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Columbine vibes
  • This is the challenge

  • Columbine vibes
  • Yeah. I mean, as an autistic man I can put myself in his shoes. People don’t really accept you and you always seem to say the wrong things or the right things at the wrong times. You want to be liked and accepted, so you accumulate wealth to try to have social standing and influence. But even as the richest man you still can’t really find your footing socially. It’s sad and I feel for the guy on some level.

  • Good rule to live by
  • Exactly. I had to learn this too. I am unusual in a number of ways. When I treat people how I want to be treated I am often mistreating them and damaging the relationship. People are different and need different things. You have to communicate rather than unilaterally apply your self-empathy.

  • Columbine vibes
  • Autism trauma is my guess.

  • How to handle "you're too sensitive" and other similar remarks?
  • “Oh. Any other opinions you care to share?”

  • What do you not understand about humanity?
  • gestures broadly

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  • It’s great but hard on the old heartstrings.

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  • My ex got me using Etta & Billie soap. It’s amazing. For deodorant I use Schmidt’s Lavendar and Sage. I’ve tried other things but always come back to this.

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  • It’s also usually lawyers that create these names. I worked on databases for IBM Cloud and they were all called “IBM Cloud Databases for Elasticsearch” and what have you. Despite it being an offering of the database on IBM’s cloud.

    Since Elasticsearch is a brand name, the “host” corporation corporation has to present it as a product “for” the brand name rather than as the brand name itself to avoid implying that they are acting AS Linux or Elasticsearch or whoever is the third party.

  • What the actual fuxk
  • Oh absolutely.

  • What laptop to buy?
  • Check I just purchased a 14” M1 Pro 32GB/512GB for $1499 brand new. They are fantastic computers.

    Found it

  • CDN for an instance
  • Yeah. Serving static assets is not a big deal with a decent web server. You can get servers with unmetered transfer and the CPU and memory for static resources is tiny. Main reason to use a CDN is latency.

    IF the static assets like images and video are being served by the application from other network sources or out of a database then a caching CDN would be a big win for sure.

  • CDN for an instance
  • Just have a cache invalidation strategy.

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  • Sounds like fake overlaid sound to me. Way too clear and consistent in tone for that movement.

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  • Menus or results that live update or shift such that as you are clicking on a thing, it swaps for something else, which is what you actually end up clicking.

  • Accompanied by bad acting and writing
  • Usually nmap

  • Journal keepers of Lemmy: Do you go back and re-read old entries?
  • Seldom unless I want to revisit or check something specific. I think journaling is more about digesting things than documenting things.

  • thestereobus thestereobus
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    Comments 17