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Suggestions for google alternatives/foss apps
  • @runwaylights @Cris16228 I just checked out magic earth, it's amazing

  • GBoard replacement?
  • @Dave its quite clunky, you don't really switch languages more like open another instance of the keyboard, a simple language switch can fix this, I'll prob make an issue

  • GBoard replacement?
  • @Dave @EddoWagt they just need to add a language switch, I doubt its that hard

  • GBoard replacement?
  • @EddoWagt @Dave yea that's a deal breaker for me, I have to use multiple languages daily

  • tht tht 🇧🇬

    professional shitposter, #grapheneos user, , founder of, animal lover and #leninist hailing from #bulgaria, I’m passionate about #self-hosting, #homelab#infosec, and #privacy / #security.

    \#bgmastodon #бгмастодон

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