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Please Do Not Let Elon Musk Destroy the Ozone Layer
  • Methane is CH4. When it burns, it turns into Carbon (NOT carbon dioxide) and Hydrogen.

  • Can I lick it?
  • Out of curiosity, what would happen if you do?

  • So... I think I beat the game on my first city?
  • LHC? Also many people (including myself) play with mods, which disable achievements (there's a mod to get them back, but people don't bother)

  • So... I think I beat the game on my first city?
  • Each DLC has it's own achievements...

  • Deleted
    Market shar(ul)e
  • A non-consumer focused OS. One focused on serving commercial industry.

    Linux was actually developed as a (kernel for a) desktop OS. It doesn't focus on the server or the desktop, distros do that.

    What distros did you try and when? In 2023, you can totally set up Ubuntu or Linux Mint without using the terminal. Obviously for "power-user" settings you might need to use the terminal or edit config files, but just as regular users cannot do those things, they also don't need that functionality.

  • Deleted
    Market shar(ul)e
  • Because it is. What is an "industrial OS" anyway? Also it's important to remember that "Linux" is just a kernel (the software that acts as a "bridge" between the rest of the OS and the hardware). Android is Linux, Ubuntu is Linux, Arch is Linux, Debian is Linux, Slackware is Linux, etc. And yet those are vastly different OSes. You would maybe run Ubuntu, Debian or RHEL on a server (which maybe you could consider industrial). But you would never use Arch or Android on a server. Android is the most popular mobile OS, would you consider that industrial? And for the desktop, the average user would use something like Ubuntu, Linux Mint or Fedora. But you'd never use the graphical version of those on the server and I don't think they would be considered industrial OSes.

    So anyway, what's your point exactly?

  • Deleted
    Market shar(ul)e
  • How is it not? You never have to go in a terminal 99% of the time (and on Windows there are those cases as well). The only reasons I use the terminal is either to edit my Nix Flake and rebuild switch, which is only because I use NixOS and would not be required on Mint, to use Distrobox, which wouldn't be needed on Mint as 90% of Linux app are either Deb Packages, Flatpaks or Appimages or simply because I find it easier to do some power-user stuff in there. But for the average user on Mint, they wouldn't even need to touch the terminal.

  • SteamOS will be coming to other handhelds before you can install it on your PC 'because right now, it's very, very tuned for Steam Deck'
  • I think on all distros if you suspend, when you turn your device back on, it resumes everything.

  • I lose mine last month :(
  • These are the only reason I don't throw away phone boxes

  • Why are people so upset about the librarian changes?
  • I'd argue that villager trading is not essential to the progression of the game. You're not "supposed to" be able to have all the enchantments in the game at your disposal that easily. And I wouldn't consider looking for biomes (especially by following the maps Mojang have since added) grinding.

    As for "creative survival" players, I don't think you should be able to achieve that stage so easily. I always that the end of survival progression is when you have easy access to any resource in the game, allowing for that "creative survival" type of gameplay.

  • Why are people so upset about the librarian changes?
  • 100% agree. This is the one thing I would change about the new system. And also being able to get ALL enchants from villagers.

  • Why are people so upset about the librarian changes?

    I seriously don't get it. Why do people expect to be able to get the most powerful enchantment in the game with just a a villager, a lectern, a book and some emeralds? And it's not even that hard to get WITH the changes. Swamps aren't that rare (even if they were, IT'S THE MOST POWERFUL ENCHANTMENT IN THE GAME), and getting 2 villagers there shouldn't be too hard once you build a nether tunnel.

    But what gets me the most is people saying this new approach is too grindy. How is exploring your world to find a swamp biome grindy? How is leveling up A SINGLE villager to Master (I think) grindy? Probably the one part of this to be even close to "grindy" is getting the villagers to a swamp, but it's not that hard. It should require some effort to get the best enchantment.

    Yes, you'll need to ACTUALLY EXPLORE YOUR WORLD to get easy enchants. Yes you'll need to ACTUALLY TRADE WITH YOUR VILLAGERS to get easy enchants. This is actually ELIMINATING some RNG. You no longer have to spam Lecterns. You have to PUT THE FREAKING WORK IN and get the villager to Master level. But then it's GUARANTEED you get a Mending book.

    Please tell me if I'm missing something that would make this whole rant pointless.

    The Village Roundabout
  • Thanks!

  • Why is firefox losing market share? Why don't more people use Firefox?
  • Number 2 for me. And it's noticeable. I'd love to use it, but I just can't ignore the performance difference.

  • Police in England installed an AI camera system along a major road. It caught almost 300 drivers in its first 3 days.
  • Why are people saying this is a hypersurveillance dystopian nightmare? Guys, you are still in public! The only difference between this and having police officers sitting there and looking is this is much cheaper and more efficient. The recordings are still being sent to a human being for review.

  • What's a new scientific concept or technological innovation that really makes you feel like we're living in the future?
  • Should really be using the "! link", not URLs. While both work on mobile apps, on the web version the URL redirects to the community's instance.

  • Requiring ink to scan a document—yet another insult from the printer industry
  • There is also Epson EcoTank. No cartriges. Just fill it up with Ink. And also no shady stuff like this,

  • Just Discovered Skyve. What an Excellent Mod!
  • It worked for me too. maybe you need to install mono.

  • The Village Roundabout
  • Looks awesome! Quick question: How did you make the curb on the roundabout?

  • Cities: Skylines thegreenguy
    A screenshot from Downtown
    GNOME Devs are rethinking the "Activities" button GNOME Devs May Replace 'Activities' Label with this Indicator - OMG! Linux

    GNOME developers are "rethinking" the Activities button that appears by default in GNOME Shell's Top Bar. Feedback shows that the "Activities" label as-is

    GNOME Devs May Replace 'Activities' Label with this Indicator - OMG! Linux
    thegreenguy thegreenguy
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