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hooooly shit! has anyone else played journey?
  • Nope. White are real people, too. You respawn white back at the beginning (i think you have the option to, so you could stay red as well) if you managed to find all the glyphs. Ive been the White Traveler lots of times.

  • The Superiority of American Logistics (Artist: Patso Catso)
  • Not really, considering they (food courts) are on almost every military installation across the globe…in a massive shopping mall, as an actual indoor restaurant that families, civilians with base access, and such eat at daily. You know, like families and people who actually live here? Nothing “behind the lines” like this picture is depicting. There are other, actual trucks, that exist that much more fit…exactly what this picture is showing.

  • Funky little concept for a Tiny Tram!
  • There’s also one about this size in Hawai’i, on Oahu. The main shopping mall there is two separate buildings and you can use this little automated tram to go back and forth between the two, for free. If i remember right, the buildings were in a way that you couldnt really walk from one to the other, so either get in your car for like a 2min drive, or take this tram.

  • Paella de marisco
  • Why does no one peel their shrimp before putting them in dishes to cook? They are so much easier to peel raw and then you arent trying to scoop a shrimp out, messily peel it while covered in sauce or whatever, then you put it back in and then try to eat…Like, the legs are still on here…so you’re likely gonna have random shrimp legs in some bites… Even if the shrimp you got are pre-cooked, just peeling them during prep makes enjoying the final product waaaay better.

  • A new-ish, well-maintained vehicle with new tires, fresh oil change etc, if it's left dormant & undriven untouched in a residential driveway for 1 year, will it be driveable after 1 yr?
  • Ha, as i was typing that i considered the possibility your car might be a diesel, but decided otherwise….go figure! But ya, as the others have said, there is also diesel stabilizers, but diesel does have a longer life span. Putting a stabilizer in wont hurt anything, so personally, id put it in anyways just to be safe….

  • A new-ish, well-maintained vehicle with new tires, fresh oil change etc, if it's left dormant & undriven untouched in a residential driveway for 1 year, will it be driveable after 1 yr?
  • Yeah, for the most part. The other commenter is right about that battery, tho. Disconnecting the battery will help, but depending on the type and age of the battery (and temperatures in the storage area) the battery might still not last. Trickle charger might be ideal here, even just a little solar panel for it.

    Gas in the tank is another thing. There might be conflicting opinions on how best to handle this, but- I would run the tank as empty as practical, then fill it up completely (so you have all fresh gas) and add a stabilizer. Most stabilizers will keep the gas good for 1-2 years. Best to make sure its an Ethanol stabilizer (like Sta-Bil 360), unless you put pure gas in. Then make sure to drive it a little so the stabilized gas gets into the whole fuel system.

    Otherwise, give it a good wash and then a cover for it if you can if it’ll be outside in the elements. Depending on the storage environment, things could still start growing on it, inside and out.

  • This is a major Life Pro Tip
  • Same here, lived in a few different states and usually never got out of the first “tier” pricing bracket (where this billing method was used), so my water bills were pretty much to the penny the same every month.

  • This is a major Life Pro Tip
  • Im gonna be the AkShUalLy guy here and say this isnt always the case…. There are shower controls that turn on immediately to full pressure and then adjust for temp as you keep turning, no way to actually control the water pressure without just having fully cold water. These have been around forever…

    I installed a newer Delta one in my house a few years ago (2021 or so). They now have a feature where the water temperature is always whatever you set it- no fluctuations of scalding water when someone flushes a toilet or random freezes if someone turns on hot water elsewhere in the house. Or even 2 showers/baths fighting for hot water at the same time. So it’s like an auto-adjusting thing that happens inside that requires max input pressure to work right. Of course, i always want max water pressure, so this was a win-win for me!

    To note- this wasnt a crazy expensive, high-end model…it was basically what most of the single knob/lever shower controls are now.

  • [OC] Universal Studios Florida at night
  • There’s obviously some fancy science term for that, but we had something “less smart” we used to call it as kids. There was some “old ways” thing we were taught that depending on how many stars were caught in that halo was how many days until the next rain…. Maybe someone else will shed some better info, but your comment reminded me of that!

  • Traffic Engineering: a help from Italy
  • Ehhh, i still disagree, because that doesnt make sense. Less congestion with less lanes? The extra lanes are added to ease the growing congestion in an area. OP asked about traffic engineering, there is it very simply. Adding lanes doesnt magically create more cars on the road.

    I’ve seen the exact opposite in places like Hawaii when they expanded H1 at Honolulu, shrinking all the lanes down to the minimum 8ft so they could add another lane. Now at, I think 6 lanes each way, in places. No space to expand, so the lanes were shrunk to make room for another. You know what adding another lane did? Lessen congestion. Sure there’s still congestion, but it’s way better. They, and other big cities (ie- San Fransisco), literally add and change lanes throughout the day (zipper lanes) to ease congestion. Or even legally allow the shoulder to become yet another lane during peak hours. Because more lanes = more flow.

    I’ve also seen what happens when the extra lanes arent open (like the zipper lane cant function because the truck is broke) the whole place is gridlocked taking people up to 9 hours to get home. Because of 2 less lanes.

    Not just in America. Places like Auckland, NZ and their famos Nippon clip-ons. If adding lanes added congestion just because of the fact that there is more lanes, then why are roads expanded in the first place? Everything should just still be 2 lane roads.

  • Traffic Engineering: a help from Italy
  • Not always the case, but you’re not wrong. Most of the times the new road or added lanes was needed because the traffic density had already increased. Kind of a chicken or the egg scenario. For a new road, well roads arent just built for no reason…obviously the road was needed, so now there will be traffic on it. Sometimes even just an influx of people using the new “alternative route” because they think no one will be on it from the old route, yet many other people had the same idea.

    Exception to all this, however is evacuation routes. I grew up in the south, on the gulf of mexico. When hurricanes are coming and everyone is trying to leave, you need those huge highways. 30 years ago you would just have 1000s of people grid-locking 2 lane highways just trying to get anywhere away from the storm, and in some cases being stuck in their car for the storm. Now a lot of those highways are full-on 4 lanes with medians, huge shoulders, etc. These are everywhere across the south, more still being built. Even extra bridges built across bays and sounds that are largely unused (usually have high tolls). 99% of the time the big highways are mostly empty (which makes road trips super nice!) and someone not familiar would think it’s a huge waste. But come an emergency situation, and their purpose is served!

  • Wind chills in parts of North Dakota reached minus 70 degrees (minus 56 degrees Celsius), while the heat index in Miami was more than 160 degrees warmer at 92 (33 degrees Celsius).
  • I lived in North Dakota for almost 5 years, they dont use salt. Just a sand/dirt mix. Things get really nasty in the spring/early summer when it all starts melting. They were trying out a weird chemical mix when we moved away, i want to say some glycol something or other? It was actually pretty slimy but way better than ice.

  • Phantom Liberty - Spoilers - The Man Who Killed Jason Foreman
  • Yea. If i remember right he had no memory of actually killing everyone, just the beginning when the kid tried to screw him over. So maybe he didnt think about how bad it actually was?

    And, of course, V never made it clear that everyone was supposed to think he was dead…’cause taking his dog tags wasnt clear enough.

  • Phantom Liberty - Spoilers - The Man Who Killed Jason Foreman
  • Obvious spoilers here—-

    Dude txts you back a few days later and says he was recovering, thanks for the help, etc. But he feels really bad about all the people he killed and wants to make it up to or apologize to the people in the Stacks. V can reply with basically a “no! You’ll ruin eveything, dont!” Because they think he’s dead. But he says “too late, already did”.

    Soooo, you could just never go back to that area….or if you do, they’ll all be really upset with you and never talk to you again. You dont really have any need to go back there anyways, but not a 100% happy ending, as with most of the PL quests, lol.

  • Phantom Liberty - Spoilers - The Man Who Killed Jason Foreman
  • I let him talk. As with most of the PL quests, there’s always some deeper layers and usually a pretty good moral decision to make.

    If you finished all the Cyberpsychos and the quest to find them all, at some point in the conversation you’ll have the option to convince him to call Regina to get help. I chose that method. Of course it kind of back-fires later on with the quest-giver chick in the Stacks, but I still feel better about the whole outcome.

  • They grow up so fast
  • That’s a good point. I’m using Memmy on iOS, but havent tried anything else. I’ve been meaning to try something else cause there’s a few other things on Memmy that bug me, so i’ll probly give Voyager a shot. I figured it was an end-client issue, so that must be the common thing, especially if jackoneill confirms Memmy as well. Once he gets back from his Startgate mission, of course.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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