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  • RBG, Feinstein, now Biden. Selfish geriatric boomers should learn when to retire.

  • Rate of older adults losing secure housing is on the rise.
  • We need a goddamn UBI and a the definancialization of housing.

  • France Is Headed Towards Its Most Feral Right-Wing Regime Since the Nazis
  • What's (not) funny is that the French far right is just slightly to the left of the US Republicans.

  • ICC decision on Netanyahu arrest warrant may be delayed by UK
  • The ICC arrest warrants were never going to deter anyone from doing anything, so the UKs stalling tactic is therefore irrelevant to saving lives. In fact, it gives the court a chance to strengthen its jurisdiction. Not worried about this.

  • Israel destroys 11 homes in West Bank village amid spiralling violence
  • "Why are the Palestinians violent?"

  • Oh Joe...
  • Politicians didn't keep their promises after being elected.

  • New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • Your math doesn't really check out. Israel has 9 million people 2 million of which are Arabs, and Palestine is 5 million. A binational state would be about 50-50 Arab and Jewish.

    Also, you're misrepresenting the difference between the current apartheid state present in Israel/Palestine and the American problem of racism. One has different rules, different courts, different rights, and different protections there is no universal standard. The other often fails to live up to its universal standard. The latter can be improved, the former cannot.

    Ultimately, getting lost in the weeds and the details has been an israeli tactic for maintaining the status quo for 50 years. The way you're nickel and diming the details of what would happen after freedom is like asking Lincoln to produce a full account of systemic racism as a precondition to the Emancipation Proclamation. No! I don't care what the details are and I don't need to care, and I refuse to be bogged down with shitty minutiae while injustice reigns. The current system is unacceptable and must be dismantled in favour of universal democratic human rights. Let the people be free and let them decide. Prolonging an insufferable situation just because you don't know every little detail about what freedom might look like is despicable, slavish and cowardly.

  • Turkey attacked Kurdistan Region over 800 times this year: Monitor
  • Turkey using its loudmouth support for Palestinians as a cover to deepen its campaign against the Kurds.

    Same hypocrisy and double standard as when US officials condemn Russia's crimes but feel very nuanced, conflicted, appalled but understanding of Israeli crimes.

  • Chinese Foreign Influence Campaigns Trying to Seed Anti-Western, Pro-China Sentiment in Canada, Study Says
  • Oh fuck off.

    Free the Uighurs and free Palestine. There, happy?

  • Oh Joe...
  • Canada also has a FPTP system and we have like 5 federal parties. But it's also a Westminster parliamentary system that allows temporary alliances, minority governments, support and supply agreements and other power-sharing arrangements.

    The American system is unique in their imperial presidency and aristocratic Senate and supreme Court, where so much power is concentrated in so few people for such a long time that every election becomes a high stakes cosmic event.

  • New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • Universal suffrage and equal rights for everyone from the river to the sea. That, as a basic universal principle that any reasonable person wherever in the world can assert as the basic requirement for democracy. If you don't like that, you're against democracy, and I don't know if anything else can be discussed.

    The details beyond that are not for me to decide.

  • New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • They stay right where they are. They may need to pay reparations to Palestinians they displaced however, and any laws restricting land ownership or buying and selling to Jews should be abolished.

  • New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • I really don't understand how ending apartheid is an escalation from where we are now. It's precisely the opposite: de-escalation and peace.

    We are living the genocide moment, right now, and we have been living it for several decades. This is about ending this genocidal status quo. What the fuck are you talking about?

  • New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • You bringing up the Bosnian Genocide reinforces my point rather than undercut it.

    The Bosnian genocide happened, just like the Nakba did (or arguably still is) and still after it happened, the Bosnia and Herzegovina of today exists. In Bosnia today Serbs and Muslims coexist, even if Serbs massacred the Muslims in the past. Same for Israelis and Palestinians: the Bosnia of today is a case study of what an Israel/Palestine of tomorrow might look like.

    That's exactly why I mentioned Bosnia and Ireland in the first place.

  • New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • You hit the nail squarely on the head.

  • New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • We obviously also disagree on what causes the conflict. I don't see it as a clash between opposing cultures, which by definition is irreconcilable. It is a clash over land, over sovereignty, over rights, over resources. These can of course be resolved and have been resolved even at least tentatively in many countries in the region. With justice can come peace.

    If Serbs and Muslims can coexist in Bosnia, if Macedonians and Albanians can coexist in North Macedonia, if Protestants and Catholics can coexist in Northern Ireland, if Flemings and Waloons can coexist in Belgium, if the various denominations can coexist in Lebanon, if English and French can coexist in Quebec, then Israelis and Palestinians can work it out as well. Note that the above examples are at a varying degree of peace and harmony, from not very much to quite a lot. But none of them are genocidal cases. In fact, a couple are societies that coexist after a genocide took place (Bosnia, Ireland).

  • New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • Yes, it is the Fatah line as well. If it were feasible, I would also support it. However, Israeli created "facts on the ground" say it isn't. It is impossible to extract the entrenched colonists from the West Bank and it is impossible for Israel to accept a sovereign Palestine that is anything more than a Bantustan. Worse, it might just mean that Israel will have not one but two Gazas on its doorstep. It's a recipe for more death and destruction.

    The 2SS was reasonable 30 years ago. That time has very sadly passed. Just like the Palestinians lost their chance in '48, so did the Israelis lose their chance at Camp David in 2000. The current mess is a knot that can only be solved by a single state solution. And if that is the case, and we agree that either side "cleansing" the other is completely unacceptable, then universal equality from the river to the sea, a democratic country, is the only game left.

  • New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • Israeli jews have the right to life, freedom, safety. They have the right to a home in the Holy Lands.

    They don't have the right to set up a Jewish supremacist apartheid state to deny the same rights to everyone else.

    The state that they have created and entrenched with genocide and "facts on the ground" no longer has legitimacy to exist in its present form. Because of its entrenchment I don't see how it can be reformed.

    So instead, ending this political entity to establish a new democratic one seems to be the surest way out of this mess.

    This is not a call for genocide by any stretch of imagination.

  • New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • Wake me up when Israel institutes universal suffrage and legal equality for everyone from the river to the sea, elects Marwan Barghouthi as president and changes it flag and anthem to incorporate Palestinian national symbolism. If such a country would like to still call itself Israel, I will be happy to be proven wrong.

    Because this is what ending apartheid means, buddy. Not just getting rid of Netanyahu, but deep structural change, and a commitment to justice, truth and reconciliation.

  • New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • The majority of European antisémites have zero problem with the existence of Israel "out there". They are more than happy to see the Jews leave Europe for the middle east. American antisémites are fantasizing that Israel will be the site of the Second Coming of Christ who will then turn all the Jews into Christians.

    This observation alone should tell you everything about why it is stupid and wrong to use attitudes towards Israel as proxy measures for attitudes towards Jews. When the antisémites pass your metric with flying colours whereas Jewish anti-Zionists fail it, your metric is just shit, simple as that.

  • Quebec's housing crisis goes beyond supply and demand, says new report

    Submitting for this truly astonishing quote:

    >" Landlords in Quebec, however, feel they need to catch up to other provinces as Quebec is still one of the most affordable places to live in the country, said Jean-Olivier Reed, a spokesperson for the Quebec Landlord Association (APQ)."

    Incapables de trouver du travail en français au Nouveau-Brunswick, ils pensent partir au Québec

    cross-posted from:

    > Incapables de trouver du travail en français au Nouveau-Brunswick, ils pensent partir au Québec

    US hints at support for sanctions over ICC warrants on Israel US hints at support for sanctions over ICC warrants on Israel

    Top US diplomat Antony Blinken said he was "committed" to working with Congress to respond to the court.

    US hints at support for sanctions over ICC warrants on Israel
    Israeli forces detain wife of Middle East Eye correspondent at Gaza checkpoint Israeli forces detain wife of Middle East Eye correspondent at Gaza checkpoint

    Mohammed al-Hajjar says his wife Inas was held at a checkpoint as the couple and their young children attempted to move south of Gaza City

    Israeli forces detain wife of Middle East Eye correspondent at Gaza checkpoint
    Political Memes acargitz
    Of all the countries that should be taking a stance... this one?

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    My Berlin speech on Palestine that German police entered the venue to ban - and whose publication here led to my being banned from Germany! - Yanis Varoufakis My Berlin speech on Palestine that German police entered the venue to ban - and whose publication here led to my being banned from Germany! - Yanis Varoufakis

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    Une plaie de lit fatale pour un tétraplégique
    Israel must take steps to allow more food and water into Gaza, UN top court orders

    In its legally binding order, the court told Israel to take "all necessary and effective measures to ensure, without delay, in full co-operation with the United Nations, the unhindered provision at scale by all concerned of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance" including food, water, fuel and medical supplies.

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    >The double turn is an attempt to use a very simple system – a single die roll – to introduce a very dramatic outcome – comebacks – in a game that wants to provide an even playing field for competition.

    theacharnian acargitz
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