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【#博衣こより生誕Live2024 】Happy Birthday Koyori!! ft. Special Guests


At 34:29 we have Koyori with Voice Actress for Satoshi (Ash) singing the Pokemon theme song, not to be missed!!

Set List (credits Kami-Bako)

  • 06:30 - ようこそジャパリパークへ!( Yo ukoso Japari Park!) / (w.ぼたん / Botan)
  • 10:19 - 恋は渾沌の隷也(Koi wa Chaos no Shimobenari) / (w.はあちゃま、ねね / HAACHAMA,Nene)
  • 14:24 - fancy baby doll / 田村ゆかり(Yukari Tamura)
  • 18:51 - ワールドイズマイン(World is Mine) / (w.マリン / Marine)
  • 23:30 - わおーんWAO ! ! / オリ曲
  • 26:12 - トンデモワンダーズ (Tondemo Wonders) / (w.フブキ、ミオ、おかゆ、ポルカ / Fubuki,Mio,Okayu,Polka)
  • 29:57 - ファジーネーブル(Fuzzy navel) / (w.AIこより!? / AI Koyori)
  • 34:29 - 尻尾振るコヨーテめざせポケモンマスター (Mezase Pokemon Master) / (w.松本 梨香様 / Matsumoto Rika)
  • 42:40 - 五等分の未来(Gotoubun no Mirai) / (w.holoX全員 / holoX)
  • 46:21 - それは僕たちの奇跡 (Sore wa Bokutachi no Kiseki) / (w.フブキ、ミオ、ポルカ、ぼたん、ラプラス、ルイ、クロヱ 、いろは )
  • 51:01 - New Joruney / 新オリ曲

Also releasing MV for Tear Gazer and related birthday merch with unlimited handwritten autograph postcard

Expelled from Paradise: Resonance from the Heart - PV 水島精二×虚淵玄「楽園追放」新作劇場アニメ制作決定、キービジュやティザーPV公開(動画あり)

「楽園追放 -Expelled from Paradise-」の続編となる完全新作劇場アニメーション「楽園追放 心のレゾナンス」の制作が決定。第1弾キービジュアルとティザーPVが公開された。

  • sequel to the 2014 movie "Expelled from Paradise" (mal)
Expelled from Paradise: Resonance from the Heart - new Key Visual 水島精二×虚淵玄「楽園追放」新作劇場アニメ制作決定、キービジュやティザーPV公開(動画あり)

「楽園追放 -Expelled from Paradise-」の続編となる完全新作劇場アニメーション「楽園追放 心のレゾナンス」の制作が決定。第1弾キービジュアルとティザーPVが公開された。

  • sequel to the 2014 movie "Expelled from Paradise" (mal)
Announcement of the Announcement for the next Sequel of Brass Any news on that "sequel" ? - Solved: publisher answered ! | Brass: Birmingham

in an old thread from December 2021 Gavan Brown teased a sequel: question to team roxley: after two years, is there anything you can share with the community yet?

Any news on that "sequel" ? - Solved: publisher answered ! | Brass: Birmingham

> "We are not ready to share quite yet, but our next Brass sequel is our current top priority for development in 2024. It is slated to be our next Kickstarter, which we plan to launch Q4 2024. The exact launch date will depend on rate of development and testing. Thanks for your patience!" - Gavan Brown

the next Brass sequel is still happening, planned to launch on Kickstarter in Q4 2024 earliest.

Other Unanswered Questions at time of posting

  • will Martin Wallace be involved?
  • will it have a solo mode?
  • will it be like the 2-player fan made Brass variant Brass: Amsterdam?
  • which city would it be?
Congratulations Marine 船長 on reaching 3 Million subs! (warning: vertical format video)

the Second highest sub count in Hololive

Third highest being Pekora at 2,410,000

Congratulations Marine 船長 on reaching 3 Million subs!

Second highest sub count in Hololive

Third highest being Pekora at 2,410,000

Pomu Rainpuff【NijiEN 1st Wave Lazulight】Graduation Announcement
  • Jan 19 EST, Jan 20 JST
  • VODs will be up, social media accounts will be privated
  • the official announcement:

this post is for all the folks who use the fediverse as their only source of vtuber news

Call of Cthulhu thewitchofcalamari
Arkham Gazette - Bundle on Sale (3 Days Left)
  • its a 4 issue digital magazine about Arkham County for the Call of Cthulhu RPG
  • each issue covering a different part of the locale; Arkham, Innsmouth, Kingsport etc
  • issue 0 (The Aylesbury Pike) is on DriveThruRPG for free if youd like to look through what its like before buying the bundle
Vox Akuma【NijiEN | Luxium】Announces Feature Length Film 4th Nov Premiere


The Demon Hungers; directed, edited and produced by Vox

  • 4th Nov 10 PM JST / 1 PM GMT / 8 AM EST
  • est. 50mins
  • has Japanese and Chinese subtitles
  • available for free on Youtube and Billibili
  • been in the works for almost 2 years
  • there may be fan organized screenings
  • twitter announcement:

i can definitely see why mr milord hosted a charity stream for the striking actors and writers

KS Review of: Obsession: Characters Expansion (with Metal Coins)
  • Obsession (2.1e) is a 1~4 player, 90mins, competitive, worker placement game (bgg link)
  • player play as mid 19th century Victorian upper class families
  • each family (player) competing to better their social position, reputation and family fortune by building new rooms/venues and hosting successful social events with the help of their servants staff (worker meeples) they hire along the game
  • there is also a goal of attracting the most elligible gentleman and lady in the county to marry into their family for more prestige
  • its like Downton Abbey (TV series) the game
  • playthroughs and tutorials: JonGetsGames, Heavy Cardboard, Rahdo

the kickstarter (~$50, 8 days left)

  • does not contain the base game. only the latest expansion and optional gold coins
  • this is the 3rd expansion and supposedly last (source: trust me bro)
    • excl. the upgrade pack from 2e to 2.1e
    • there is supposedly another game planned in the Obsession universe which use some of the tiles in Obsession (source)
  • will be available retail, no kickstarter exclusives it seems

besides having been interested in the game and theme for a long time, i thought the video was an interesting watch going over the issues with how boardgame kickstarters are these days

KS Review of: Obsession: Characters Expansion (with Metal Coins)
  • Obsession (2.1e) is a 1~4 player, 90mins, competitive, worker placement game (bgg link)
  • player play as mid 19th century Victorian upper class families
  • each family (player) competing to better their social position, reputation and family fortune by building new rooms/venues and hosting successful social events with the help of their servants staff (worker meeples) they hire along the game
  • there is also a goal of attracting the most elligible gentleman and lady in the county to marry into their family for more prestige
  • its like Downton Abbey (TV series) the game
  • playthroughs and tutorials: JonGetsGames, Heavy Cardboard, Rahdo

the kickstarter (~$50, 8 days left)

  • does not contain the base game. only the latest expansion and optional gold coins
  • this is the 3rd expansion and supposedly last (source: trust me bro)
    • excl. the upgrade pack from 2e to 2.1e
    • there is supposedly another game planned in the Obsession universe which use some of the tiles in Obsession (source)
  • will be available retail, no kickstarter exclusives it seems

besides having been interested in the game and theme for a long time, i thought the video was an interesting watch going over the issues with how boardgame kickstarters are these days

KS Review of: Obsession: Characters Expansion (with Metal Coins)
  • Obsession (2.1e) is a 1~4 player, 90mins, competitive, worker placement game (bgg link)
  • player play as mid 19th century Victorian upper class families
  • each family (player) competing to better their social position, reputation and family fortune by building new rooms/venues and hosting successful social events with the help of their servants staff (worker meeples) they hire along the game
  • there is also a goal of attracting the most elligible gentleman and lady in the county to marry into their family for more prestige
  • its like Downton Abbey (TV series) the game
  • playthroughs and tutorials: JonGetsGames, Heavy Cardboard, Rahdo

the kickstarter (~$50, 8 days left)

  • does not contain the base game. only the latest expansion and optional gold coins
  • this is the 3rd expansion and supposedly last (source: trust me bro)
    • excl. the upgrade pack from 2e to 2.1e
    • there is supposedly another game planned in the Obsession universe which use some of the tiles in Obsession (source)
  • will be available retail, no kickstarter exclusives it seems

besides having been interested in the game and theme for a long time, i thought the video was an interesting watch going over the issues with how boardgame kickstarters are these days

Koyori - Undertale: Genocide Route Endurance Stream Clear (14hrs)

congratulations koyori chan! that was a long and impressive run, she mustve been as tired as the last boss by the end going all through the night

before she debuted she cleared the N and P routes. she didnt want to ruin their happiness after she cleared those routes, she did not attempt a G route clear then. but today she will take on the challenge

Update: 5hrs later

how this coyote is still able to stream so soon is beyond me

Mathematician warns US spies may be weakening next-gen encryption
  • but quantum resistant encryption are important even now despite that because of store now, decrypt later of long-term sensitive information

  • Magic: The Gathering – Doctor Who Commander Decklists Magic: The Gathering® – Doctor Who™ Commander Decklists

    Doctor Who™ is joining up with Magic! Discover the cards found in these new Commander decks, releasing October 13, 2023.

    Magic: The Gathering® – Doctor Who™ Commander Decklists
    • Magic the Gathering (MTG) is a 2 player competitive card game, has recently released other IP themed pre-built decks
    • the current one featuring the Tenth, Fourth, Thirteenth Doctor and other supporting cast like Missy and Davros
    • other IPs MTG has themed cards of are: the Lord of the Rings, Warhammer 40k, The Walking Dead among others

    personally not a fan of MTG as a game, i just thought the card art is neat and people might be interested

    Food Chain Magnate - Between Two Deluxes
  • Compared to some other Splotters, FCM was downright professional and nice looking haha.

    ikr!! FCM was one of the earlier Splotter games i encountered, so The Great Zimbabwe was quite a shock aesthetics wise for me!

    im afraid i dont have any links on hand, but i feel the complaints (at least i heard on reddit back then) were because the design for FCM looks more like a prototype than that of a finished game, especially the map tiles and "clip-art" graphics combined with the high price point. this might also have been people's first introduction to Splotter games in general (it was for me) so that probably didnt help too

    i definitely loved the art style though, so at least I dont have to worry about the one time run of Lucky Duck's deluxe. Horseless Carriage on the other hand... its no Ian O'Toole's Kanban EV id give it that

  • Food Chain Magnate - Between Two Deluxes 3D Tiles for Food Chain Magnate - Full Set

    Standee tiles for restaurants, houses, most marketing, drink locations, etc. including Ketchup exp

    3D Tiles for Food Chain Magnate - Full Set

    recently, it was announced one-time only deluxified version of Food Chain Magnate (FCM) would be held on Gamefound (campaign not launched yet) featuring a different art style than the infamous Spotter Spellen game known for its retro yet functional graphic design which some felt was so bad refused to play it despite it receiving critical acclaim

    • the deluxe by Lucky Duck Games on Gamefound will run concurrently with sales of the original on Splotter (prices are predicted to cost no less than the original)
    • there are plans to introduce deluxe version of the FCM expansion
    • there will not be an upgrade pack for owners of the original version of FCM
    • English only deluxe, because of distribution rights
    • this isnt the first time a Splotter game received an art refresh, Bus received an English only 20th anniversary in 2019. with another title, Ur: 1830 BC getting a re-release pending a popularity vote

    meanwhile unrelatedly, a fan-made laser-cut 3D standee tiles was also released on Game Crafters earlier this month for those wanting to deluxify their copy while retaining the original's unique aesthetic appeal

    question for all you Beeple and Fediversers - im curious which style of deluxe do you prefer if any? the Lucky Duck Games deluxe, or the fan-made laser-cut 3D standee tiles

    Food Chain Magnate - Between Two Deluxes

    recently, it was announced one-time only deluxified version of Food Chain Magnate (FCM) would be held on Gamefound (campaign not launched yet) featuring a different art style than the infamous Spotter Spellen game known for its retro yet functional graphic design which some felt was so bad refused to play it despite it receiving critical acclaim

    • the deluxe by Lucky Duck Games on Gamefound will run concurrently with sales of the original on Splotter (prices are predicted to cost no less than the original)
    • there are plans to introduce deluxe version of the FCM expansion
    • there will not be an upgrade pack for owners of the original version of FCM
    • English only deluxe, because of distribution rights
    • this isnt the first time a Splotter game received an art refresh, Bus received an English only 20th anniversary in 2019. with another title, Ur: 1830 BC getting a re-release pending a popularity vote

    meanwhile unrelatedly, a fan-made laser-cut 3D standee tiles was also released on Game Crafters earlier this month for those wanting to deluxify their copy while retaining the original's unique aesthetic appeal

    question for all you Fediversers - im curious which style of deluxe do you prefer if any? the Lucky Duck Games deluxe, or the fan-made laser-cut 3D standee tiles

    Food Chain Magnate - Between Two Deluxes 3D Tiles for Food Chain Magnate - Full Set

    Standee tiles for restaurants, houses, most marketing, drink locations, etc. including Ketchup exp

    3D Tiles for Food Chain Magnate - Full Set

    recently, it was announced one-time only deluxified version of Food Chain Magnate (FCM) would be held on Gamefound (campaign not launched yet) featuring a different art style than the infamous Spotter Spellen game known for its retro yet functional graphic design which some felt was so bad refused to play it despite it receiving critical acclaim

    • the deluxe by Lucky Duck Games on Gamefound will run concurrently with sales of the original on Splotter (prices are predicted to cost no less than the original)
    • there are plans to introduce deluxe version of the FCM expansion
    • there will not be an upgrade pack for owners of the original version of FCM
    • English only deluxe, because of distribution rights
    • this isnt the first time a Splotter game received an art refresh, Bus received an English only 20th anniversary in 2019. with another title, Ur: 1830 BC getting a re-release pending a popularity vote

    meanwhile unrelatedly, a fan-made laser-cut 3D standee tiles was also released on Game Crafters earlier this month for those wanting to deluxify their copy while retaining the original's unique aesthetic appeal

    question for all you Beeple and Fediversers - im curious which style of deluxe do you prefer if any? the Lucky Duck Games deluxe, or the fan-made laser-cut 3D standee tiles

    WTF is a risa!?
  • Because it is so clear it takes a long time to realize it. If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, the meal was cooked a long time ago.

  • Call of Cthulhu thewitchofcalamari
    Trail of Cthulhu Humble Bundle Humble Book Bundle: Trail of Cthulhu by Pelgrane Press

    Bring some ineffable cosmic dread to your gaming group with this comprehensive Trail of Cthulhu RPG bundle! Pay what you want and support Cancer Research UK!

    Humble Book Bundle: Trail of Cthulhu by Pelgrane Press
    • Trail of Cthulhu is a tabletop rpg by Pelgrane Press licensed from Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu
    • runs on the GUMSHOE system focusing on investigations (investigations do not require die rolls and succeed)
    • $18 for the entire bundle of 23 books
      • Trail of Cthulhu
      • Hideous Creatures: A Bestiary of the Cthulhu Mytthos
      • Bookhounds of London
      • The Armitage Files
      • Pelgrane Press voucher 20% off Coupon
      • Stunning Eldritch Tales
      • Shadows over Filmland
      • Arkham Detective Tales: Extended Edition
      • Rough Magicks
      • Soldiers of Pen and Ink
      • Mythos Expeditions
      • The Book of the Smoke: The Investigator's Guide to Occult London
      • Eternal Lies Suite - Music for the Eternal Lies campaign
      • Dreamhounds of Paris
      • The Book of Ants
      • Cthulhu City
      • Eternal Lies
      • Out of The Woods
      • Out of Time
      • Out of Space
      • Keeper's Screen and Resource Book
      • Four Shadows - Original Music EP for Trail of Cthulhu
      • Dulce et Decorum Est: Great War Trail of Cthulhu
    • also unrelated is the Bundle of Holding for the Yellow King RPG from the same publishers Pelgrane Press
      • focusing on the King in Yellow and Carcosa
      • for $18 this YKRPG bundle contains the YKRPG core book and one YKRPG supplement "Absinthe in Carcosa"
      • the rest are novels and sound tracks which also came with the original 2017 kickstarter
    A Study in Emerald (1e) to be Reimplemented by CMON Cthulhu: Death May Die universe to receive new entry in the form of a re-imagining of Neil Gaiman-inspired board game

    The Cthulhu: Death May Die board game universe is getting a new entry in the form of a remake/revision of another title.

    Cthulhu: Death May Die universe to receive new entry in the form of a re-imagining of Neil Gaiman-inspired board game
    • re-imagined and re-titled as Cthulhu Dark Providence set in the Cthulhu Death May Die universe
    • A Study in Emerald (2013) was among the early wave of deck builders following Dominion (2008), but featured a board in addition to the card mechanic
    • based on a short story of the same name by Neil Gaiman bringing Sherlock Holmes and Cthulhu creatures together
    • the new game by CMON will be reportedly tweaked to include a 2 player and solo mode
    • the original was a 3~5 player game, featuring hidden role mechanic as players side with or against the Old Ones
    Terraforming Mars team defends AI use as Kickstarter hits $1.3 million
  • yes but it comes off as really hypocritical of companies putting that in their Terms because they know rival genAI models could train on their output data to undercut them the same way they trained freely off of human's data to undercut humans. and somehow its only ok if theyre the one benefiting from it because they have a bigger team of lawyers

  • Terraforming Mars team defends AI use as Kickstarter hits $1.3 million
  • the thing is this indie group, have been creating boardgames since before genAI models for artwork were popular. their first game in 2016 (top 10 since its release as rated by hobbyists among over a thousand other games) and subsequent expansions on kickstarter did really well even with public domain artwork that dont even look like they fit into a cohesive set. the expansion fetching usually close to a million dollars on kickstarter each time even before retail release

    what makes the game appealing in-spite of the public domain artwork have long been discussed. so to me and possibly the journalist it seems like a question why they felt the need to use genAI art now with so many successful releases without it in the past seems to come off like not wanting to pay for better than public domain artwork

  • Terraforming Mars team defends AI use as Kickstarter hits $1.3 million
  • i dont know much about how an artist work to say they would welcome genAI for such efforts

    but for boardgame costs, im doubtful because much of the price comes from the logistics of manufacturing, storing, shipping and markup compared to the art. games like Horseless Carriage (the design is intentional) and the above mentioned Kanban EV both great games in their own right (about $100 each), employ one artist for the project and cost more than the entire base set (252 cards) of un-randomized distributed model cardgame ($40 at release) featuring artwork from around a hundred artists (unlike many commonly known randomized CCG blind bags, for this one you know the exact cards you will get in all releases)

  • Terraforming Mars team defends AI use as Kickstarter hits $1.3 million
  • the vast majority of employed artists aren’t making anything as creative as cover art for a hobbyist board game.

    its not just the cover art for a hobbyist board game, it is art for every card in the game. for hobbyist card games, it can go to several hundred to thousand artworks each from an artist. for a game like Android Netrunner the art of each card works with the theme and mechanics of the game acting like a brief window into this futuristic society world you compete in. (also blatant shilling, this is a great game if anyone is into cyberpunk and card games, unlike anything Magic the Gathering can ever hope to achieve), there is also graphic design for games like Kanban EV (by Ian O'Toole) which is unlike anything ive seen. boardgame hobbyists can and do regularly buy these things with quality visuals

    maybe im too emotionally invested into games but i think these art, and the art for things like beloved character design for computer games, decorative tarot cards, novel artwork which take you to another world even if just for a brief moment, is worth encouraging, putting up with Barbie Monopoly and paying for

    the alternative i fear would be these people's time being spent instead on working soulless jobs like labelling training data for genAI models, manual work which so far only humans are cheap enough for and figuring out how to squeeze more money out of consumers

  • Terraforming Mars team defends AI use as Kickstarter hits $1.3 million
  • do let me know if im coming off as combative and this isnt the place for it, i do admit i definitely am a pessimist

    Is something that only the rich have access to right now, enable creative expression beyond our wildest imagination for all of the people who don’t have 5 to 10 years of their life to dedicate to learning art.

    isnt this possible just by commissioning an artist from fiverr or deviantart with your own prompt of an image you want. for the amount of times a person wished they had spent time learning how to draw, we would let many more companies get away with not paying artists for every piece of art available in a board/card game so they could make more money

    Sure, but we quite enjoy having prerecorded music nowadays and we would never give that up in exchange for live artists.

    would we give that up instead for genAI created music? no one has the time for 5 to 10 years of vocal training too

    Because humans like to express themselves and share that expression is widely as they can for no other reason than the active sharing and having their works seen by many.

    when genAI models can learn from art faster than a human can, art becomes a working professional artist's only competitive advantage if they wish to live off of their work. while it may be shared, but possibly only behind a glass screen in a private gallery with metal detectors prohibiting cameras at the front, considering how futile anti-AI art filters may end up

    Why do you doubt the most pure form of art? Art as a hobby. Art as a form of self-expression?

    because people are unwilling to spend 5 to 10 years learning art as a hobby to express themselves when they can still earn some money from it as their passion now

  • Terraforming Mars team defends AI use as Kickstarter hits $1.3 million
  • just like vinyl and other vintage works, i do think it will be a shame that human produced art will become scarce and likely only for the rich to enjoy. i dont see why they would share it freely anymore

    And even if they somehow totally disappear, people will find plenty of new and exciting ways to continue to push the boundaries of what AI can do

    this assumes that genAI models can improve without any new input. but to be honest, it feels more like a, once they wipe out a generation of artist, they are free to increase the price of their "Skill as a Service" out of the reach of an average person for more profit. the GPU and water the genAI models run on arent getting any cheaper so no risk of anyone spinning up their own cluster

  • Terraforming Mars team defends AI use as Kickstarter hits $1.3 million
  • if the devs aren’t just pasting AI generated art onto their products, there’s nothing to see here.

    would it have been not ok if the devs were straight up pasting AI generated art onto their products? since there doesnt seem like there is anything stopping people from making minor changes to AI generated art enough to claim its new, especially considering how vague the interviewee is being

  • Terraforming Mars team defends AI use as Kickstarter hits $1.3 million
  • People who use AI will create a better cheaper product

    i feel like this assumes that there will still be human produced art to train on to improve the genAI model when there isnt any incentive for humans to spend so much time to learn to make art when it can be used for training and when machines can churn out pieces at a faster cheaper rate

    (c) Restrictions. You may not ... (iii) use output from the Services to develop models that compete with OpenAI;

    from section 2ciii of OpenAI's Terms of Use somehow while its justifiable for corporations to use human produced work to train a machine that competes with humans, using corporate machine produced work to train a competing machine is not

  • Terraform, Vault, Nomad etc by HashiCorp moving away from Open Source
  • i dont think theyre equivalent tools since Terraform is used for things like creating cloud VMs with the selected OS image, configuring subnets and route tables among other things which i dont believe NixOS is meant for

  • Terraform, Vault, Nomad etc by HashiCorp moving away from Open Source
  • ive not done secrets management before but i came across this list on hackernews, a few non-cloud ones use open source license

    but another user there have mentioned that while most of them integrate with Kubernetes and AWS, short lived DB credentials are not in any of those listed

  • Pomu Rainpuff【NijiEN 1st Wave Lazulight】New Outfit Debut
  • we are pomu, there is no escape from pomufication, resistance is futile

  • Pomu Rainpuff【NijiEN 1st Wave Lazulight】New Outfit Debut
  • i know right! seems like Pomu and Luca are getting new outfits out of the usual cycle of wave order outfits

    i definitely thought it was Amelia's silhouette when i first saw the outfit reveal banner, itll be interesting to see how it would turn out

  • Mysta Rias [NijiEN 4th Wave Luxiem] Graduation Announcement
  • i think they are, he did say he would keep the friendships and the possibility of off-collabs. but he also said burnout has hit him hard for months now and he hasnt been able to continue with the work and so wants to move on