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General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 50
  • Blaming your internalized misogyny on an involuntary biological sexual response is not

    There is no way you think Im saying that lmao

    You've claimed in this thread that you believe you can choose to force yourself to be sexually attracted to men against your own will as a political act of defiance against internalized feelings of misogyny.

    You might genuinely be illiterate.

    they're simply choosing to be queer, and that they could just as easily choose not to be if they wanted to badly enough.

    What does that even mean? And yes there are plenty of house queers who choose to be house queers instead of fighting for liberation, and society have accepted their assimilation.

    This claim does nothing to address the root of your misogyny (your own beliefs and actions toward women)

    I am completely fine in that regard thankfully, which is why I am even worrying about sexuality in the first place because I notice the dissonance that my sexuality causes in my mind

    Frankly, you are the one who exposed yourself as being a pathetic biological essentialist philistine who thinks sex has anything to do with biology. No wonder you are spewing vitriol at me

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 50
  • Im not saying you cannot be heterosexual. I also dont have any violent sexual fantasies. Marxism also tells us higher education is heavily bourgeois and serves to maintain capitalism and exploit workers. Does that make education bad inherently? Of course not, but if you are going to university and dont actively fight bourgeois ideology you will quickly become a servant of the bourgeoisis. The same logic applies to sex.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 50
  • Marxism informs us that women are sexually exploited under patriarchal society. The dominant forms of male heterosexuality is latently misogynistic. Im sure that there are people who are sexually attracted to woman who arent misogynistic, but in my case I genuinely believe that my sexual attraction to woman contains latent misogyny, and that must be fixed. Its impossible to eradicate it for good, but its current existence is enough to unsettle me. Just like how it is a common phenomenon within humans to think about jumping off when next to a cliff, there are people for whom that thought rarely pops up and doesnt affect them, and people like me for whom that thought frequently pops up and makes me scared of heights.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 50
  • the idea that sexuality is not a choice is a liberal copout that refuses to confront the very real sexual exploitation that our entire society is based on. in that case, are the millions of men whose sexuality literally involves violence towards women and queer people justified? There is clearly culpability. how could anyone be liberated if sexuality is thought of as something outside of the individual's control.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 50
  • and surely there is a way, I dont believe the sexuality is not a choice shit, if I wasnt a communist theres no way I would have sex with a man. So there is surely some other way to get rid of heterosexuality?

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 50
  • This is gonna sound ridiculous but idc

    So I am a bisexual male who is more attracted to women in general. As any communist should, I recognized how reactionary male heterosexuality, especially in a patriarchal society is. But I didnt know shit as a kid so back then I would get off to whatever porn and I really think that screwed up my brain and made it a daily compulsion. Now thankfully I never got into anything extremely fucked up, just "vanilla" by societal standards(in a society that is heavily misogynistic). How do you cure this? Like it genuinely scares me even though I am now able to recognize it all as removed, I lose that ability when I masturbate. So that means theres a possibility those disgusting desires can overpower my rationality at certain times and cause me to harm other people. That hasnt occured yet fortunately, but what if it does? I really want to completely kill it, not just suppress it.

  • Fact: The average terminally online grass-starved leftist has greater potentials to become an effective revolutionary than the average well-adjusted labor aristokkkrat

    Especially if you dedicate your time to the actual study of Marx and Lenin and make leftism more than just a contrarian personality trait. Now go outside!

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