think I'm remembering this, and the porn actress thing must have been some joke someone on the internet came up with to mock it.

  • Alex Jones and his fans are intrigued by Putin offer of sanctuary to conservatives
  • Wasn't there an ad a few months back, put out by the Russians, claiming the same thing - a sanctuary for westerners who want to keep traditional values? I remember it because it had some supposedly well-known Russian porn actress in it, acting as a pure smiling maiden or something like that...

  • Street Complete Notes - Am I doing this right?
  • I'm quite new to OSM mapping myself, but I found following flow working for me - while out, I create a note via Street Complete reminding me to add something (stairs, bench, wastebin), maybe take a photo and attach it to the note for reference, and later, when I get home, I add the thing in editor. Last step is to "resolve" the note I created.

    I only tried this once or twice a few days ago, I'm still not sure it's a good idea, maybe it's discouraged to "spam" notes like this, and also I don't know how long the attached photos stay hosted, increasing hosting costs to whoever pays the bills.

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  • Under the veneer of fantasy parody, Pratchett was able to sneak in surprisingly strong ethics and morality lessons in a very likeable manner. It's one of many reasons I love the Discworld books - they make me want to be better.

    I suspect that the characters Esmerelda Weatherwax and Sam Vimes were in fact Pratchett's vehicles to convey his own moral values.

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  • “There’s no greys, only white that’s got grubby. I’m surprised you don’t know that. And sin, young man, is when you treat people as things. Including yourself. That’s what sin is.’

    ‘It’s a lot more complicated than that -’

    ‘No. It ain’t. When people say things are a lot more complicated than that, they means they’re getting worried that they won’t like the truth. People as things, that’s where it starts.”

    ― Terry Pratchett, Carpe Jugulum


  • Kamala Harris’s campaign mocks how much Donald Trump and Elon Musk suck at the Internet
  • I mean, we've had a solution to this decades ago - multicast. It would have been perfect exactly for this kind of one-to-many TV-like broadcast.

    Too bad greedy ISPs and ISVs killed anything that isn't HTTP, so smart people had to scramble and find alternate sub-par solutions.

  • The first prisoners of regular troops that were sent as reinforcements to the Kursk region .
  • That was over two years ago. Surely even a mediocre tactician would anticipate something like this happening eventually.

    My guess is that Russia simply does not have the means to effectively defend all of its border anymore, and they've been praying that the Ukraine's western benefactors will keep them "on the leash" for as long as possible.

  • Evidence Shows ‘Hand to Mouth’ Production of Russia’s Advanced Weapons
  • Yep, that's a more accurate way of putting it.'s phrasing made it sound like some well-organized kanban thing. 🤣

  • Indian airline tests feature that lets women book seats away from men
  • With a topic as sensitive and biased against the victims as this, it's hard to get accurate data - see

  • ticho ticho

    Small-time opensource developer, big-time opensource user.

    I like to run.

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