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Winning solitaire Windows 3.1
  • I remember my first win! Yes!

  • A Quick PSA: Don't Copy That Floppy
  • Omg. I remember this.

  • US announces $345m military aid package for Taiwan [AlJazeera] US announces $345m military aid package for Taiwan

    Latest military aid package comes as China takes an increasingly aggressive stance towards the self-ruled island.

    US announces $345m military aid package for Taiwan

    Sigh. Rattle them sabers.

    Americanish [Radiolab/WNYC] Americanish

    We travel to the limbo space between foreign and domestic to find the up and downsides of being a US citizen.


    I have ties to Hawaii, so hearing the stories of folks from American Samoa is so fascinating and thought-provoking.

    How the power of protein is being uncovered [BBC] How the power of protein is being uncovered

    Artificial intelligence has transformed research into proteins and promises new drugs and materials.

    How the power of protein is being uncovered


    World Death Rate Holding Steady At 100 Percent [TheOnion] World Death Rate Holding Steady At 100 Percent

    GENEVA, SWITZERLAND—World Health Organization officials expressed disappointment Monday at the group's finding that, despite the enormous efforts of doctors, rescue workers and other medical professionals worldwide, the global death rate remains constant at 100 percent.

    World Death Rate Holding Steady At 100 Percent

    I know, lots of serious stuff happening in the world. Can't forget to laugh, though! Enjoy this classic!

    Japan logged trade surplus in June, 1st time in nearly 2 years Nikkei Asia

    Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia news and expert analysis published by Nikkei, an award-winning independent provider of quality journalism.

    Nikkei Asia

    Title speaks for itself. As those in the US are probably aware, the US hasn't had a trade surplus since the 1970s. If a highly-developed country like Japan, where its citizens enjoy a high standard of living, can rock a trade surplus...

    What Do You Use SDF For?
  • My first SDF account was created in 2004 (possibly before). In economic terms, the SDF services I enjoy with my sustaining membership have no equal. You'd be hard pressed to assemble the same portfolio of services from corporate providers-- ad-free, nag-free, no user productization-- for the same price.

    But that's superficial. While I certainly enjoy the services that SDF provides, the community is what sets it apart. I've been here, and am still here, because of the community-- even if I've been quiet until recently. We're all a bunch of geeks of x, y, or z. Whenever I venture into com, I feel a sense of belonging. When I skim the local SDF fediverse feeds, I feel the same way.

    SDF's banner offering is its community. Cheers, SDF!

  • Dynix Library Systems
  • Now with a steamy html5 interface 😂

  • Dynix Library Systems
  • Takes me back! Dialed into our library's system-- Dynix based-- all the time to hold books!

  • Hello world! - Please introduce yourself here
  • Hello from my corner of the universe!

    A fish wearing a bow tie is sofishticated. 😏

  • thac0 thac0


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